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Were the Band of the Red hand's uniforms ever described in detail? Bergioyn Send a noteboard - 07/06/2017 08:36:42 PM

Seems like they must've been, doesn't it? (then again, they're not wearing dresses, so who knows) Quick googling and going through the first companion book (never got the second one) didn't reveal anything though and I can't remember if there ever were any real descriptions in the books themselves. All I know is the flag, and that's not necessarily all that helpful.

Anyone know if there was a description and if there was, where was it?

Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin

Lord Bergioyn of House Jaederan, Baron of Tridea, Pro Tempore Emeritus of the Landsraad, CHOAM Senior Director of Interplanetary Trade

6-7-0 + 1 + 2-0-0
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Were the Band of the Red hand's uniforms ever described in detail? - 07/06/2017 08:36:42 PM 639 Views
No idea - 07/06/2017 10:04:42 PM 508 Views
That was Tuon's assumption about any army Mat would run. And she was wrong. *NM* - 08/06/2017 12:43:41 AM 210 Views
He was proud of refusing to dress like a fancy man (most of the time) - 08/06/2017 09:21:42 AM 483 Views
Him, not the army. That was the point, she (and you) believed his style would carry over. *NM* - 08/06/2017 11:50:51 AM 224 Views
Er, or - 08/06/2017 02:09:05 PM 484 Views
Probably not. There aren't really military uniforms as we know them - 08/06/2017 12:42:59 AM 540 Views
I don't think that they ever were.... - 08/06/2017 09:15:33 PM 492 Views

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