Active Users:231 Time:18/05/2024 04:15:59 AM
Sigh we do not need to measure millions of years ago Roland00 Send a noteboard - 08/06/2017 09:20:08 PM

We do not need to measure millions of years ago, only 200 years ago. (About 200 years ago is when we see the first major changes of ocean acidification)

And the number of hydrogens ion in a solution is the same 200 years ago as today for a relevant PH number. And we have very accurate equipment to measure ph in real time (aka not using things like rocks) since 1924 so we have real time data for about 70 years now. And we have scientific papers pointing out ocean acidification for over 30 years now using real time data.

But no we do not use rock measuring to determine ocean ph but instead we use air bubbles trapped in glaciers as the main method of measuring ph of 200,000 and earlier.


And it does not matter what the ocean ph of millions of years ago, like the dinosaurs. What matters is can current life absorb a shock for current life is adapted to current conditions. Of course overall life will find a way (to borrow another dinosaur question) but system shocks can have consequences and economic effects that we do not predict. It can also lead to lower biodiversity, now some people say Fuck biodiversity and my answer is why do you say that, biodiversity is not the only thing on the planet, but biodiversity has many benefits and many costs so if we are going to say I do not care about biodiversity as a principle you still have to address the cost and benefits of biodiversity even if you do not care about a specific number of biodiversity.

And biodiversity is not just about the number of species, but instead another part of biodiversity should be seen as the amount of biomass the environment generates from inorganic sources and is able to then translate into organic sources that are active in the food web. Well when you lower biodiversity you lower the amount of life ability to actualize the planet resource as something to farm and harness as raw resources.

I am not being sensationalist via talking about cosmic time scales human beings can't understand. Instead I am talking about the here and now. The oceans are 28% more acidic than they used to be since pre industrial levels.

To put this in comparison a chain of 0.1 in chemistry from 7.35 to 7.45 is the difference from your body being in Acidosis and Alkalosis aka your blood is too acidic or too basic and both extremes are bad, very bad things. Luckily your body has various ways to balance this all out with a ph including using actual pumps to try to restore balance, but the ocean does not have this type of way to quickly change ph in a microsecond basis, and most of the life (not animal life, but life) on this planet do not have all these fancy tools we have in order to stay in the desired ph range. A change of 0.1 ph is the same type of change we are talking about with ocean acidification.

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I fo' sho' didn't vote for him, but... - 01/06/2017 10:28:46 PM 1274 Views
*NM* - 01/06/2017 10:29:54 PM 280 Views
Cheburashka disapproves of your sad face. - 01/06/2017 10:32:26 PM 789 Views
The тоска is real. *NM* - 02/06/2017 07:25:58 PM 240 Views
Observing the reaction is the best part.... - 01/06/2017 10:52:26 PM 471 Views
Hard to say how big an impact this will have, either way. - 01/06/2017 11:45:38 PM 441 Views
CO emissions in the US dropped 15% from 2000 to 2014..... - 02/06/2017 01:59:16 AM 405 Views
Obama's red line turned America into a laughing stock - 02/06/2017 09:23:38 AM 456 Views
"big disappointment" and "laughing stock" are very different things. *NM* - 02/06/2017 01:02:23 PM 362 Views
Depends on your point of view - 02/06/2017 04:21:09 PM 393 Views
Of course - 02/06/2017 04:40:47 PM 412 Views
sorry got a line off and didn't re;laize you had changed subjects *NM* - 02/06/2017 06:48:01 PM 259 Views
A different kind of laughing stock, that. - 02/06/2017 05:30:49 PM 444 Views
Who cares if Europe is pissed. - 02/06/2017 02:52:39 PM 468 Views
That's a little silly. It's not just about several random Europeans. - 02/06/2017 04:19:18 PM 472 Views
Blame Obama for that - 02/06/2017 05:49:33 PM 396 Views
Have you ever bothered to look for one? - 02/06/2017 06:44:25 PM 447 Views
I don't think he reads any European sources. Sadly for him. - 02/06/2017 07:04:36 PM 434 Views
Please enlighten me with an article where Europe is concerned over how it is viewed by the US - 02/06/2017 07:16:50 PM 423 Views
You know, - 02/06/2017 07:20:31 PM 421 Views
I do read the Economist - 03/06/2017 04:24:52 PM 448 Views
Who even mentioned Europe? - 02/06/2017 05:41:37 PM 494 Views
non binding agreements that hurt our economy was not going to strengthen our posistion - 02/06/2017 06:46:10 PM 412 Views
The agreements 'hurt' everybody's economy. That's the point. - 02/06/2017 07:42:47 PM 448 Views
No it doesn't. - 02/06/2017 10:18:35 PM 462 Views
You can say 'no it doesn't', but it would help if you then provided arguments. - 05/06/2017 10:43:36 AM 447 Views
I provided evidence. You didn't. Surely you can see the hypocrisy in your answer. *NM* - 08/06/2017 05:28:37 AM 269 Views
Sure, we both provided evidence, but not of the serious comparison with numbers variety. - 08/06/2017 06:41:52 PM 496 Views
No, I provided evidence. - 09/06/2017 03:55:23 AM 643 Views
'You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.' - 09/06/2017 07:16:02 PM 397 Views
How fucking dense are you? - 10/06/2017 06:00:07 PM 380 Views
Thanks for the links - that's more convincing already. - 12/06/2017 06:58:54 PM 773 Views
It would be ridiculous to expect the US and the west to self impose an energy tax that isn't shared - 08/06/2017 01:26:41 PM 371 Views
You read my previous post, right? If not, please do. - 08/06/2017 07:32:37 PM 471 Views
It is not reaonable to expect us to help fuel the growth in China - 08/06/2017 07:52:12 PM 383 Views
KABOOM - Trump drops the hammer on the EU Globalization Dreams - 02/06/2017 01:57:17 AM 456 Views
Of course. I thought everybody knew that. - 02/06/2017 07:41:27 AM 520 Views
I sense a disappointed liberal from the EU! *NM* - 02/06/2017 04:52:14 PM 472 Views
You mean it wasn't the Illuminati? Maybe it was Black Lives Matters? - 02/06/2017 05:33:22 PM 427 Views
It was your lack of a Boston accent - 02/06/2017 05:43:40 PM 425 Views
By EU standards Legolas is almost rational *NM* - 02/06/2017 07:10:21 PM 254 Views
Um. Thank you? *NM* - 02/06/2017 07:45:20 PM 239 Views
Legolas to me you are Zeno Paradox of Rationality - 02/06/2017 11:41:24 PM 363 Views
*NM* - 03/06/2017 05:44:44 PM 293 Views
- Nice! *NM* - 03/06/2017 03:29:35 AM 296 Views
Maybe we should be like Germany instead... - 02/06/2017 02:35:45 PM 481 Views
In honor of Wonder Woman let's instead talk about Steve...I mean Chris... - 02/06/2017 05:31:23 PM 457 Views
That man is fiiiiine. - 03/06/2017 02:41:33 AM 566 Views
Perfect example of Chris Pine's fineness - 07/06/2017 07:42:18 PM 491 Views
Interestingly, the Dow ended the day yesterday up 135 and is up another 70 so far today *NM* - 02/06/2017 07:07:01 PM 274 Views
My 401K is quite happy this year. - 02/06/2017 07:24:53 PM 361 Views
...year so far as I know - 02/06/2017 08:01:19 PM 367 Views
You are loving the Trump Bump! *NM* - 03/06/2017 03:30:26 AM 357 Views
There's no downside to a longer bikini season. - 02/06/2017 08:20:49 PM 453 Views
Think of it like this - 02/06/2017 09:20:51 PM 411 Views
Yeah, that was the gist of my "fuzzy pledge" comment. I did find the numbers for the reduction... - 02/06/2017 10:30:56 PM 413 Views
It is the same style of congress style of fuzzy math that the US congress uses - 02/06/2017 10:52:46 PM 369 Views
I think you may be missing the point... - 02/06/2017 11:46:07 PM 431 Views
Sigh - 03/06/2017 12:18:29 AM 408 Views
Really? - 03/06/2017 02:46:33 AM 495 Views
"The two things you need to know about the Paris [climate] agreement are...." - 03/06/2017 02:38:23 AM 544 Views
Unfortunately, the paywall prevents me from reading the WSJ article. - 04/06/2017 01:33:22 AM 423 Views
If literatedog has a twitter or facebook account - 08/06/2017 05:52:10 AM 412 Views
And this is why I consume so much less news these days - 08/06/2017 02:41:22 PM 434 Views
Question about Global Warming and CO2 - 08/06/2017 07:02:28 PM 471 Views
Do you have any idea how we "measure" acidity level from millions of years ago? - 08/06/2017 08:15:50 PM 596 Views
Sigh we do not need to measure millions of years ago - 08/06/2017 09:20:08 PM 346 Views
Do you read what i say or just regurgitate random arguments you read elsewhere? - 09/06/2017 01:53:28 PM 419 Views
you should educate yourself a little before teaching. - 09/06/2017 02:18:59 PM 496 Views
So to answer your question simply, yeah I do have an idea of how they measure acidity - 08/06/2017 09:26:47 PM 423 Views
Again your reading comprehension has failed you - 09/06/2017 02:00:31 PM 421 Views

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