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Coffee and Cigarettes. AgentApple Send a noteboard - 18/07/2017 04:19:00 PM

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Anything on TV or a streaming service or device doesn't count. It has to be a god-awful movie you went out to a movie theater to watch.

For me, it was one of two movies I went to see while I was still in high school. The first, and the worst by far, was The Swimmer, a 1968 movie starring Burt Lancaster. The plot, such as it was, dealt with a rich white man who swam his way home through the pools in the adjacent backyards of his wealthy Westport, CT neighbors, and the interactions he had with these fascinating characters. It's difficult to express in words just how much this movie sucked. It was so unremittingly bad that we sat through it, assuming, then hoping, that something interesting would eventually happen. It didn't.

The second and nearly as bad, was Five Easy Pieces, a 1970 movie starring Jack Nicholson. Like The Swimmer, this was another artsy-fartsy character development movie with even better critical reviews. Nicholson's character is a California oil field worker who is basically an asshole. He has a waitress girlfriend he knocks up and a married best friend he gets drunk and goes out whoring with and who gets arrested for robbing a gas station. Bobby (Nicholson) never tells these simple folks he is a former child piano prodigy from a wealthy family of musicians. When he finds out his estranged (naturally) father has had multiple strokes, he reluctantly journeys to the family domicile, with his girlfriend tagging along, much to his chagrin as he is embarrassed of her in front of the family. After multiple scenes of strained family dynamics, including Bobby screwing his older brother's fiance, he abandons everyone, including his pregnant girlfriend, to continue his voyage of self-discovery and rejection of bourgeois values. The movie ends with him hitching a ride on an 18-wheeler headed for Alaska. This movie also completely and totally sucked. Astoundingly, both Nicholson and Karen Black who played his girlfriend, received Oscar nominations.

So those are my worst of the worst. Both cost me roughly 2 hours of my life I can never get back.

What were yours?

Jim Jarmoush filmed this travesty in bits and pieces for about 15 years. It is an assortment of people having conversations about coffee and Cigarettes. Some bits were okay but most were intensely boring.
Also my girlfriend dumped me just minutes before the screening so maybe it affected my enjoyment (I wanted to die )

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What is the absolute worst movie you ever saw in a movie theater? - 17/07/2017 11:49:19 PM 825 Views
2 hours, 51 minutes - 18/07/2017 01:16:27 AM 511 Views
Yes! - 18/07/2017 01:42:59 AM 466 Views
Yes, I saw that one too..... - 18/07/2017 02:34:47 AM 496 Views
I walked out of Napoleon Dynamite. Couldnt stand it. The tots scene was the final straw. *NM* - 18/07/2017 04:12:22 AM 298 Views
Never saw it. Yay me. *NM* - 18/07/2017 04:19:01 AM 209 Views
The only movie I ever walked out of was "Waitress." - 18/07/2017 01:32:47 AM 452 Views
I googled Waitress and read the summary on Wiki - 18/07/2017 03:18:15 AM 507 Views
It was pretty boring. Not bad. Just boring. *NM* - 18/07/2017 03:32:49 AM 259 Views
White Oleander..... - 18/07/2017 02:33:25 AM 500 Views
Never heard of it. What was that about? *NM* - 18/07/2017 03:15:23 AM 277 Views
Think of the most awful chick flick (drama, not comedy)..... - 19/07/2017 02:02:53 AM 414 Views
1991. Highlander II. It is the only movie I've walked out on. - 18/07/2017 03:51:49 AM 533 Views
Watched a half hour of it on TV. You're right. It sucked. *NM* - 18/07/2017 04:10:28 AM 253 Views
That may have been how far I got into it in the theater, too! *NM* - 18/07/2017 04:16:59 AM 261 Views
Oh come on. Everyone loves Highlander II. - 20/07/2017 08:22:23 AM 441 Views
Speaking of shitty Jack Nicholson cult movies... - 18/07/2017 04:28:53 AM 403 Views
I kind of liked five ready pieces but I didn't see it in a theater. - 18/07/2017 07:55:11 PM 415 Views
Natural Born Killers. - 18/07/2017 05:40:14 AM 482 Views
Natural Born Killers was a horrible movie. - 18/07/2017 03:50:17 PM 421 Views
I love Mamma Mia too. Its in my top 20 movies - 18/07/2017 05:17:08 PM 390 Views
I've heard drunk karaoke versions of ABBA that sounded better. - 18/07/2017 06:20:15 PM 460 Views
Pierce Brosnan should not have attempted singing. *NM* - 18/07/2017 06:22:26 PM 248 Views
Now he was the worst part of the film. - 18/07/2017 06:26:04 PM 386 Views
Just thinking about that movie gets ABBA stuck in my head - 18/07/2017 06:29:51 PM 472 Views
Best proposition I have had on this board today. - 18/07/2017 06:56:42 PM 558 Views
- 18/07/2017 07:00:10 PM 491 Views
It's all good. - 18/07/2017 06:25:19 PM 420 Views
Since you get 2, I get 2 - 18/07/2017 01:35:50 PM 523 Views
Coffee and Cigarettes. - 18/07/2017 04:19:00 PM 386 Views
Coffee and Cigarettes was on Showtime this month. - 18/07/2017 05:22:20 PM 437 Views
Lucky you *NM* - 19/07/2017 06:39:33 AM 240 Views
I walked out on the House of Mirth - 18/07/2017 05:15:44 PM 371 Views
The Gift (with Katy Holmes) It was pretty bad. *NM* - 18/07/2017 05:56:39 PM 222 Views
Napoleon Dynamite, I didn't finish, I left *NM* - 18/07/2017 07:29:59 PM 303 Views
Cabin boy and thin red line *NM* - 18/07/2017 07:56:03 PM 233 Views
Cabin Boy! - 18/07/2017 08:03:56 PM 393 Views
Cabin Boy is the only movie I walked out of - 19/07/2017 01:19:03 PM 763 Views
Drive *NM* - 20/07/2017 02:48:53 AM 280 Views
'Revenge of the Nerds 2' and '3 Men and a Baby' - 23/07/2017 03:37:29 PM 779 Views

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