Active Users:190 Time:18/05/2024 01:29:09 PM
You would know. Cannoli Send a noteboard - 07/10/2018 04:29:56 AM

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Ask me Jeo have you had a person who lived within 3 miles of your house murdered at his church because he provided abortion services? He was literally shot at his church during Sunday Services.

Abortion is considered LITERAL murder by its opponents. Not accessory to murder or enabling murder or ignoring murder. You don't have to believe that it is murder, but you cannot presume without evidence to deny the sincerity of people who claim to believe that it is. The truly amazing thing is that we have yet to reach double digits in murders of abortionists, in more than 30 years of it being a legal practice. Furthermore, it was not a random employee or associate of a clinic who was shot, the man's status as an abortionist was not a matter of controversy. By comparison, we have black lives matter afficionados stalking and murdering random police officers in cities hundreds of miles from where the actions they are protesting took place and their targets had absolutely no connection or relevance to the inspiring incidents. At least the anti-abortion activist targeted a person manifestly guilty of the offense he claimed, and DID achieve his direct goal of preventing that individual from taking more lives in utero. Furthermore, no one defends his action. Who is the Maxine Waters equivalent of that movement? Even before her recent spin through the headlines with her encouragement of mob tactics, Waters was a champion of racist mobs, staunchly defending the men who attacked and brutally beat random and inoffensive truck driver Reginald Denny for the crime of being white and in the wrong neighborhood (not an unfamiliar thing, and largely a reason why so many white people were unimpressed with similar rhetoric concerning Trayvon Martin). She is considered a leader of the black community, while the actual members of the community, who served as human shields to save Denny's life are largely unknown.

Remind me Jeo remind me of the Arizona Congressman who was shot during the Obama Administration. What was her name again Jeo? I know her name can you remember her name?
Her name was, and still is, Mrs Mark Giffords. Funny you say "was". Like she stopped being a real person to you once you could no longer use her as a political symbol. And you embrace the old leftist tactic of insisting on your narrative, despite a lack of supporting evidence, and then when that lack of evidence forces the more intelligent and responsible advocates of your side to drop it, you just wait until the memories are no longer fresh and drag it out again pretending your narrative is still valid. Jared Loughner, despite frenetic attempts by irresponsible leftists to draw connections to pin the responsibility for his actions on various right wing notables of the day, has no real evidence of conservative motivations or ideology or even traditional values. He list works of Karl Marx among his favorite books, for craps' sake!

But that's how you people roll, isn't it? You announce to the skies that some crime could only be committed with a right-wing motive before any evidence is found, only to discover that it's one of your own. The professor who shot up a meeting turns out to be obsessed with Obama. The guy who 9-11s an IRS building is a left-wing fanatic. The dead census taker in a red state is an insurance scam suicide. The racist grafiti was put up by a black person trying to make him or herself into a victim. The rapes and shoe polish attacks by white racists turn out to not actually have occurred.

Everything you said was pure projection, of course there is violence but it is not just one sided, either you are unfamiliar with the data or you inhibit your understanding of the data because the narrative is not convenient. This inhibiting is a form of self delusion.

Projection works in politics in the following ways - the Right keeps projecting their desire for fair play and decency onto the Left, and the Left keeps projecting their instinct to cheat or resort to violence onto the Right. It was the Left who was responsible for almost every major assassination in the history of this country. Until Kennedy was killed by an avowed Communist, every assassinated president was a Republican. It was the anarchists and radicals who went around throwing bombs in the late 19th & early 20th centuries. It was leftwing students who violently took over campus buildings, who poisoned National Guard troops and threw rocks at them for several days at Kent State university prior to their shootings. The Klu Klux Klan was the militant arm of the Democratic party. The most prominent GOP with a Klan history couldn't get anyone outside a single district in a long-time Democratic state to elect him. By contrast Democratic Klansmen have included such luminaries as Senate Majority/Minority Leader, Whip & President Pro Tem Robert Byrd and Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black. Both were staunch lifelong leftists. Byrd holds the distinction of being the only Senator to vote against both black nominees to the Supreme Court and Black upheld the concentration camps for Japanese Americans his leftwing appointer FDR set up at the behest of Earl Warren, whose attempt to retire from the Supreme Court before a Republican could be elected president gave us a precedent to object to Obama attempting to fill Scalia's seat on his way out the door. The history of political violence in this country is overwhelmingly on the part of the left, and yet it is always the left who claims to be terrified of political violence against themselves.

THAT's your projection in action.

One last thing Jeo since this is hard for you. Do not REACT to what I said in this post, instead RESPOND to what I said in this post.

More projection. It's the left who react with FEELS about empathy and sympathy for victims and their sensitivities, and who have no RESPONSE when pressed for evidence.

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Sometimes don’t you just want to ask a liberal if they need a hug? - 05/10/2018 03:26:51 AM 792 Views
I'd rather hug a turd over someone who's gleeful that a sexual abuser is going to get promoted. *NM* - 05/10/2018 05:50:52 AM 167 Views
Thanks for proving my point. *NM* - 05/10/2018 01:17:41 PM 162 Views
Your view is a problem. He is innocent until proven guilty. - 08/10/2018 08:11:04 PM 438 Views
A week wasted.... - 05/10/2018 05:21:57 PM 353 Views
I rather think all Americans could use a hug at this point. Hard to see any winners in this mess. - 05/10/2018 05:51:53 PM 391 Views
There's only one consolation that I can see in the whole mess. - 05/10/2018 06:51:38 PM 429 Views
Which is just another indicator of how full of shit they are - 05/10/2018 07:31:37 PM 343 Views
Well of course - 06/10/2018 07:53:58 PM 377 Views
Oh come on... - 06/10/2018 11:02:02 PM 326 Views
You forget you are replying to someone who was in high school in the 1960's - 05/10/2018 07:33:19 PM 347 Views
Who's to say it won't come to that again? - 05/10/2018 08:46:17 PM 344 Views
Which is the sad part.... - 05/10/2018 10:58:54 PM 353 Views
Oh BULLSHIT - 05/10/2018 11:47:40 PM 340 Views
You would know. - 07/10/2018 04:29:56 AM 372 Views
Liberals? Perhaps. New Leftists? That's a great way to be accused of sexual assault. *NM* - 05/10/2018 06:52:19 PM 172 Views
fionwe rejected my hug. *NM* - 06/10/2018 02:00:33 AM 146 Views
Question is the hug really for the liberal or is it for yourself Mookie? *NM* - 05/10/2018 09:36:01 PM 182 Views
The Edit is realizing the first time I said hung instead of hug. - 05/10/2018 09:36:50 PM 344 Views
well, it’s true. You are liberal.... *NM* - 06/10/2018 12:24:05 AM 160 Views
Mookie I don't know what you mean by that word. - 06/10/2018 12:37:45 AM 340 Views
Damn it, why am I getting the Mookie posting disease? - 06/10/2018 12:39:31 AM 411 Views
I meant your offer for me to hug a hung liberal was half right. *NM* - 06/10/2018 01:57:45 AM 174 Views
Kavanaugh confirmed by Senate, life as we know it ceases worldwide. - 06/10/2018 11:05:32 PM 333 Views
"Women and minorities hardest hit" *NM* - 06/10/2018 11:42:56 PM 176 Views
Lifetime appointment, we are fucked. - 07/10/2018 12:08:05 AM 355 Views
I hope lubricant is involved. *NM* - 08/10/2018 08:12:12 PM 158 Views
I fucking told you not to accept gifts from Trump - 07/10/2018 12:05:59 AM 353 Views

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