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Re: "The Short Evening" Cannoli Send a noteboard - 04/05/2019 01:24:37 AM

I know next to nothing about military strategy. I didn't know that trebuchets belong behind the lines; I didn't know calvary are supposed to harry the flanks. But even I know that the one thing you don't do, if at all possible, is let your enemy decide the battlefield. The Dead didn't teleport to Winterfell and the majority of their army were on foot. Is there a reason they didn't scout to find them during the day and nuke them with dragonfire when they were at their most vulnerable?

Great point.

Among other things 'fell' is an old word for 'terrible' or 'deadly'.
I knew that one, but I had always kind of assumed it was the noun that was part of Winterfell's name.
The Starks used to be known as 'the Kings of Winter'. Someone once pointed out the oddity that most of the House words are threats or boasts - 'Ours is the Fury', 'Hear Me Roar' etc - while the Stark words seem more a warning: 'Winter is Coming'. Unless they weren't just a warning, but also a threat.
That's a thing we've only seen in the show, using the Stark words as a threat. It seems kind of against the themes we've seen associated with the book!Starks, which have to do with traditions of provision and sustenance. I don't even really think honor is so much of a thing with them as the show likes to make out, with Jon's suddenly pathological honesty in the summit meeting last year, or insisting that honor got Ned & Robb killed. It's not so much honor as doing your part, carrying your share of the weight, only trusting reliable people and being reliable so they know they can trust you. When Winter Is Coming, you don't have time for someone who might flake out or be too selfish to waste your hearth or food on. Martin, throughout the series seems to be saying that being good is hard, and the right thing to do is not always the nice thing, but it's the best way for people to treat each other.

I have no idea what they thought they were doing with that. It bears reminding that the Night King is a show-only invention - so far - and we have no idea if GRRMs ending will be remotely similar. I hope not. A duel, or even a battle, feels cheap for an enemy of this scale.

Yeah, the Night King was a human, probably a Stark of Winterfell, who sold out to the Others for power or gratification, and it foreshadows Jon's plot with the wildlings, having a famous King Beyond the Wall join forces with the Starks to defeat the Night King. Because the Others and their servants are the enemies of all humanity, and that includes the wildlings. I get why they changed the name from "Others" because you can't always tell what people mean in audible dialogue when they use a common word as a proper noun, but all too often they appropriate something from the books while totally missing its original point.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Game of Thrones ep 8.03 "We Are Not Kidding About the Show's Title" - 01/05/2019 12:25:33 AM 603 Views
The battle was poorly planned...but so were lots of historical battles - 01/05/2019 03:17:08 AM 363 Views
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"The Short Evening" - 04/05/2019 12:04:37 AM 489 Views
Re: "The Short Evening" - 04/05/2019 01:24:37 AM 352 Views

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