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Neither is the number of unemployed. *NM* damookster Send a noteboard - 05/05/2020 02:22:47 AM


"Bustin' makes me feel good!"

Ghostbusters, by Ray Parker Jr.
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Safety at what cost? And who is paying for it? - 04/05/2020 01:51:07 PM 480 Views
Almost like not having good government comes at a cost, huh? - 04/05/2020 03:19:02 PM 231 Views
the Democrats and others on the American Left have never been friendly to small businesses - 04/05/2020 03:46:38 PM 207 Views
This may have been true at some point... - 04/05/2020 04:49:41 PM 183 Views
yes, we will see. - 04/05/2020 05:54:26 PM 198 Views
Yes, it is worse in India, and even worse in other places - 04/05/2020 06:43:39 PM 198 Views
The death rate is not a fixed number *NM* - 05/05/2020 02:11:53 AM 77 Views
No shit. *NM* - 05/05/2020 02:18:49 AM 79 Views
I meant the rate of death if infected, is not a fixed number *NM* - 05/05/2020 02:19:48 AM 91 Views
Neither is the number of unemployed. *NM* - 05/05/2020 02:22:47 AM 94 Views
We have tools that can impact that number, we can not do so for the death rate. - 05/05/2020 02:34:19 AM 173 Views
My late wife’s sister and her husband are both self employed - 05/05/2020 03:07:46 AM 208 Views
But that is entirely a fixable failure of the system... - 05/05/2020 03:26:25 AM 196 Views
Oh please - 05/05/2020 04:01:34 AM 210 Views
Then I fail to see your point... - 05/05/2020 05:57:20 AM 183 Views
I am not going to play this game mookie. - 05/05/2020 03:29:52 AM 180 Views
NYC is a poorly run cruise ship and not an example of what could happen everywhere else. - 05/05/2020 03:54:13 AM 206 Views
That's some prime nonsense - 05/05/2020 05:58:45 AM 185 Views
Here’s the deal and the point my two repliers are missing. - 05/05/2020 04:29:36 AM 217 Views
We ban businesses and fields of the economy all the time. - 05/05/2020 04:41:33 AM 187 Views
Were freon and incandescent light bulbs banned by executive order without new legislation? - 05/05/2020 04:49:00 AM 182 Views
You can not always complain to the manager Mookie, sometimes there is no manager and we must act to - 05/05/2020 05:00:00 AM 208 Views
This is NOT Europe. - 05/05/2020 05:13:55 AM 189 Views
- 05/05/2020 06:02:51 AM 185 Views
I will have a go at responding as well - 06/05/2020 12:18:31 AM 344 Views

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