Active Users:295 Time:02/05/2024 03:56:03 PM
Re: At least you seem to care when your lack of empathy is pointed out. That's something Cannoli Send a noteboard - 22/05/2020 06:00:04 PM

There is no topic we have discussed on this board more than Egwene. Go search through them if you want "evidence".

Empathy does not preclude criticism. And she's a fictional character. She's not a real person. Empathy, kindness and other such attitudes are not a requirement, because she is lacking the extra dimension a person has. I at least am able to get into her head enough to understand the human impulses driving her selfish or destructive or unfeeling actions.

And to make this point about Egwene, of all people, is ridiculous. She is one of the least empathetic, most self-absorbed, most careless of how her actions or agenda hurt other people, most prone to petty judgments and dismissals of other people among the major characters of the series. Maybe Elayne comes close with her big picture focus, but she's very close to those with whom she forms personal relationships, which includes a very many people with whom she does not need to have more than a professional relationship, but reaches out anyway. Elayne shows more empathy for mere colleagues than Egwene for long-time friends who make special efforts to help or support her.

No matter what explanatory conceit you come up with, the fact that you think some section of the population can be labeled "useful" is what I was talking about.

And that's your problem. You prioritize empathy to an absurd degree which is no better than sticking exclusively to some sort of objectivist logic and rationalistic calculation. You just lose your shit over the idea of people being called 'useful' regardless of the context, which has nothing to do with valuing them AS people, but rather assessing their participation in society. In other words, we can keep safe and protect the at-risk population with minimal societal disruption because old people and sick people ARE less useful. That's just a fact. It has nothing to do with their right to live, their rights under the law, or the obligations society has toward them. But if my grandmother is locked away from contact with anyone else, she would not be missed except in a personal sense. Her labor or participation in the in-person retail marketplace would not be missed.

You're the actual monster if you think someone's utility has ANYTHING to do with caring for them. The implication of your indignation over the use of the term, is that one can only care about useful people and that only useful people have rights, and that if some part of the population can be called useful, another part can be assumed to be "not useful" and therefore somehow less. THAT is the monstrous idea. Do you believe that "essential workers" are somehow better people or special or more deserving? That's all that useful is in my context - I was expanding the category of people permitted to function normally from just the essential, to include the useful as well. But you seem to think these mean castes of some kind in society, which can the disposed of or dismissed.

And no, you great big moron, no one cares for your personal safety over your rights. We do care about your ability to spread the disease to others and trample on <I>their</I> right to life. If you only put yourself at risk by some action, have at it. Immolate yourself in fire, for all I care.

But when you propose a set of behaviors, in the name of freedom, that let you pass a virus on to others, you have no right to do that. Your rights are contingent on you not destroying another's.

We pass on viruses all the time. It's how the world works. The Wuhan Flue does absolutely nothing to most people aside from some minor discomfort. If you don't want to catch the virus, protect yourself. Freedom means you can stay home, wear PPE, wash all you want, etc. There is nothing I can do to expose you to the virus without your acceptance of the risk that is not already a crime according to laws that were on the books long before the current hysteria over a threat of a minor illness they treat with bed rest and vitamins, while denying medical treatment to people with every other kind of problem.
That you fail to see that is both a sign of your complete lack of empathy. And your utter idiocy. You don't need an advanced degree in biology to get this. Fucking retard.

I have empathy for all the people whose businesses are going under, who can't work and fall through the cracks of unemployment, but have to keep paying their taxes anyway. I have empathy for the cardiac and cancer patients who can't see a doctor, because the hospitals are keeping space open for the mythical surge of China virus patients (especially since they have no clue how to treat them anyway, as there is strong suspicion among the medical community that the ventilators were hastening their deaths). I have empathy for the new widower whose wife of 68 years died alone because COVID regulations prevented him from visiting her in the treatment unit to which she was transferred even though neither of them had the disease, and who could not even be with more than one of his several kids or any of their grandchildren to mourn her.

You're the one lacking empathy, whose cowardice and selfishness condemns everyone to the destruction of their lifestyles, probable impoverishment and the loss of social interaction and the onset of depression and anxiety for which they are prevented from receiving help or relief, because you're afraid of a cough that most people never notice they had.

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Avatar: the Last Airbender, is back on Netflix - 16/05/2020 12:49:40 AM 455 Views
Hasn’t it been free on Nick’s website for years with commercials? *NM* - 16/05/2020 02:21:21 AM 91 Views
With commercials is not free. Also, it means you need to watch on a computer screen *NM* - 16/05/2020 03:45:38 AM 93 Views
Sorry if I am gatekeeping - 16/05/2020 04:17:22 AM 205 Views
Is it a cartoon? - 16/05/2020 05:14:09 AM 235 Views
It is a cartoon about genocide and war, yet it works for both children and adults. - 16/05/2020 05:27:54 AM 222 Views
About season 1 - 16/05/2020 05:40:10 AM 238 Views
Season 1 is good - 16/05/2020 05:55:16 AM 214 Views
Oh absolutely - 16/05/2020 05:14:42 AM 211 Views
Ugh. They gave Shyamalan's film the typical PC treatment. Made all the white folks swarthy - 16/05/2020 03:06:58 AM 340 Views
I don't expect the show's message of empathy and balance to resonate with you anyway... *NM* - 16/05/2020 03:46:10 AM 98 Views
Whyever not? - 16/05/2020 05:12:03 AM 231 Views
That right there... - 16/05/2020 05:22:09 AM 229 Views
You're an absolutely disgusting liar, tho I concede you might be innocently, if monumentally, stupid - 17/05/2020 04:04:11 AM 249 Views
At least you seem to care when your lack of empathy is pointed out. That's something - 17/05/2020 05:58:02 PM 225 Views
Re: At least you seem to care when your lack of empathy is pointed out. That's something - 22/05/2020 06:00:04 PM 219 Views
The lady doth protest too much, methinks *NM* - 22/05/2020 06:47:41 PM 88 Views
Is this the animated one... - 18/05/2020 06:55:52 PM 237 Views
It is animated, it is own thing. - 18/05/2020 10:44:31 PM 214 Views
Yes. The movie does not exist. - 19/05/2020 01:20:05 AM 208 Views
Without spoilers please.... - 19/05/2020 04:23:45 PM 217 Views
The Legend of Aang (the first series) - 19/05/2020 04:53:01 PM 214 Views
Here goes... - 19/05/2020 06:19:41 PM 230 Views

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