Active Users:166 Time:07/05/2024 04:12:07 PM
Re: I liked it too - not among the best MCU movies perhaps, but fairly solid. Cannoli Send a noteboard - 18/05/2022 03:29:21 AM

I think WandaVision did a lot of things right, especially in its early episodes, but yeah, not a huge fan of its overarching plot or how that was resolved, either.

My problem is that in hindsight, they have this quirky, humorous gimmick that's really about enslaving dozens of people, but they act more like it's a puzzle for Wanda to solve, rather than an ongoing atrocity that must be eradicated, and the implications for her coping or failure thereof are more important than the horrible stuff being done to the innocent bystanders, and that sours the earlier interesting parts for me.

America was very likable, I thought. Of course, I actually loved the Captain Marvel movie and am not particularly bothered by any woke elements unless they overdo it to the extent of drowning out anything else, so my perspective is rather different from yours - good to see you liked her as well. Incidentally, last I heard Saudi Arabia was banning the movie on account of that brief flashback, as Disney refused to cut it - not sure if they've found a solution in the meantime...
That doesn't exactly strike me as reasonable on either part. It's wholly unnecessary for the film, and it's a multiverse thing, so even if it's offensive, it's not like the film is endorsing or promoting it. It would be like the right today getting offended at Robert Jordan putting Aran'gar in WoT or the Cosby Show episode where Cliff and Theo get pregnant.

Yeah, the music notes duel was a highlight for sure. Unlike you, I'm a big fan of Hayley Atwell as Agent/Captain Carter, so was very happy to see her there. I still have to finish watching the second season of her series Agent Carter, but what I've seen so far is pretty great and I don't think it'd annoy you too much, given its setting in the 1940s and the way her character, while obviously having a strong personality, isn't anachronistic in terms of gender roles or feminist views.
I watched the first season too. Part of my problem is just I find stuff from that period off-putting. I wasn't a huge fan of the first Captain America either, outside of the war theater stuff. And I really don't like the kind of superiority most works that relate to the present take on past eras. But with Carter, I had a problem that they did not make her impressive in her own right, just impressive for a "dame". Like her material was written by someone from the 1940s, rather than the 21st century. Either it's just her being basically competent in a sea of too-stupid-to-keep-breathing types, such as in the scene where the enemy agent is escaping and the men all chase him while Carter calmly goes directly to the lobby to trip him (Ha ha, but what even is this? Why is she bothering, instead of working privately with Stark funding? ), or else she is being held to an abysmally low standard. They think she's being impressive when she "establishes her authority" by ordering the soldier to lean into her punch, but it's just dumb and being a bully to boot. If you have to punch down at the men (and since leading them into combat does not seem to have been the plan for her, she does not), demonstrate some actual skills, such as encouraging him to take a swing and then knocking him on his ass. Beyond that, put them in their place with a citation of the chain of command. Then there was the scene, partly shown in the trailers, where she demonstrates the qualities of Captain America's shield by shooting it, to the surprise and alarm of the men present. Out of context, it seemed like what I wish they had done with the doubting soldier, Carter being utterly confident and giving a decisive demonstration of why he should not be questioning her. But in the movie itself, it was an immature reaction to the sight of Steve being kissed by her compatriot. I wanted an ahead-of-her-time asskicker and I got a stereotypical 1940s love interest (and personally, on an attractiveness scale, I'd go for Amanda Righetti, who plays the fake nurse when he wakes up in modern times, over any of the agents he actually gets to kiss for real or not in Steve's three solo films).
What was also interesting about the Illuminati scene is they actually brought Anson Mount back to reprise his role from the spectacular failure that was their Inhumans series of a number of years ago -

I wondered if that was the same actor. I suppose it's to be expected given they brought back Patrick Stewart in this, and Charlie Cox for Spider-Man 3. Especially when you'd expect McAvoy, if anything.
I saw that not long ago, it's indeed dire in many ways, though I still enjoyed it enough to finish it (which is more than I can say about the latest series Moon Knight). Obviously the big shot in the centre was the more remarkable addition to the MCU, but then that had been leaked so much in advance it wasn't a surprise anymore.
I've managed to get considerably clear of spoilers and leaks for most stuff in these franchises so far.
The series have all been very different, but Loki is among the better ones, you should definitely watch it. Fair enough to rank this near the top, though them being so different makes it harder to compare - Hawkeye might just be my favourite in some regards, especially the humour, but obviously wasn't too great in plot terms.

Honestly, Renner and Hiddleston gave me the highest hopes for their series, even if I have generally been less invested in their characters than Falcon, Winter Soldier, Wanda and Vision. The first episode of Loki was really slow, and I couldn't be bothered to resume watching it, especially with the track record of movie-adjacent shows on Disney plus to that point. Maybe I'll give them another try.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Wandvision the Movie Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is okay - 12/05/2022 11:38:44 PM 188 Views
I liked it too - not among the best MCU movies perhaps, but fairly solid. - 13/05/2022 09:37:07 PM 156 Views
Re: I liked it too - not among the best MCU movies perhaps, but fairly solid. - 18/05/2022 03:29:21 AM 112 Views

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