Active Users:213 Time:06/05/2024 05:23:44 PM
I do recommend Game of Thrones, as long as you stop in time. Legolas Send a noteboard - 02/08/2022 08:27:58 PM

As I have done - the parts that I've seen are great, but I trust the general judgement of the later seasons enough to not want to watch them. Still bizarre how they managed to go that far astray with a show that started off so brilliantly. The early seasons of GoT have done a LOT for fantasy on TV - proving both its commercial viability and its ability to get rave reviews from the critics when done right.

View original postIf the consensus ever turns to 'actually, this is getting pretty good' then all the episodes will be sitting there on Prime waiting for me. Ellen DeGeneres had a bit in her standup (remember even she used to be pretty good before her TV shows) about people who taste something that isn't right and want other people to try it, too. I'm with young Ellen - no thanks, I trust you that it's bad.

Yeah, don't think anyone's really expecting that anymore at this point... honestly, there was good stuff in season one, even some entire episodes that you could call good, but then the last episode especially was atrocious. I've seen a probably valid argument made that that wasn't entirely the writers'/showrunner's fault, as Covid, the whole Barney Harris situation and a late cutting from 10 episodes to 8 hurt them pretty badly, but still, they've given me little reason to believe season two or any other season will be much better.
View original postStar Trek, Star Wars, Marvel, etc. used to be bulletproof IPs for me that now all have major rehabilitation work to do before I'll be interested again. Meanwhile Amazon is ruining their shot at developing WoT and almost certainly LoTR. It's sad. I never watched Game of Thrones but based on how everyone says it went, I have low hopes for their new series either.

Watch the first four or five seasons of GoT - they're worth it. I still like Marvel - some works better than others, but I didn't find any as bad as WoT, and for instance the recent Ms Marvel is amazing.
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Shohreh Aghdashloo may be playing Cadsuane on That Show - 02/08/2022 12:58:32 AM 271 Views
Are you actually planning on watching? - 02/08/2022 04:14:36 AM 114 Views
Probably - 02/08/2022 06:27:19 AM 119 Views
Sh-yeah! - 02/08/2022 07:41:38 AM 113 Views
I will watch. Because I need to see the horror to believe it. - 02/08/2022 02:23:02 PM 106 Views
No more for me, thanks - 02/08/2022 02:55:29 PM 114 Views
Ugh - 02/08/2022 05:32:22 PM 100 Views
I do recommend Game of Thrones, as long as you stop in time. - 02/08/2022 08:27:58 PM 107 Views
I haven't finished episode 8 - 02/08/2022 06:15:39 PM 110 Views
You chose wisely - 02/08/2022 09:29:22 PM 106 Views
People who love the show hate the finale - 03/08/2022 12:05:35 AM 126 Views
I won't be watching S2. Episode 8 of season 1 broke me. - 04/08/2022 03:28:35 AM 132 Views
I am enjoying how phenomenally bad the show is - 06/08/2022 12:26:13 AM 109 Views

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