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I am going to give bitter answers and not the sweet ones Roland00 Send a noteboard - 10/11/2022 09:18:25 PM

I am going to give bitter (edit bitter not better) answers and not the sweet ones…for I like saccharine boyfriends as much as the next queer. Yet I am bitter and sometimes sour by nature.

Yes we can make politics a little more sane, a little more rational, if we put our goals and wishes on the table. But we must acknowledge nash equilibriums / prisoner dilemmas exist and some people get off on burning it all down. Their desire is self / small group generated and they do not want to take the path that benefits the larger group. The deserts are their own enjoyment for them.

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Point 1, In an interview this morning, James Carville stated he expected to lose 57 seats in the House, but didn’t thanks to Donald Trump. I have a lot of respect for Carville and agree with his analysis.
How is he still a thing? Then again 1992 called and Frank Luntz is far more dangerous and comes from that same election. (No bigger point here, just being rhetorical)
Point 1a, election denial is an idiotic strategy and should be abandoned. If elections are only accepted when your side wins, then the US is just another third world banana republic. The average American understandably doesn’t want this.

It persists the same reason Millerites / Seventh Day Adventists exist. This obviously false fantasy allows the sustaining of desire / longing / wanting / craving / however one translates that word into English.

Why did an 1830s (second great awakening religion / cult) always believe the end of the world is just around the corner? It was not about literal beliefs but something else which I am going to call desire. The desire of an unveiling where the good guys always win. And the fantasy is the bridge that connects the more conscious belief to the unconscious desire.

Apocalyptic cults do not go away when the 1844 Great Disappointment occur? Some of them leave the faith, but a lot of them remain and the faith warps to the changing situation yet it retains the us vs them characteristics but with more sadism / cruelty and more masochist / feeling a martyr and righteous.

This may appear to be irrational and bitter, but humans often are.

Of course you are right Mookie, they will find a new whistle, a new way of getting off with language where they get to reaffirm the us vs them nature with a mixture of cruelty and fantasy for these two things are the main things that sustain desire.

Point 1b, when the other side runs vulnerable candidates, opposing them with flawed candidates of your own is not a sound strategy. See Herschel Walker, Dr. Oz, Don Bolduc, Blake Masters.

Yes, and it is not ideal, but there is a reason it keeps on happening on both the Dems and the Reps. I am afraid to google the Wisconsin senate race for I think that is a done deal. But since I will know more in a week I can google then. The Wisconsin Dems picked a good candidate for another state but not a good one for Wisconsin.

It may not be ideal, but we do not play reality like that, these things always come up for elections are contestations of ideals at their core. A contestation over something the word ideal can not define for it is ineffable and one word can not describe it.

Point 2, the elephant in the room. Timing. Republicans have been trying to overturn Roe vs. Wade for 50 years. Perhaps, in retrospect, waiting at least one more might have been good? It will be interesting once we get the demographic breakdown to see how many white women flipped over this issue.

This is grief speaking, but all 4 aspects of grief or if you want to expand it to larger than 4 aspects of Kübler-Ross model are about sustaining the desire / wish / longing against the world. Anger is about sustaining an ideal, depression is about sustaining the ideal, bargaining is about sustaining it, denial at its core is not acknowledging anything that threatens it.

You are telling me that Supreme Court justices who have 30+ years of adult experience are able to control themselves when there is no individual consequences (no ethic codes, life time appointments, etc.) When the entire reason they went into this profession is to be loud on this one issue at the moment of triumph? That 4 boys will not get off on being loud in their proclamations and get the excessive joy in speaking in a way that no one will ever be able to push back upon them?

This is literally the result of Meyers. Frank Meyer the father of Fusionism (60s to 1972 Frank then died but it is the philosophy that organised Reagan and the here after till Trump which is a rebuke to Fusionism), and how Frank Meyer and his talented wife how they home schooled their kids, their two boys. Well one of those two boys is Eugene B Meyer who help organised the Federalist Society and has been president and ceo of it for over 30 years now for this 40 year old institution.

Only 1 of the 6 SC Justices was able to separate his beliefs from his faith / desire and pick a lower entropy option with going slow concerning abortion. This was foreseeable give unelectable people this amount of power in a multi decade crusade, to the point it was almost inevitable.

That said, I am not unhappy with the outcome. A true Red Wave would have led to two years of the extremists on the Right trying to force through as much of their agenda as possible. Not unlike the last two years from the other side. In a gridlocked government, the centrists have the key votes. Since I am center-right with libertarian leanings, I do not find this unwelcome. If it also results in The Donald fading away and new leaders in the Republican Party, so much the better.

It is what it is. All I hope for is not a national default on the debt due to the debt ceiling in the next two years. I have more wish / desires but I recognise I live in a multipolar government and no one can predict the future.

I am kind of big mad about what happened in my state of Texas, but I expected that perversity to happen and the fucking monstrous acts to continue. The elections results I looked at when I looked (they were not finalised) were mightily depressing.

Sorry if I am no fun.

This message last edited by Roland00 on 10/11/2022 at 09:39:35 PM
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A few thoughts on yesterday’s Red Trickle - 09/11/2022 06:36:46 PM 403 Views
A few thoughts on your thoughts... - 09/11/2022 10:04:57 PM 128 Views
Simple - 09/11/2022 10:41:57 PM 109 Views
Democrats vs. Republicans vs. Trumplicans. - 10/11/2022 03:11:20 PM 134 Views
To be fair, most of those Trump endorsed losers were challengers - 10/11/2022 06:20:59 PM 100 Views
Boebert might still lose her seat in a race that wouldn't normally have been close. - 10/11/2022 08:28:15 PM 122 Views
Yes, her district is +15R - 10/11/2022 09:26:02 PM 108 Views
Trump needs to get the fuck out of the way and let De Santis win *NM* - 09/11/2022 10:55:55 PM 59 Views
He’s too narcissistic to ever do that willingly. He needs to be forced out. *NM* - 09/11/2022 11:05:31 PM 62 Views
And then will do what he can to torpedo the career of whoever manages the feat... *NM* - 09/11/2022 11:33:14 PM 55 Views
Which will mean a Democrat wins the executive in 2024 - 10/11/2022 03:12:39 PM 96 Views
If it's De Santis he will fail *NM* - 10/11/2022 08:27:26 PM 48 Views
The good news is most Republicans are deciding to do just that - 10/11/2022 05:55:53 PM 112 Views
Three interesting quotes today on that - 10/11/2022 07:33:27 PM 105 Views
We will see in 700 days. - 10/11/2022 09:23:12 PM 96 Views
How is DeSantis any improvement? - 10/11/2022 09:19:49 PM 105 Views
His ego isn't as large as trumps... - 15/11/2022 05:01:53 PM 87 Views
I am going to give bitter answers and not the sweet ones - 10/11/2022 09:18:25 PM 105 Views
It's a good thing I've gotten used to being disappointed... - 15/11/2022 04:31:03 PM 91 Views
As an Arizonan... - 16/11/2022 03:33:40 PM 83 Views
Absolutely - 16/11/2022 08:52:38 PM 79 Views

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