Active Users:607 Time:26/07/2024 11:57:38 PM
The time tax is real fionwe1987 Send a noteboard - 12/01/2023 11:55:44 PM

Corporate bureaucracy is such a joy. I've often wondered how much of my mental health I'm sacrificing by dealing with the innumerable inefficiencies of all our lovely corporations.

Hopefully, the worst of this is past and you can enjoy the rest of your first retirement year.

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Like everything in 2023, retiring is a pain in the ass. - 12/01/2023 06:40:34 PM 273 Views
Cheers - 12/01/2023 08:44:16 PM 131 Views
Bureaucracies suck - 12/01/2023 10:32:58 PM 121 Views
Well you feel better and enjoy the weather *NM* - 12/01/2023 10:42:39 PM 68 Views
Thanks! *NM* - 13/01/2023 12:34:33 AM 54 Views
I mean... maybe a threat? - 12/01/2023 08:58:14 PM 110 Views
AT&T is bad but so is everyone else. - 12/01/2023 10:24:03 PM 111 Views
I used to get collections calls ALL THE TIME - 13/01/2023 03:42:33 AM 96 Views
The time tax is real - 12/01/2023 11:55:44 PM 153 Views
Absolutely true - 13/01/2023 12:33:31 AM 106 Views
Don't you have oodles of time now? - 13/01/2023 09:28:52 AM 137 Views
Re: Don't you have oodles of time now? - 14/01/2023 05:44:32 PM 101 Views
Yeah, customer 'service' at utilities might as well be renamed customer torture in most cases... - 14/01/2023 01:35:31 AM 120 Views
You're not wrong - 14/01/2023 04:25:47 PM 105 Views

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