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Re: Except that race is not a social construct damookster Send a noteboard - 19/11/2024 02:13:25 PM

Yes, since my descent into my dotage has not yet completed, I was aware of these points. I think. What were we talking about?

Amusingly enough, some of the best haircuts I've ever received have come from black barbers in 'hood barbershops. Despite my Southern European hair.

It's a shame that racial differences on standard IQ tests is such a taboo subject for discussion. I would be fascinated to see how the groups who test poorly would do on measures of the other types of intelligence. But I imagine applying for a grant to study such things would be problematic.

Genetic differences between the races are obviously not a social construct. The belief these differences reflect superiority or inferiority, on the other hand, is one.



"Bustin' makes me feel good!"

Ghostbusters, by Ray Parker Jr.
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Democrat Matthew Yglesias on what the party should do to win furure elections - 16/11/2024 02:59:40 PM 216 Views
Race is a social construct? Sounds ridiculous. After all, you can see differences in skin color. - 17/11/2024 12:47:57 AM 83 Views
Re: Race is a social construct? Sounds ridiculous. After all, you can see differences in skin color. - 17/11/2024 01:40:20 PM 105 Views
Except that race is not a social construct - 17/11/2024 05:20:28 PM 80 Views
Re: Except that race is not a social construct - 19/11/2024 02:13:25 PM 68 Views
I refer you to Tom's comment. - 18/11/2024 01:59:14 AM 90 Views
If I hear one more person talk about - 17/11/2024 05:29:24 PM 109 Views
I feel like Matt Yglesias is the king of bad takes - 18/11/2024 03:10:04 AM 87 Views

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