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Re: Agreed! Aeneas Send a noteboard - 08/05/2010 02:30:15 AM
There is absolutely no way this happens without Jack. Sayid is the only person who redeems himself in the end by saving, or potentially saving, everyone else.

Why would anyone on the sub trust Jack after he spent the whole episode telling everyone who asked that he was not going away, he now has island fever and wants to stay. 2 minutes after proving that to be a lie by getting on the damn sub, he just tells everyone to trust him as the watch counts down, we can't die? WTF? Can you at least try and explain why when someone asks? Nope. No mention of Richard and him not getting blown up on the Black Rock, just some awesome, "trust me" mumbo jumbo. Hey, trust me, I'm staying on the island...right after I take a backpack given to me by a stranger who I know is not even a real person and take this sub back to civilization. Then I am totally staying on the island. All along I have felt Jack's last name should be Ass. Also, Kate has never done anything but muddy the waters. I am rooting for Hurley. I hope he is happy in the end.

As for Jin leaving, really? I guess I can understand him staying, Sun was real to him in a way his daughter was not yet. I forgive Jin despite thinking Sun needs to tell him to go. Leaving their daughter parentless was a less desirable choice than leaving Sun to die alone. At least I thought that would be how Sun felt.
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Lost 6.14: The candidate *spoilers* - 05/05/2010 09:01:43 AM 965 Views
Summary of "Across the sea" sneak peak - 05/05/2010 10:30:45 AM 509 Views
Re: Summary of "Across the sea" sneak peak - 05/05/2010 06:28:55 PM 614 Views
Re: Summary of "Across the sea" sneak peak - 05/05/2010 07:55:33 PM 551 Views
Re: Summary of "Across the sea" sneak peak - 07/05/2010 04:24:20 PM 680 Views
Where ARE Ben & co, anyway? - 08/05/2010 12:28:43 PM 457 Views
Re: Where ARE Ben & co, anyway? - 10/05/2010 04:28:55 AM 438 Views
I found that preview on Youtube - 06/05/2010 05:43:14 AM 727 Views
Oh wow! - 06/05/2010 08:55:15 AM 506 Views
Terrific episode! - 05/05/2010 04:11:06 PM 562 Views
Jack wouldn't have been on the plane. - 05/05/2010 05:58:54 PM 504 Views
Re: Jack wouldn't have been on the plane. - 05/05/2010 06:51:48 PM 535 Views
dude... - 05/05/2010 06:22:06 PM 488 Views
Re: Terrific episode! - 05/05/2010 07:51:01 PM 568 Views
I thought Locke planted the bomb on the plane. - 06/05/2010 05:45:52 AM 510 Views
It is supicous that he ripped the watch off of the guards body before entering the plane *NM* - 06/05/2010 10:21:15 AM 215 Views
True - 06/05/2010 10:50:52 AM 447 Views
I am so emo about the loss of Sun & Jin... - 05/05/2010 05:25:38 PM 524 Views
me too. - 05/05/2010 06:19:56 PM 529 Views
I am not handling this business of - 05/05/2010 08:20:46 PM 625 Views
aww, there, there - 05/05/2010 09:02:35 PM 558 Views
Re: I am not handling this business of - 06/05/2010 03:23:32 AM 496 Views
lol oh that star! *NM* - 06/05/2010 08:51:45 AM 196 Views
No. Way. Just, no way. - 06/05/2010 03:11:22 AM 515 Views
Frank - 06/05/2010 09:12:20 AM 478 Views
I am glad the show is ending and Jack is not the next Jacob IMHO. - 06/05/2010 03:58:21 AM 452 Views
I was thinking the same thing. *NM* - 06/05/2010 03:07:42 PM 215 Views
A few things i noticed. - 06/05/2010 05:31:06 AM 515 Views
Re: A few things i noticed. - 06/05/2010 09:15:02 AM 486 Views
Re: A few things i noticed. - 06/05/2010 05:13:21 PM 500 Views
You're laying this one on SAWYER? Jack & Jin were the episode's jerks. - 06/05/2010 02:31:37 PM 518 Views
Jerks? Um, no. Fools, yes. - 07/05/2010 03:20:00 AM 545 Views
Re: Jerks? Um, no. Fools, yes. - 07/05/2010 02:28:07 PM 578 Views
Re: Jerks? Um, no. Fools, yes. - 08/05/2010 12:19:32 PM 549 Views
Re: Agreed! - 08/05/2010 02:30:15 AM 512 Views
The "mysterious music box" explained - 07/05/2010 01:00:45 PM 524 Views
... my crackpot theory is ... - 08/05/2010 08:19:02 AM 460 Views

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