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Re: The more I think about it, the more I like it. Camilla Send a noteboard - 19/09/2011 09:35:15 PM

Although it does not solve the problem of Moffat's comment. Did he specifically exclude the ganger? Could it be a ``the ganger is also real, also the Doctor'' kind of deal? I mean, the ``realness'' of the gangers was stressed in their episodes.

That quote from Moffat is the only thing that goes against it, really. But Moffat also said there would be no classic enemies this season, yet we have Cybermen in the preview for the next episode. We know the Doctor lies. Maybe Moffat lies too. Or maybe it's just a white lie because he sees the ganger as real, as you say.

Here's how I just wrote it all up to sum it for myself and post it on another forum:

The theory I'm leaning toward at the moment is that the Doctor's flesh ganger survived, and they switched places during the mid-season break because the Doctor knew that River would be coming to kill him. The real Doctor is setting something up behind the scenes while the ganger does the visible stuff, the distraction.

This is why the Doctor showed up wearing a different coat at the start of Let's Kill Hitler. This is why he didn't want River to give him her regenerations, but she did anyway. This is why he suddenly likes apples, when before he hated them. Also, he solved a Rubik's Cube puzzle in this latest episode, but in Night Terrors (which was originally meant to air in the first half of the season, when it was the real Doctor) he said he hated Rubik's Cubes.

If the Doctor at the start of The Impossible Astronaut was really 200 years older, then I think that was the ganger too. He doesn't look any older. We've seen that River aged from a child to an adult as Mels. The original first Doctor aged into an old man. The Master aged the tenth Doctor. So we know that Time Lords age even if they don't die from it. But 200 years and he looks exactly the same. If he were a ganger, he might not age because he's made of Flesh. He also appeared to be faking some of his knowledge with River.

When the Doctor was shot by the astronaut, the ganger began to regenerate. Normally he wouldn't be able to regenerate because he's not a real Time Lord, but remember -- River gave him her regenerations in Let's Kill Hitler.

I think this is the best overall idea we've come up with yet. Much better than alternate-universe-Doctors. Go teamwork!

~is now imagining a scene from the finale when the bad guys realize that there are two Doctors, their plans are foiled, the music starts up, and both Doctors rock back on their heels together, saying "Ha-haaaa, yeah" and pointing appreciatively at each other at the same time~

That would be very satisfying.

I must say I am impressed with your eye for sartorial detail. I had noticed there was a new coat involved, but I had completely missed the finer points of what he was wearing when.
structured procrastinator
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Doctor Who - New Mysteries and Mad Theories - 19/09/2011 05:10:20 PM 5464 Views
Also, the Doctor's room. - 19/09/2011 05:22:08 PM 502 Views
Agreed - 19/09/2011 08:45:02 PM 476 Views
Of course, it occurs to me ... - 19/09/2011 06:13:55 PM 419 Views
Re: Of course, it occurs to me ... - 19/09/2011 09:01:40 PM 480 Views
That's true. (Rampant ganger speculation within) - 19/09/2011 09:12:28 PM 493 Views
Oooh. This I could get behind - 19/09/2011 09:16:02 PM 481 Views
The more I think about it, the more I like it. - 19/09/2011 09:31:24 PM 574 Views
Re: The more I think about it, the more I like it. - 19/09/2011 09:35:15 PM 588 Views
New information fries Nate's brain. - 19/09/2011 06:30:48 PM 708 Views
Oh my. - 19/09/2011 08:48:40 PM 551 Views
I'll look through them tonight and see if it really is the same. *NM* - 19/09/2011 08:55:41 PM 217 Views
I can confirm that it's not the same house. - 19/09/2011 11:52:22 PM 383 Views
Re: I can confirm that it's not the same house. - 20/09/2011 06:43:00 AM 404 Views
More on nesting aliens theory - 20/09/2011 06:44:25 AM 407 Views
Interesting theory. - 20/09/2011 02:03:57 PM 453 Views
You spelt 'gangster' wrong. - 21/09/2011 02:20:51 PM 456 Views
Piqued is a word *NM* - 23/09/2011 09:59:42 AM 237 Views
Article: Has Doctor Who Got Too Complicated? - 21/09/2011 04:28:41 PM 510 Views
Poppycock - 23/09/2011 10:01:31 AM 478 Views
I 100% noticed the apple. - 22/09/2011 07:30:52 PM 455 Views
Promo pictures for The Wedding of River Song - 23/09/2011 12:51:27 AM 580 Views
Wow. - 23/09/2011 01:12:08 AM 444 Views
Re: Wow. - 23/09/2011 10:03:13 AM 574 Views
Oh, that's a good theory. - 23/09/2011 01:33:39 PM 407 Views
Re: Oh, that's a good theory. - 23/09/2011 02:05:54 PM 374 Views
Oh my GOD - 23/09/2011 10:02:40 AM 425 Views
Oh, the caps are justified. - 23/09/2011 01:31:59 PM 435 Views
Definitely justified. - 23/09/2011 02:25:14 PM 378 Views
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