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No, I was just curious. Nate Send a noteboard - 23/02/2012 12:11:06 AM
My wife is obsessed with Doctor Who, so I see bits and pieces of shows all the time, from lots of different seasons. I've watched a couple of full episodes, but they were from Tennant's time period, so you're right, I haven't really given the more recent stuff a fair chance. Mostly because I didn't think that changing doctors would affect my opinion. I liked Tennant as a character very much, I just thought the plots and situations were ridiculous, and didn't see that changing just because they got a new doctor. Unless they hired a new team of writers and boosted the budget by a few thousand percent at the same time.

Maybe I'll try some of the later episodes at some point. In the meantime, please don't be offended by my post; tis all in good fun. :P

I can certainly understand how some people might be turned off by the goofy, low budget nature of the show. I don't pretend it's for everyone. The budget of the show for the last two seasons has been about the same as far as I know, but it's funny you mention hiring a new team of writers because that's pretty much exactly what they did. The guy in charge now, Stephen Moffat, was known as the writer of some of the best Tennant-era episodes, including The Girl in the Fireplace and Blink. He writes a lot of the episodes and sets the general tone for the whole show now, and brought some other new writers in. Neil Gaiman wrote a great episode too.

I find the tone and plot of the show much more interesting now. I found it fun in Tennant's day, and it's still fun, but it has this underlying seriousness and mystery now in most of the episodes. There are still some crap episodes, but only two or three of them across the 26 episodes of the two most recent seasons.

What the show gets criticized most often for these days is too much complexity, if you can believe it. Sometimes there's so much going on in the plot and so many clues and red herrings and mysteries being played out that the show gets sort of lost now and then, but only briefly. It's quite a different feel from the Tennant episodes. I'd encourage you to give it a try, but be warned that they're very arc-dependent now, you can't really just pick any episode up and watch it. The last two seasons are really meant to be watched in order. The first of the new episodes, The Eleventh Hour, is a fantastic introduction to the new feel if you watch it all the way through. If it still wasn't for you, no biggie.

Just watch out for episode 5x03, the only Dalek-centric episode of the two seasons. It sucks ass, to put it politely.

I'd be interested to see what you thought, since my friend lampooned Tennant-Who regularly, hates the Daleks and the Cybermen and the cheap special effects and the ridiculous stories, but he was completely taken in by the new feel after Moffat took over.
Warder to starry_nite

Chapterfish — Nate's Writing Blog
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Doctor Who started filming this week. - 21/02/2012 09:07:22 PM 540 Views
Allow me to make some episode predictions. - 22/02/2012 04:53:08 PM 452 Views
Can I ask ... - 22/02/2012 05:07:20 PM 407 Views
*chuckles* Not enough to give it a fair shot. I know my criticisms aren't fair, I'm just having fun. - 22/02/2012 08:06:38 PM 484 Views
No, I was just curious. - 23/02/2012 12:11:06 AM 554 Views
LOL *NM* - 23/02/2012 09:57:08 AM 206 Views
Allow me to make some episode predictions. - 22/02/2012 07:34:21 PM 552 Views
Totally unrealistic. *NM* - 22/02/2012 08:07:49 PM 223 Views

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