Active Users:209 Time:20/09/2024 10:45:54 PM
It starts off awesome, and then it gets better rAndy aL Send a noteboard - 04/10/2009 10:31:14 AM
Wow, that was....totally awesome. If that's where Whedon hopes to take the Dollhouse series, I'm all for it. So, what did you guys think of Epitaph One

I think that was the moment I realised I would go crazy if Fox cancelled it. Also, I'll have to download the next season because I'm going to go through withdrawal if I try waiting till it comes out in Australia.

Anyway, Epitaph One was the episode that pushed Dollhouse from a good series to :O:D0D!!!!!
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So, who here has seen Epitaph One? - 04/10/2009 09:31:06 AM 531 Views
It was a tad mind blowing... - 04/10/2009 09:39:30 AM 477 Views
I really hope so! But I doubt it... - 04/10/2009 09:50:46 AM 685 Views
Huh, maybe I posted this answer elsewhere...? - 05/10/2009 01:12:10 AM 440 Views
It's one of Joss Whedon's best ever episodes of anything - 04/10/2009 10:09:45 AM 421 Views
It starts off awesome, and then it gets better - 04/10/2009 10:31:14 AM 574 Views
I agree - 19/10/2009 11:02:03 PM 448 Views
I didn't like it - 04/10/2009 12:15:21 PM 441 Views
I just watched it before the new season started... - 08/10/2009 05:16:37 AM 464 Views
Re: So, who here has seen Epitaph One? - 27/10/2009 01:22:57 AM 439 Views

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