Active Users:210 Time:02/06/2024 09:09:46 AM
You could always rent the DVDs. j-whitt987 Send a noteboard - 09/10/2009 01:22:57 PM
1st series I saw all in one week when BBC showed it vefore the finale, good move.

2nd series I caught as it aired, but it was far more difficult to get into it when it's sprawled over 24 weeks, miss one episode and I had no option but to hunt down a download. Which is a bit pish.

3rd series I gave up about 3-4 episodes in, and i've not gone back.

I have a problem with series like 24 in that the best way to watch them is to set aside a few hours a night and do them all in a week or so. They don't have any storybuilding episodes, or fun aside episodes, or change of topic episodes, it's just go go go till the end. And trying to keep my enthusiasm for that going over 24 weeks is bloody hard.

So the best way for me to view them is via DVD, but i'm not gonna pay for a TV programme I may not enjoy. So that leaves downloading, and I just couldn't be bothered doing 24 episodes via piratebay. So yeah, I'd probably liek this show if I could watch it in my own way, but I can't.

Bit of a ramble there :P

Since you said you saw it on BBC I'm assuming you are in Brittan (I know some cable/satellite companies here in the states offer it). From what I understand from the message boards at TV series released on DVDs over there are usually released as 5 or 6 DVDs instead of one big collection of a season.
Kirk: Spock, you want to know something? Everybody’s human.
Spock: I find that remark…insulting.
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/Survey Who here watches 24? *Minor Season 7 spoiler* - 08/10/2009 03:24:53 PM 450 Views
I didn't start season 7 yet, although it's waiting on my lappy - 08/10/2009 03:39:26 PM 326 Views
Re: I didn't start season 7 yet, although it's waiting on my lappy - 08/10/2009 05:21:39 PM 376 Views
Actually... - 08/10/2009 07:23:40 PM 387 Views
Re: Actually... - 08/10/2009 07:31:52 PM 402 Views
Love it! - 08/10/2009 05:18:20 PM 444 Views
Re: Love it! - 08/10/2009 05:20:16 PM 338 Views
Yup yup yup - 08/10/2009 09:24:06 PM 365 Views
Yes - 09/10/2009 01:16:43 AM 530 Views
I watched the 1st 2 series then gave up. - 09/10/2009 11:41:27 AM 422 Views
You could always rent the DVDs. - 09/10/2009 01:22:57 PM 474 Views
Jack is the sexiest man alive - 10/10/2009 10:46:58 PM 374 Views

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