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Re: Oh it's ok to try to figure it out, just as long as you never actually DO. j-whitt987 Send a noteboard - 10/10/2009 01:32:00 AM
And consulting the internet is cheating.

I'll do my best to avoid internet spoilers on this matter.
Kirk: Spock, you want to know something? Everybody’s human.
Spock: I find that remark…insulting.
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Scrubs - 09/10/2009 07:33:38 PM 356 Views
In the finale, he gives - 09/10/2009 07:34:31 PM 282 Views
Re: In the finale, he gives - 09/10/2009 07:56:26 PM 299 Views
Sort of. - 09/10/2009 08:17:07 PM 275 Views
You terrible person, you. It's part of his mystique! Learning his name would ruin the mystery! *NM* - 09/10/2009 09:33:40 PM 93 Views
Re: You terrible person, you. It's part of his mystique! Learning his name would ruin the mystery! - 09/10/2009 11:52:09 PM 236 Views
Dont let him intimidate you like that! Part of the fun is trying to figure out if he even has a name *NM* - 09/10/2009 11:56:58 PM 95 Views
I'm so scared! - 10/10/2009 12:14:44 AM 238 Views
Oh it's ok to try to figure it out, just as long as you never actually DO. - 10/10/2009 01:10:15 AM 215 Views
Re: Oh it's ok to try to figure it out, just as long as you never actually DO. - 10/10/2009 01:32:00 AM 226 Views
I'm a fan of Jan Itor. - 13/10/2009 05:12:40 PM 203 Views

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