Active Users:147 Time:02/06/2024 11:52:37 AM
well, things will change (and a quick theory that popped to mind) imlad Send a noteboard - 06/12/2009 07:37:37 PM
Things will change once somebody figures out how to get around the lockout on all of the ship's systems. I doubt they will be able to have full control of the navigation systems for at least a season or two, but if they could control how long Destiny remains out of FTL they will have more time explore the various locations that the Gate can connect to.

Of course, it is probably obvious to everyone, that this breakthrough will be accomplished by Eli, or somebody working under Eli (he's not the most experienced or educated of the "science team" but probably the smartest at problem solving). And, it seems he is the most trusted civilian onboard by the military crowd. I'm at times baffled by this, as he is in many ways the opposite of the military contingency, but he has a personal charm to him that seems to have helped him connect to many of the soldiers. Even Greer seems to like the guy. Almost like Eli is the resident mascot for the Air Force personnel.

And by the way, I'd like to mention I am totally fed up with Chloe. Yeah, she was doing the right thing as Young's "defense" this episode, but overall I have gotten sick of her. I really hope Eli gets over her, and hooks up with someone down the road. Tamara would be a good match for him I think, although it would be funny shit if he ended up with Lt. James.

Now, to the little theory that popped into my mind after I started writing this:

Someone is going to get pregnant.

Seriously, this is a TV drama, and it seems to be something that almost HAS to happen.

As to who gets pregnant, my guess is either Tamara (adds more drama when it comes time for her to be in labor-- she is after all the medical officer) or more likely the civilian Lisa Park (she's been "getting around" and I am sure that the amount of contraceptive devices, condoms or The Pill, onboard is minimal although she may be using other methods; she seems to the most sexually active female character so far, at least she's the one we see being active).

If Park is the one to get pregnant, that throws in the whole "who's the daddy" thing as a secondary/tertiary storyline (my guess would be MSgt. Greer). I already see her sexual proclivities causing some problems down the line, as that tall skinny Airman with that horrid mustache (Corporal Rivers) seemed a bit put out by her ignoring him after their dalliance during the episode "Life."

Another quick (and unlikely) theory (I doubt this will happen, but if it does, I want to be on record as having called it ;) ): Andrea Palmer and Airman Curtis will return in some form down the road, either via the unknown small spaceship seen at the end of Air Part 3, or rescued by Dr. Rush once he figures out how to get that crashlanded ship working (well, he might not get it working, but might instead manage to activate some sort of distress beacon which will summon the ships builders, who end up rescuing him from this planet). Anyways, I think it is unlikely we will see those two again, but it is a small possibility.

With Dr. Rush marooned on this planet, I think it is quite likely we will finally be seeing some other intelligent life in this part of the universe (other than that potentially intelligent "dust bug" life form that we've already encountered a couple of times). As I said above, I think it is possible that Rush will be "rescued" by the makers of the spacecraft that he's stranded below. Of course, who knows how these people are going to react.

One potential problem that might come back to haunt the Destiny's crew sometime in the future is the ecological disaster that they have probably caused on Eli's "Hoth system." Remember how they sent those little dust-bugs through to there? Well, given time, that planet is probably going to be devastated/dehydrated by this little buggers (yes, that pun was intended), which might piss off one or more spacefaring species in this part of the universe.

They're really not doing a damn thing with the setting. The hook of this show for me was the Destiny itself - they're on an alien ship, hundreds of thousands of years old, a complete mystery, mostly locked out of everything useful and/or interesting. And what have they learned about the ship in the last ten episodes? Pretty much squat. How much time have they spent poking around, really? Pretty much none.

I like the characters, I like the dynamics, I like the psychology - but I'm tired of the show pretty-much completely ignoring its own premise to focus solely on those things.
Death to the Regressives of the GOP and the TeaParty. No mercy for Conservatives. Burn them all at the stake for the hateful satanists they are.
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Stargate Universe: Justice (spoilers) - 05/12/2009 09:35:32 AM 437 Views
I hold the complete opposite opinion on this show. *NM* - 05/12/2009 03:26:45 PM 137 Views
It sucks for me because I really wanted to like this show. - 05/12/2009 04:23:29 PM 304 Views
It's been better than I expected it would be for me. *NM* - 05/12/2009 04:28:28 PM 133 Views
me too TaskmasterJack - 05/12/2009 06:33:53 PM 369 Views
98% agreed - 05/12/2009 08:51:23 PM 527 Views
Not completely pulled in, but there's 1/2 a season left for me to really like it. - 05/12/2009 07:20:13 PM 270 Views
That's so true - 06/12/2009 06:24:51 PM 317 Views
I realy liked this episode. - 05/12/2009 09:06:50 PM 301 Views
so looking forward to the showdown - 06/12/2009 06:25:53 PM 300 Views
So far, my main problem with this show is... - 06/12/2009 02:29:09 AM 308 Views
well, things will change (and a quick theory that popped to mind) - 06/12/2009 07:37:37 PM 332 Views
Well, there's a few things you should know. Spoilers. - 07/12/2009 10:39:48 PM 305 Views
???? - 08/12/2009 01:33:26 AM 300 Views
This is how I feel. - 10/12/2009 01:11:14 AM 296 Views

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