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Most memorable movie moments? nossy Send a noteboard - 12/03/2010 07:40:15 PM
I'm not asking for favorite movies- just favorite experiences.

Mine (It's more journally than posty; don't worry about reading them all unless you want to):

Starship Troopers- I'm still not sure why I went to see this movie, but most of my time was spent hiding my face and making various exclamations, such as "Argh!" "Yikes!" and "Ew!"
Best part though? The end, when the Brain Bug shows up. Even with all my hiding, I managed to catch a glimpse of it, after which I realized my whole party (five or more people) was peeping at each other with "Does that look like what I think it looks like?" expressions of confusion, disgust and/or train-wreck intrigue.

The Fugitive- saw it at The Art with my mother. Just a nice experience.

Crocodile Dundee - We stupidly sat in the FRONT row (also at The Art, btw) because we thought we were cool. I wish someone had let me know that a giant crocodile was going to jump out and grab Sue's canteen. That's incidental though; the funny bit was that we did not know my uncle was in the same theatre (close to the back) until we heard him DIE laughing at the same part.

Tremors - Ugh, familial embarrassment. This movie will forever be my favorite family movie experience, simply because all four of our wimmins were crammed together on the couch in fear of whatever was under the sand. My bratty brother (no self control!) was sitting on the floor in front of us. Right when they are first figuring things out and it gets eerily quiet, that disgustoid let loose with a VERY loud gas bomb, followed by extremely obnoxious laughter after we all shrieked.

The Blair Witch Project - We all know they made it sound like the Scariest Movie Ever when it was coming out. Again, I don't know what convinced me to agree to see it, but I went with my brother and sister. During the previews, American Beauty showed and zoomed in on the house number, which happened to be OUR house number. Creepy. Anyway, within the first 10 minutes of the movie, they zoomed in on gravestones of the children that the witch had supposedly taken. The one that gets the close up? MY last name. With no discussion, my sister and I both stood up and tried to leave- brother blocked us from his strategic position at the end of the row.... I'm starting to realize that he's an ass.

Resident Evil - Again with the assy brother. And why do I go to watch scary things? Why?! Anyway, it's almost needless to say that I jumped about a half a mile only one minute into the movie because the Umbrella Corp logo pops up onto the screen fairly quickly. I'll be mocked for the rest of my life.

All three Lord of the Rings movies - we made a point to drive several hours and sit outside and then sit in the line. Family time, nuff said.

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace - I might have possibly started clapping a little when Darth Maul was chopped in half. Maybe. And my brother might have possibly been really pissed off.

There are many more, but seeing as how some of them have to do with my rednecky/hippy/hairy/burly dad singing and dancing to Under the Sea, I figure you'd rather just get to relating some of your own.
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Most memorable movie moments? - 12/03/2010 07:40:15 PM 786 Views
Hmmm... - 12/03/2010 08:20:02 PM 441 Views
We are so geeky. - 12/03/2010 08:59:46 PM 417 Views
Yes we are. *NM* - 12/03/2010 09:31:47 PM 167 Views
Re: Hmmm... - 13/03/2010 03:42:14 AM 476 Views
- 13/03/2010 04:29:13 AM 365 Views
Sadly, when I see your name on the boards now, I think "Team Jacob". *NM* - 18/03/2010 05:16:44 PM 176 Views
That is sad. *NM* - 18/03/2010 08:42:33 PM 166 Views
Re: Most memorable movie moments? - 12/03/2010 09:43:59 PM 558 Views
Re: Most memorable movie moments? - 13/03/2010 05:35:13 PM 387 Views
a few of mine... - 13/03/2010 04:37:14 AM 391 Views
Ha! I'm probably one of two other people here who've also seen "Darby O'Gill and the Little People". *NM* - 13/03/2010 04:44:56 AM 176 Views
Then I must be the other. *NM* - 13/03/2010 12:03:43 PM 188 Views
i've watched it. *NM* - 13/03/2010 07:44:47 PM 162 Views
Re: a few of mine... - 13/03/2010 05:37:48 PM 466 Views
Re: a few of mine... - 16/03/2010 04:54:27 PM 372 Views
Jeff Foxworthy had a great line about that *NM* - 17/03/2010 02:58:26 AM 169 Views
I remembered that joke, too, after reading his reply. *NM* - 17/03/2010 04:42:51 AM 160 Views
I'll pick three - 13/03/2010 10:56:30 AM 411 Views
Only three? - 13/03/2010 05:40:30 PM 446 Views
Well - 15/03/2010 10:24:48 AM 387 Views
Re: I'll pick three - 13/03/2010 11:52:52 PM 391 Views
I can think of two - 13/03/2010 11:43:50 AM 542 Views
That's why I didn't ask about favorite movies. - 13/03/2010 05:31:09 PM 463 Views
Re: That's why I didn't ask about favorite movies. - 13/03/2010 11:54:27 PM 356 Views
Two quick ones from me - 13/03/2010 12:12:36 PM 420 Views
Dude, I've seen that! - 13/03/2010 05:32:50 PM 356 Views
Two movies with Sarah Polley - 14/03/2010 08:35:57 AM 357 Views
The date... - 14/03/2010 02:16:24 PM 384 Views
Movies.. - 16/03/2010 05:12:16 PM 588 Views
LEIA: I love you. HAN: I know. *NM* - 18/03/2010 02:00:45 AM 158 Views
Pink Floyd The Wall - 18/03/2010 05:15:22 PM 369 Views
I watched Salo on a date. - 22/03/2010 04:59:03 PM 341 Views
LOL - 22/03/2010 07:37:20 PM 530 Views
Wait, what do you mean by 'other stuff'? - 22/03/2010 11:27:21 PM 402 Views

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