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Re: Error by Sanderson, or plot thickener? Browncoat Jayson Send a noteboard - 17/12/2010 03:00:23 PM
I was under the impression that it was destination based, so while you couldn't make a gateway from inside the effect to outside, or vise versa, it wouldn't affect gateways to two points within the dome. That would match up with its dream equivalent; Perrin could not jump into or out of, but could jump within the boundary of the dome.
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Error by Sanderson, or plot thickener? - 17/12/2010 03:30:25 AM 1971 Views
Well, later Androl couldn't make one either later on - 17/12/2010 03:40:43 AM 1000 Views
Agreed. That was my thought when I was reading too. *NM* - 17/12/2010 03:52:28 AM 397 Views
yah, I think it could just be a matter of timing. *NM* - 17/12/2010 04:29:26 AM 338 Views
No error. - 17/12/2010 04:38:22 AM 1014 Views
Combined with the weather conditions and Logain reference - 17/12/2010 04:50:12 AM 889 Views
Re: Error by Sanderson, or plot thickener? - 17/12/2010 05:01:46 AM 820 Views
Work? It seemed obvious the dreamspike wasn't in place yet when Androl made the mini-gw *NM* - 17/12/2010 05:05:20 AM 374 Views
It's just weird chronology and chapter placement. - 17/12/2010 09:21:01 PM 705 Views
Exactly... - 18/12/2010 12:23:31 AM 926 Views
Re: Error by Sanderson, or plot thickener? - 17/12/2010 03:00:23 PM 753 Views
Correct--no error. You can only make gateways to other locations within the dreamspike radius. - 17/12/2010 03:14:09 PM 660 Views
Incorrect... the effect is different in TAR and in the real world - 17/12/2010 11:23:26 PM 835 Views
One Correction - 20/12/2010 06:38:57 PM 686 Views
Re: One Correction - 21/12/2010 01:42:28 AM 592 Views
I thought the same. *NM* - 17/12/2010 03:28:29 PM 309 Views
I think it blocks all gateways. - 17/12/2010 04:08:59 PM 780 Views
I remember that, too. - 17/12/2010 07:19:56 PM 671 Views
Your logic is undeniable. *NM* - 17/12/2010 09:26:30 PM 350 Views

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