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Re: Talents don't make much sense DomA Send a noteboard - 07/03/2011 04:15:28 PM
My question is, how did Siuan know her Talent was seeing Ta'veren before she saw the boys, she seems to imply she knew of this talent before she met them.

Simply enough, she's seen other ta'veren before.

Ta'veren of the strength/duration of the three boys are truly exceptional (Rand in particular) but the Wheel can make anyone ta'veren for any time and with any "strength" it requires to accomplish a correction to the Pattern. Some of these corrections are probably relatively minor (the Wheel can also pull at anyone directly; ta'veren are used for macro changes) "'Minor" or "localized" ta'veren probably aren't as rare as the powerful, civilization-changing ones like Rand and even Perrin-Mat. But some specific events involving many people also need to happen locally (the way the Aiel reacted to Shaiel, for example). Siuan may have seen a few of those in the last 20 years, but she doesn't need to have seen many or even any: the Tower knows this talent - they can tell what this glow a sister sees around someone mean, so to know she has the Talent Siuan only needed to see one before (but maybe not even's a well documented talent (some sisters appears to have been ta'veren, like Mabriam en Sheered) so Siuan could have identified she had it when she saw the Rand, then spoke as if she had known about the Talent before (an AS speciality: it increases they mystery and aura of authority to act as if nothing surprises them or to appear to have kept secrets - making others, even sisters, wonder what other secret aces up their sleeve they can bring out). Unless Siuan says straight out when she discovered that Talent, there's no way to know from "seing ta'veren is one of my talents" if she knew before Rand or not. She probably knew, but it's only probable. She wanted Moiraine a bit destabilized and guessing, so it's not totally impossible she wanted to give Moiraine the impression there were things about Siuan she may not know.
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Talents don't make much sense - 07/03/2011 09:34:56 AM 1684 Views
I agree - 07/03/2011 01:18:13 PM 609 Views
Re: Talents don't make much sense - 07/03/2011 02:21:46 PM 758 Views
Re: Talents don't make much sense - 07/03/2011 04:15:28 PM 759 Views
Re: Talents don't make much sense - 07/03/2011 03:51:17 PM 844 Views
I have a slightly different view on your last two points - 07/03/2011 07:30:43 PM 661 Views
Re: I have a slightly different view on your last two points - 08/03/2011 01:29:46 PM 629 Views
thanks for the quote ... truly appreciate it - 08/03/2011 05:07:19 PM 610 Views
Re: thanks for the quote ... truly appreciate it - 08/03/2011 08:59:18 PM 657 Views
I don't find it all that complicated of far fetched - 09/03/2011 04:34:03 PM 526 Views
One thought on the Sea Folk example - 08/03/2011 07:27:15 PM 531 Views
also very possible ... I'm just thinking "outloud" so to speak - 09/03/2011 04:32:08 PM 522 Views
No worries - 'thinking out loud' and going on tangents are my favorite hobbies here - 09/03/2011 05:54:42 PM 496 Views
I don't think they are supposed to make 'sense', really. Maria gave info about Talents in a Q&A - 07/03/2011 04:05:40 PM 765 Views
Gateway Talent? - 07/03/2011 08:19:12 PM 547 Views
Re: Gateway Talent? - 08/03/2011 12:09:21 PM 555 Views
Re: Gateway Talent? - 08/03/2011 02:12:53 PM 572 Views
Re: Gateway Talent? - 08/03/2011 11:15:55 PM 611 Views

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