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You are assigning your knee-jerk assumptions to my post Cannoli Send a noteboard - 19/02/2012 03:29:02 AM
First ... Elayne resorted to a method she knew the nobility of her land would accept. It's clear from the reaction that everyone involved with her decision to let the Borderlanders through on the authority of an AS that this was a legitimate authority. Much like Clergy of the 14-17th centuries in Europe who wielded immense political influence, the AS (right or wrong) have similar authority. There is no reason to believe her actions were treason since not a single person blinked at the action.
Which speaks more to the deplorable power and undue influence of the White Tower in that world, and a large part of my acceptance of the Children of the Light. And I did acknowledge this issue and the fact that it's part of the circumstances. However, I was expecting a lot more from the woman who came into Salidar looking to use the Aes Sedai to help Rand and the actual world, and was willing to lie to her superiors to get them to support him, and from the woman who insisted that she would not give her land to the Tower. While it may not be a particular sin of hers that she is just doing what their society considers normal, it is disappointing since she is the one person with the best chance to change all these problems. Condemning Elayne on this issue is like condemn George Washington & Thomas Jefferson for keeping slaves - they were not doing anything wrong, especially when set against the context of their time and place, but you wish they had been the sorts to do more against an institution both men plainly deplored.

Second ... giving the Sea Folk land in Andor is nothing horrible. As she and Rand pointed out they will have to leave the compound at some point and Andor and Cairhien will eventually profit from it ... Both the Crown in terms of revenue and eventually the commerce of these lands by having ready access to new goods which formerly would have been less available. In addition local trade just got a shot in the arm from a transportation standpoint.

I was not remotely talking about how it benefits ELAYNE, but how her unilateral decision will affect the people who live there and who will be handed over to the rule of the Sea Folk like chattel or furniture. Good land near a river tends to get populated, so it is pretty hard to imagine she can find an unpopulated stretch of land that meets Zaida's criteria. And while she can sit back in revel in the tax dollars, Andoran sailors and river-boatmen and longshoremen will lose out when trade starts shifting to the new Sea Folk port. Aringail, the second largest town in Andor, and according to the books, the core of her support, is going to be hurt the most by the diversion of trade to the Sea Folk enclave. So this is another potential way she is giving the shaft to her own loyalists. I never once complained that Elayne is making short-sighted or foolish moves that will hurt HER, rather the substance of my complaint was that she is doing things that ONLY benefit herself, at the cost of screwing over other people.

The fastest means of mass transit just got a permanent stop which will significantly reduce the cost of shipping to the area.
The fastest means of transport just got rendered obsolete. She is queen of a country where the two components of powered sea travel have been invented separately. The Academy of Cairhien has on its faculty a man who invented a paddle-wheel and another who invented a steam engine. Put the two together and having Sea Folk rakers stop along the Andoran coast now becomes much less important.

International commerce is a benefit to an economy such as Andor which undoubtably will have more exportable goods than weaker or less developed countries would have. Add to that a potential source of new materials and new industries become a reality.
They have that anyway, with her on the throne of Cairhien. Either she will negotiate a trade union with herself (or screw the merchants of both countries in order to collect two sets of tariffs for crown revenues), in which case Andor gets steam-powered transport, making the Sea Folk deal irrelevant, and all the industrial potential of both academies flowing freely between the countries (hey, you know what works REALLY good in early factories? Water power! Which relies on land ALONG A RIVER of which Elayne has just handed over a mile to the Sea Folk to no real benefit! ). Exportable and importable goods is also something of a misnomer, as you appear to be subscribing to the old mercantilist fallacy that the one who exports goods for money wins a trade war over the one who pays in resources for finished goods. Trade is pretty much a neutral thing. It could help Andor, or reduce Andorans to pollution-blighted wage slaves in her factories. It could lead to foreigners raping Andor of her mineral resources with the connivance of the foreign nobles who could not care less about the country, but whom she has welcomed into the power structure. You can't just say "trade good" and end the argument.

As to her dropping everything and running to the Amyrlins Seat... Well, so did the rest of the worlds rulers. Again, look at this through the lens of the times they are more closely aligned too ... Few rulers in the 16th century would refuse a summons by the Pope, and the incestuous ties in families such as the Borgias or Hapsburgs ran deep. Elayne is a young ruler with personal ties to the Tower and a scandal to hide both in terms of her illegitimate children and her unorthodox ascension to her throne. Open defiance to the most powerful political organization in the land would be a bad decision under almost any circumstances. For the last 3,000+ years the Amlyrlin and the Tower have been THE definitive power in the land ... To the point where legitimacy as a ruler has been a problem to those the Tower became displeased with. Granted that power has declined significantly, but as a member of the Sisterhood herself she can't very well defy the power she professes to have a piece of herself. I agree that it is odd that Elayne has chosen to side against Rand, although I have a feeling the outcome won't be that dramatic, but her going to Merrilor seems normal enough given the situation. It is unfortunate that she is gone during the attack on Caemlyn, but there is no way she could have predicted the attack via a Waygate in her city.
This was a trifle next to all the ways she is screwing her own people over and doing the exact sort of thing Rand forbade his own followers.

The Two Rivers ... Actually Elayne and Andor are the last legitimate ruling body the Two Rivers have known. She has done nothing other than ensure them protection from her Throne via the vassal they chose for themselves. And in the meantime she extended legitimacy to The Dragon by elevating him to a powerful station within Andor and Cairhien. Certainly she gains from these situations, but so does everyone in her territory. She is the first ruler in centuries to bring stability and grow her national boundaries with a shot of maintaining the growth.
So now all the people who live exactly where they are and have been living, have the privilege of paying taxes to her and having her all up in their business. Wheee. This is good for her, because it means more money & minions, but now people who have been surviving without a ruler (or any apparent inclination to move to a place where they could have one if they wished) have to suffer their lives to be ordered about by some stranger hundreds of miles away who knows nothing about them.

Rand saved Andor from one of the Forsaken. He liberated the nation from being a tool of the Dark One and prevented it from becoming an enemy he would have to destroy down the road. He did far more for Andor than Elayne does for the Two Rivers, and if he had no right to say who the next ruler should be, Elayne does not have the right to "give" the Two Rivers to Rand. The Two Rivers people CHOSE Perrin! They are not slaves, they are free human beings, and Andor has long forfeited any authority or claim to their loyalties by their inaction. The world is not a game of Medieval:Total War, where any territory not claimed by a particular monarch is free for the taking! They managed their own affairs, and more of the land than not exists without any crowned head telling the inhabitants what to do. They chose Perrin to be their leader for their reasons, and screw anyone who thinks she has the right to "ratify" that choice or justify it by naming someone else, someone who did NOT come to save them from the Trollocs, as their "real" owner and Perrin as his caretaker.

The odds of a challenge coming from anyone other than the Seanchan (or the Shadow) are nil thanks to her ties to the Tower. She's clearly a skilled politician rather than a despot.
How is the one an alternative? Most despots are, in fact, skilled politicians! That's how they become, and stay, despots.

Sure she's making some questionable alliances ... Aka the Kin
In what way are they remotely a questionable alliance? In fact, that was a brilliant AND a good move on her part. She has ties to a channeling organization, which gives her alternatives to the White and Black Tower, the former of which wields so much power because of their monopoly on the Power, which Elayne has just broken. What is more, because of the commercial implications of her agreement with the Kin, they now have financial incentives, which means they will soon outstrip the Tower in capabilities and general usefulness, even if they are not the scholars and theorists the best Aes Sedai might be. This is excellent for her, because it gives her someone to turn to for supernatural solutions to problems without having to go to the Tower begging, and it is a great deal for the Kin, because it frees them from the stultifying influence and restrictions of the Tower-inspired Rule. It is also a great deal for the world, because it frees up the Tower's monopoly on channeling by setting a precedent to allow other rulers to raise their own channeling groups. This will benefit the nations by giving them alternatives to the Tower monopoly, and it will benefit the world by giving the various groups of female channelers incentives to compete. If the Tower wants to maintain their reputation as the best channelers, they are now going to have to earn it, and meanwhile the underdog associations will be scrambling to try to beat or match the Tower to prove their own worthiness. Every major channeling discovery, innovation or rediscovery to come to the wetlander channelers has come from outside cultures, and women who have never sent foot in the Tower, or else invented or recovered by the most independent and self-taught and least-Tower-influenced initiates among the sisters. The only thing the pre-split Aes Sedai have discovered was the male-detecting weave, and that was almost certainly spurred on by the existence of an male channeling organization, and a male channeler terrorizing her faction. In other words, she suddenly had to worry about the existence of other channelers, and was inspired to create something new. If the channeling industry advances and develops at all in the Fourth Age, it will be due to Elayne's agreement with the Kin, more than any other single development among female channelers.

... But as an AS and a ruler she is in a currently unique situation and has at least been discrete enough to ensure the Kin won't engage in operations that will be certain to bring the Tower down on everyone
Why not taunt the Tower and force them to take action when they are their weakest, and can best be defied and break their power for good?

Actually, you could not be more wrong, since historically, what Elayne has done is EXACTLY the kind of thing that would bring the Tower down on her. The only reason she is likely to get away with it is playing on Egwene's culpability in the destruction being visited on Caemlyn. Egwene herself said that one of the reasons why the Tower had to be reunited was to prevent exactly what Elayne has done for coming to pass.

... As an AS Elayne can easily claim that she is simply managing the group in the name of the Tower. Yes it's bull shit, but it's enough to discourage other rulers from following suit.
WHY WOULD YOU WANT THAT TO HAPPEN?!?! I can't believe people give ME shit for tolerating the Seanchan's practice of slavery, when people like you think a tyrannical monopoly on an area of activity is a GOOD thing! Do you know why there are lawsuits to break up monopolies in the real world? Do you understand the reason why we have things like "anti-trust legislation"? Because a monopoly benefits ONLY those who control it and NO ONE else. Not the governments, not the customers, no one, except for the people at the top who control the monopoly. Oh, duh. You and your Egwene fetish. Screw the whole world, as long as Egwene is the one on top, right?
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Bad Elayne! No biscuit! - 18/02/2012 10:13:54 PM 2074 Views
You are assigning your 21st century view onto people with totally different circumstances - 18/02/2012 11:33:56 PM 810 Views
You are assigning your knee-jerk assumptions to my post - 19/02/2012 03:29:02 AM 807 Views
You seem to misunderstand Elayne's plan for the Kin... - 19/02/2012 11:49:36 AM 893 Views
Re: You seem to misunderstand Elayne's plan for the Kin... - 19/02/2012 10:52:06 PM 1032 Views
The Queen of Andor lost all authority over the Two Rivers when she failed to protect it. *NM* - 25/03/2012 02:53:23 PM 387 Views
Which is why they elected their own lord - 25/03/2012 06:25:31 PM 723 Views
Feudal law. - 25/03/2012 07:52:25 PM 771 Views
Not quite... - 25/03/2012 08:34:49 PM 685 Views
All that, PLUS.. - 25/03/2012 09:55:26 PM 901 Views
Re: Not quite... - 26/03/2012 03:53:46 PM 939 Views
And she has not tried to exert authority over them - 25/03/2012 10:33:44 PM 785 Views
Yes, absolutely. I remember saying this back when I first read the book. - 18/02/2012 11:44:19 PM 1087 Views
No, you are not. - 19/02/2012 03:44:04 AM 828 Views
Re: Yes, absolutely. I remember saying this back when I first read the book. - 20/02/2012 03:11:14 AM 1170 Views
Re: Yes, absolutely. I remember saying this back when I first read the book. - 20/02/2012 06:22:21 AM 724 Views
Failed to click "Edit" instead of "Reply". - 20/02/2012 06:23:18 AM 803 Views
"Damn sister married the Pope instead of my chosen Lord Ohsoimportant" - 25/03/2012 03:50:06 PM 866 Views
Nobles and Ishara's blood - 03/04/2012 02:59:03 PM 760 Views
Okay, I admit it, there is no way I am reading such a long post about Elayne..... - 19/02/2012 08:14:53 PM 770 Views
it was a bear to read but enlightening none the less. *NM* - 20/02/2012 08:49:35 AM 420 Views
The Caraline treatment. - 25/03/2012 02:41:12 PM 732 Views
Do you Colavaer Saighan? I don't recall Caraline having her lands and titles stripped - 25/03/2012 10:44:57 PM 784 Views
Yes, sorry about the mixup. Names sound the same. *NM* - 26/03/2012 02:52:18 PM 509 Views
Re: Bad Elayne! No biscuit! - 27/03/2012 07:39:05 PM 700 Views
Perrin is Rand's servant, so TR belongs to Rand *NM* *NM* - 12/04/2012 07:30:46 PM 552 Views

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