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It was the Seanchan DomA Send a noteboard - 17/05/2014 09:05:29 PM

Aes Sedai take it very, very slowly. It seems common for sisters not to have reached their full potential by the time they gain the shawl. The Aes Sedai have an innate fear of the seduction of saidar, they don't encourage any heavy channeling early on, working on building strength of will of the women first.

The sul'dam rather train damane intensively and daily. They mean them to gain their full strength as fast as possible.

Egwene then went on to channel as you'd expect from an Aes Sedai, not a novice or Accepted. She finished to gain her strength fairly rapidly. So do Elayne and Nynaeve who progressed much faster than if they had been in TV, but unlike Egwene they have not been forced, so they were still quite a few levels below their potential when the series ended (Nynaeve less so than Elayne, who probably halted her progress since her pregnancy).

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When and how was Egwene "forced?" - 16/05/2014 04:09:59 AM 1393 Views
The Seanchan started it... - 16/05/2014 06:19:05 AM 736 Views
Didn't Siuan say she took some responsibility, though? - 16/05/2014 01:24:35 PM 670 Views
Not exactly... - 16/05/2014 02:48:00 PM 692 Views
Egwene says Siuan actually apologized for doing it and sounded uncharacteristically sincere - 18/05/2014 10:19:08 PM 653 Views
Can't be... - 18/05/2014 11:05:59 PM 674 Views
Re: Didn't Siuan say she took some responsibility, though? - 18/05/2014 10:25:01 PM 664 Views
Nah... - 18/05/2014 11:19:12 PM 658 Views
It was the Seanchan - 17/05/2014 09:05:29 PM 748 Views
But that's the one thing of all her trials for which Siuan has no need to apologize - 18/05/2014 10:46:41 PM 597 Views
That doesn't make much sense... - 18/05/2014 11:24:45 PM 615 Views
More strength = less exhaustion. Channelers being tapped out was a problem at TG - 20/05/2014 03:23:19 AM 619 Views
Those weren't Novices though... - 20/05/2014 03:56:13 AM 625 Views
As of TPOD, losses in training - 20/05/2014 11:10:24 AM 590 Views
The notes - 19/05/2014 01:18:03 AM 670 Views
Makes sense, I guess the Siuan connection is just unclear writing *NM* - 19/05/2014 02:20:45 AM 273 Views
Perhaps character bias - 19/05/2014 03:38:49 AM 632 Views
always figured it was the adam - 19/07/2014 08:00:34 PM 549 Views
It is like training in a circle. - 19/07/2014 08:06:28 PM 663 Views

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