Active Users:363 Time:02/05/2024 01:05:51 AM
Re: Didn't Siuan say she took some responsibility, though? Cannoli Send a noteboard - 18/05/2014 10:25:01 PM

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I forget the exact passage, but I feel like Siuan implied that she somehow ordered it.

It was in aCoS when Nicola approaches her for the blackmail incident. She asks Egwene to be given the same chance Egwene was, and Egwene counters with the arguments about forcing and how dangerous it was, and recalls Siuan apologizing for doing it to her.

In my opinion, that referred to her teaching session on the boat ride from Shienar, which is the only thing that matches the descriptions in context, but it could also be an indirect result of the situations into which she was flung and supposedly forced to learn faster, in other words, forced to force herself.

But that last doesn't really apply to Egwene. She was in the least danger, under the least serious stress, and had the least school-of-hard-knocks training of the Wondergirls, since most of their time spent chasing Black sisters, and fighting/evading Modhedian, she spent in the Wise Ones' tents with only the occasional Shadowspawn raid, or minor involvement in a significant event, none of which really seems like the sort of thing that would stretch one to the limits of her capabilities.

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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When and how was Egwene "forced?" - 16/05/2014 04:09:59 AM 1393 Views
The Seanchan started it... - 16/05/2014 06:19:05 AM 736 Views
Didn't Siuan say she took some responsibility, though? - 16/05/2014 01:24:35 PM 669 Views
Not exactly... - 16/05/2014 02:48:00 PM 691 Views
Egwene says Siuan actually apologized for doing it and sounded uncharacteristically sincere - 18/05/2014 10:19:08 PM 652 Views
Can't be... - 18/05/2014 11:05:59 PM 673 Views
Re: Didn't Siuan say she took some responsibility, though? - 18/05/2014 10:25:01 PM 664 Views
Nah... - 18/05/2014 11:19:12 PM 658 Views
It was the Seanchan - 17/05/2014 09:05:29 PM 747 Views
But that's the one thing of all her trials for which Siuan has no need to apologize - 18/05/2014 10:46:41 PM 596 Views
That doesn't make much sense... - 18/05/2014 11:24:45 PM 614 Views
More strength = less exhaustion. Channelers being tapped out was a problem at TG - 20/05/2014 03:23:19 AM 618 Views
Those weren't Novices though... - 20/05/2014 03:56:13 AM 625 Views
As of TPOD, losses in training - 20/05/2014 11:10:24 AM 590 Views
The notes - 19/05/2014 01:18:03 AM 670 Views
Makes sense, I guess the Siuan connection is just unclear writing *NM* - 19/05/2014 02:20:45 AM 272 Views
Perhaps character bias - 19/05/2014 03:38:49 AM 632 Views
always figured it was the adam - 19/07/2014 08:00:34 PM 548 Views
It is like training in a circle. - 19/07/2014 08:06:28 PM 663 Views

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