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Re: /Survey What are your thoughts on some questions? scalius Send a noteboard - 30/10/2009 05:19:03 PM
1. What do all you naysayers think now that the book has been split up? Does it seem that it was the appropriate course to take?

I don't believe that I was a "naysayer", I take what they give us. Hard to say without knowing what's left to tell. So far, it seems to be appropriate. If the next two books are filled with useless nonsense (which I don't think will happen) we may then question the split a bit more.
2. On a scale of 1 to 10, what do you think of the books? Anything above a 10 will be considered "Arrogant" and you will be forever known as a Goodkind fan.

All the books, as in the series? I have to say 10, as it's my favorite fantasy series of all-time...not even close. Just tGS? It's still too soon, but atm I'd give it an 8.
3. What was your favorite part?

The Semi/Rand/TruePower/"I will kill you Caddy" period.
4. What was your least favorite part?

Reading about Gawyn...and so much about Gawyn. I just can't come around to that character. He seems entirely irrelevant to me.
5. How do you think Sidious will get himself named Nae'Blis?

He's already done it, hasn't he? He's the wotboard equivalent...which is probably the closest he could ever come anyways.
6. Did you have any theories proven right in this book?

Nothing huge/substantial.
7. Any proven wrong?

Yep. Had a pretty good theory (got voted like 87% approval at wotmania) that Semi's KoD attack-plan was to be captured as Tuon! Just didn't make sense otherwise, and still doesn't. Has to be one of the most glaring examples of Forsaken idiocy in the books IMO, now that we know she was supposed to capture Rand.
8. Any that could still happen?

Nothing huge that I've been attached to.
9. How about any new theories you've come up with?

Still thinking on some things...
10. Did Sanderson do an A+ job?

I'd give him an A, considering all that was put on his plate.
11. Do you want the Yankees to be swept? (Any answer other than yes will result in your being balefired like Graendal)

I did....alas.
12. Can you wait for ToM?

I can, but don't want to.
13. How cool do you think Egwene is now?

I'm neither for or against her. I think she's a great character, as she inspires so much emotion in readers. I do worry, however, that she will eclipse Rand as the central figure in the overall scope of the series. That feels very wrong to me.
14. What did you think of seeing Tam finally?

Loved it. It wasn't so much needing to see Tam, as it was needing to see Tam and Rand meet after all that has happened.
15. Does Tuon and the Seanchan annoy the hell out of you with their ignorance and the dreaded H word (Hypocrisy).

Nope, in fact my admiration for her took a big jump after her meeting with Rand. Very, very few characters in this series could have pulled that off as she did. Very few.
16. Can you believe how easily Moridin used Semirhage so that he could get Rand to use the TP?

I'm still debating whether or not that was part of the plan....driving Rand to use the TP that is. Remember, Rand was supposed to be captured in KoD by Semi, this wasn't a new tactic. Semi was completely and fatefully caught off-guard by Rand channeling the TP. Granted, she could have been kept in the dark about that...but that just doesn't feel right. Also, Moridin seems to make it clear that he has a very minimal understanding of their much as Rand really in that they know the link was there, they know it affects each other when they channel, they know it's significant....but that's about it. To be able to predict that Rand would channel the TP? In theory, it should not have even been possible....I'm pretty convinced that Rand used Moridin as a conduit, and that the DO had no control over Rand using the TP. Is that what Moridin would want? Granted, I figure the DO is estatic that he's been able to infuse Rand with his essence...something which will probably come to haunt Rand in the very near future. I don't know, it's hard to say. Obviously for the DO that was a good thing....but it may have been an unintended consequence.
I would slave, to pave the way, to sink your ship of fools.
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/Survey What are your thoughts on some questions? - 30/10/2009 12:03:21 AM 808 Views
Re: /Survey What are your thoughts on some questions? - 30/10/2009 01:57:30 AM 490 Views
here's what I got... - 30/10/2009 04:07:58 AM 444 Views
*NM* *NM* - 30/10/2009 04:10:54 AM 236 Views
Re: /Survey What are your thoughts on some questions? - 30/10/2009 04:32:49 AM 552 Views
I hope Rand gets that hug from Tam *____* *NM* - 31/10/2009 11:42:19 AM 280 Views
Re: /Survey What are your thoughts on some questions? - 30/10/2009 05:31:32 AM 466 Views
Re: /Survey What are your thoughts on some questions? - 30/10/2009 06:07:29 PM 470 Views
- 30/10/2009 10:54:51 AM 489 Views
Re: /Survey What are your thoughts on some questions? - 30/10/2009 05:19:03 PM 462 Views
Feast upon my wisdom! - 30/10/2009 06:26:00 PM 439 Views
HaHa I love it when Goodkind gets ripped on!! *NM* - 01/11/2009 07:55:39 PM 258 Views
Re: /Survey What are your thoughts on some questions? - 04/11/2009 07:38:47 AM 448 Views

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