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Laughable Rurouni_Kenshin Send a noteboard - 15/11/2009 03:36:36 PM
Why is there an assumption that the Borderlanders will attack Rand? They've shown no hostile intention till now.
Their presense with an army is hostile.

Use his Aiel to bring them out. Or threaten to destory their armies if they don't come out.

Again, How many chances do they get? Why should Aiel risk their lives so Rand can coddle deserters?

Moving your armies out of your country and into another may be hostile, which is why Elayne would have been justified to attack them. We have no proof their occupation of Far Madding is forced, though. They are seemingly welcomed guests!
And you don't see why their friendliness toward a place that held Rand prisoner when he was there is justification for his hostility? It doesn't matter whether or not they are welcome in Far Madding. They came after Rand with an army. That's hostile. They refused a peaceful meeting on even terms and would not meet Rand without their armies present.

And they are threatening no one, so they are not hostile.
And what desertion? It isn't like they swore to Rand they will hold the Blight border!
So? They are still guilty of dereliction of duty, and thus liable to whatever falls on their heads. As you note, they have not sworn to Rand, so he owes them NOTHING.

But it is an invaluable tool in an environment that permits no one else to channel!
And so what? It is not a guarantee of invincibility or safety. They would still be going in among people who have made absolutely no friendly gestures or offered any good faith whatsoever, and helpless except for the tiny capacity of Nynaeve's well. If she couldn't take on a few cops, how is it supposed to protect her and the most important man in the world against a professional veteran army?

Its not as if the Borderlanders can hope to keep Rand captive. His armies and channelers far exceed theirs.
A fat lot of good that will do them if they cut his throat! And even if they only try to take him prisoner (and just because we know it's highly unlikely to work does not mean they know it), we're back to getting lots of soldiers killed for their loyalty and fidelity to the Dragon Reborn! Rand prevents either possibility by just wiping out the Borderland armies.

There was no major risk in Rand entering, only his fear of being boxed, which, while he has a right to, doesn't justify needlessly killing one of the best forces in the side of the Light.
A force that will not cooperate is worse than useless. A force that is theoretically on the side of the Light does not march thousands of miles from the battle with the Shadow to accost the Dragon Reborn in unfriendly ways.

Indeed. They are not animals.
It's an expression. There is no such thing as an innocent soldier. All soldiers are valid military targets.

It absolves Rand of nothing since they have shown no inclination to be hostile.
It does not matter if an individual soldier shows inclinations. By wearing the uniform and serving under the colors of his ruler, he is a legitimate target of all enemies of his ruler. What the hell is the matter with you that you cannot understand these basic principles of warfare?

Except they have invaded none of his territories, and are in a city where they are welcome. They have made no threatening moves, and have only asked to speak with him in a place where he cannot force them into doing what he wants. Seeing that he was prepared to use the OP to force them anyway, that was a good decision, no?
They are where they have no business being, in apparently friendly contact with an enemy city and have refused perfectly reasonable offers for parley. Their insistance on Rand being entirely in their power is in no way, shape or form a show of good faith. He is under no obligation to grant their request for a meeting, and having an army outside of their countries is an act of war on the rest of the world (baring those countries they make exceptions with, such as Andor), and anyone would have the perfect right to stop them! What on earth do you think they meant by all that doom and gloom when they met to make their oath? They knew exactly how their actions would be perceived and that they were likely to face exactly this sort of reaction. The fact that Rand is usually much nicer and more accomodating than he is required to be does not change the fact that pissed or not, he is still perfectly within his rights.

The Borderlands are sovereign states in every way, in no way under Rand's control. Their armies never passed through territory controlled by Rand and as far we know they had permission to pass through the lands which the did pass through.

They are therefore not deserters. Nor are they guilty of dereliction of duty or hostile invaders.

Rand could have easily dealt with the Borderlanders and returned them home months ago if he had the slightest bit of common sense. He could have sent Lan as an ambassador, assuaged their fears and had transported them back 2 or 3 books ago.

Massacring 4 monarchs and their armies who've done nothing harmful to you and are valuable resource in the fight against the Shadow is morally and legally indefensible as well as short sighted and stupid.
When the Wolf King carries the hammer, thus are the final days known. When the fox marries the raven, and the trumpets of battle are blown.
This message last edited by Rurouni_Kenshin on 15/11/2009 at 03:37:29 PM
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Rand is NOT evil in tGS, nor does he do any evil - 14/11/2009 12:26:27 AM 1237 Views
That is nonsense... - 14/11/2009 12:47:22 AM 643 Views
Re: That is nonsense... - 14/11/2009 05:30:01 AM 524 Views
So what? - 14/11/2009 09:28:49 AM 581 Views
Re: So what? - 15/11/2009 12:17:54 AM 499 Views
Laughable - 15/11/2009 03:36:36 PM 449 Views
Chasing you with an army is not hostile? - 19/11/2009 12:59:52 AM 390 Views
Sorry... gotta disagree. - 14/11/2009 01:09:30 AM 534 Views
Re: Sorry... gotta disagree. - 14/11/2009 03:49:49 AM 501 Views
Even if it's not thousands of lives. Stalin got it right. - 14/11/2009 05:33:05 AM 381 Views
I think the thousands would disagree - as would the one. *NM* - 25/11/2009 08:19:47 AM 187 Views
Mad, threatening, bad-tempered and cold, but not evil... - 14/11/2009 01:43:12 AM 500 Views
I disagree with prety much everything - 14/11/2009 03:10:12 AM 490 Views
Re: I disagree with prety much everything - 14/11/2009 05:45:14 AM 566 Views
Why in the world is quantity irrelevant? - 14/11/2009 06:01:13 AM 347 Views
A murderer is evil. What difference does it make how many? That's just degrees. There's no OK number - 14/11/2009 07:22:47 AM 422 Views
Ok, let's take this a step further - 14/11/2009 09:45:50 PM 376 Views
Re: Ok, let's take this a step further - 15/11/2009 12:23:05 AM 465 Views
Tried AGAIN? Serial killing indicates a tendancy. - 25/11/2009 08:23:39 AM 379 Views
Re: I disagree with prety much everything - 14/11/2009 04:35:27 PM 511 Views
I think you're confusing "evil" with "risky" - 15/11/2009 12:48:21 AM 527 Views
Re: I disagree with prety much everything - 15/11/2009 07:04:16 AM 423 Views
What Rand did that was evil. - 14/11/2009 04:06:17 AM 472 Views
I don't see Arad Doman - 14/11/2009 04:57:20 AM 364 Views
Take up the Dragon's burden... - 14/11/2009 07:56:46 AM 570 Views
A wonderful commentary on 'nation building' too, I suppose - 14/11/2009 08:22:46 AM 579 Views
Priorities. - 14/11/2009 07:52:06 AM 549 Views
Perhaps - 14/11/2009 09:43:51 PM 579 Views
Re: Perhaps - 24/11/2009 08:28:56 PM 474 Views
I don't think he was evil - 14/11/2009 08:10:56 AM 496 Views

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