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New Element CalmB4theStorm - 30/04/2004 07:01:45 PM

Investigators at a major research institution have recently discovered the heaviest element known to science. This startling new discovery has been tentatively named Administratium (Ad).

This new element has no protons or electrons, thus having an atomic number of 0. It does, however, have 1 neutron, 125 assistant neutrons, 75 vice neutrons, and 111 assistant vice neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312.

These 312 particles are held together by a force called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons. Since it has no electrons, Administratium is inert. However, it can be detected as it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact.

According to the discoverers, a minute amount of Administratium causes one reaction to take over 4 days to complete when it would normally take less than a second.

Administratium has a normal half-life of approximately 3 years; it does not decay but instead undergoes a reorganization in which a portion of the assistant neutrons, vice neutrons, and assistant vice neutrons exchange places. In fact, an Administratium sample's mass will actually increase over time, since with each reorganization some of the morons inevitably become neutrons, forming new isodopes.

This characteristic of moron promotion leads some scientists to speculate that Administratium is formed whenever morons reach a certain quantity in concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as the ........"Critical Morass."

"Ask her to wait a moment — I am almost done."
-- Gauss, when told, while working, that his wife was dying.

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10 Mistake Women make with Men - 30/04/2004 02:57:42 PM 253 Views
hmm... - 30/04/2004 03:21:36 PM 30 Views
A little bitter, are we? - 30/04/2004 03:58:35 PM 29 Views
not all women do that - 30/04/2004 04:16:23 PM 39 Views
That's awesome-- I personally feel that it's abused women - 30/04/2004 04:28:53 PM 32 Views
this is pure bs. *NM* - 30/04/2004 04:31:56 PM 10 Views
What planet do you live on? I want to go there. *NM* - 30/04/2004 04:41:31 PM 6 Views
alright - 30/04/2004 05:07:04 PM 47 Views
I want to meet a woman who can hold a conversation. - 30/04/2004 05:34:12 PM 33 Views
well what are you trying to talk to her about? *NM* - 30/04/2004 05:36:34 PM 4 Views
Physics... *NM* - 30/04/2004 05:37:08 PM 5 Views
LOL - 30/04/2004 05:54:08 PM 32 Views
Physics Warning Labels - 30/04/2004 07:00:25 PM 30 Views
New Element - 30/04/2004 07:01:45 PM 13 Views
Cartoon Laws of Physics - 30/04/2004 07:05:23 PM 12 Views
Should We Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide? - 30/04/2004 07:07:35 PM 14 Views
Some friends - 10/05/2004 04:11:47 PM 6 Views
Hahahahaha. - 10/05/2004 06:38:18 PM 4 Views
ROTFLWBGOMF *NM* - 30/04/2004 07:13:35 PM 3 Views
zzzz- oh, im sorry, what were we talking about? - 30/04/2004 06:32:45 PM 10 Views
I tend to find - 30/04/2004 07:22:50 PM 14 Views
A little bit bitter perhaps? - 30/04/2004 05:35:22 PM 14 Views
Damn, what kind of women are you hanging around? - 30/04/2004 05:48:13 PM 11 Views
Way to make stereotype there... - 30/04/2004 06:23:18 PM 11 Views
I'm sure this has been posted before - 30/04/2004 07:31:17 PM 11 Views
If I wasn't a good woman I might be offended - 30/04/2004 07:49:22 PM 13 Views
As people have said, bullsh*t. Those are ridiculous generalizations. - 30/04/2004 08:34:55 PM 15 Views
Nice to hear your opinion and all, but... - 01/05/2004 06:18:19 AM 8 Views
What I look for in a woman - 01/05/2004 07:41:59 AM 11 Views
Is this a cyclic thing you do, huh? - 01/05/2004 07:57:58 AM 13 Views
Who is Tor Books? - 01/05/2004 11:04:30 AM 12 Views
Hmm...*looks academic* - 01/05/2004 09:54:14 PM 9 Views