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What I look for in a woman Butler - 01/05/2004 07:41:59 AM

I've said it before, I'll say it again...

I want a girl with a mind like a diamond
I want a girl who knows what’s best
I want a girl with shoes that cut
And eyes that burn like cigarettes
I want a girl with the right allocation
Who’s fast, and thorough, and sharp as a tack
She’s playing with her jewelry, she’s putting up her hair
She’s touring the facility and picking up slack
I want a girl with a short skirt,
And a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong jacket

I want a girl who gets up early
I want a girl who stays up late
I want a girl with uninterrupted prosperity
Who uses a machetti to cut through red tape
With fingernails that shine like justice
And a voice that is dark like tinted glass
She is fast, thorough, and sharp as a tack
She’s touring the facility and picking up slack
I want a girl with a short skirt,
And a long, long jacket


I want a girl with a smooth liquidation
I want a girl with good dividends
At citi bank we will meet accidentally
We’ll start to talk when she borrows my pen
She wants a car with a cup holder arm rest
She wants a car that will get her there
She’s changing her name from kiddy to karen
She’s trading her mg for a white chrysler le barron
I want a girl with a short skirt,
And a


Patternweaver fan-club member

Rule? You better believe I do.

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10 Mistake Women make with Men - 30/04/2004 02:57:42 PM 253 Views
hmm... - 30/04/2004 03:21:36 PM 30 Views
A little bitter, are we? - 30/04/2004 03:58:35 PM 29 Views
not all women do that - 30/04/2004 04:16:23 PM 39 Views
That's awesome-- I personally feel that it's abused women - 30/04/2004 04:28:53 PM 32 Views
this is pure bs. *NM* - 30/04/2004 04:31:56 PM 10 Views
What planet do you live on? I want to go there. *NM* - 30/04/2004 04:41:31 PM 6 Views
alright - 30/04/2004 05:07:04 PM 47 Views
I want to meet a woman who can hold a conversation. - 30/04/2004 05:34:12 PM 33 Views
well what are you trying to talk to her about? *NM* - 30/04/2004 05:36:34 PM 4 Views
Physics... *NM* - 30/04/2004 05:37:08 PM 5 Views
LOL - 30/04/2004 05:54:08 PM 32 Views
Physics Warning Labels - 30/04/2004 07:00:25 PM 30 Views
New Element - 30/04/2004 07:01:45 PM 13 Views
Cartoon Laws of Physics - 30/04/2004 07:05:23 PM 12 Views
Should We Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide? - 30/04/2004 07:07:35 PM 14 Views
Some friends - 10/05/2004 04:11:47 PM 6 Views
Hahahahaha. - 10/05/2004 06:38:18 PM 4 Views
ROTFLWBGOMF *NM* - 30/04/2004 07:13:35 PM 3 Views
zzzz- oh, im sorry, what were we talking about? - 30/04/2004 06:32:45 PM 10 Views
I tend to find - 30/04/2004 07:22:50 PM 14 Views
A little bit bitter perhaps? - 30/04/2004 05:35:22 PM 14 Views
Damn, what kind of women are you hanging around? - 30/04/2004 05:48:13 PM 11 Views
Way to make stereotype there... - 30/04/2004 06:23:18 PM 11 Views
I'm sure this has been posted before - 30/04/2004 07:31:17 PM 11 Views
If I wasn't a good woman I might be offended - 30/04/2004 07:49:22 PM 13 Views
As people have said, bullsh*t. Those are ridiculous generalizations. - 30/04/2004 08:34:55 PM 15 Views
Nice to hear your opinion and all, but... - 01/05/2004 06:18:19 AM 8 Views
What I look for in a woman - 01/05/2004 07:41:59 AM 11 Views
Is this a cyclic thing you do, huh? - 01/05/2004 07:57:58 AM 13 Views
Who is Tor Books? - 01/05/2004 11:04:30 AM 12 Views
Hmm...*looks academic* - 01/05/2004 09:54:14 PM 9 Views