so you didn't actually use any facts hardly to back up what you were saying. He did. You resorted to abuse. You won no argument, any debate moderator could have told you that.
I used many facts and even posted another article there. It proved how biased the BBC as other sites said it would take 1000 years. Science supports both of us in this. Adrian and you refuse to see that. BECAUSE YOURE BLIND LIBERALS WITHOUT ANY POWER TO THINK.
For another, I do know htat there were others who thought that Adrian pretty much wiped the floor with you. Now having done debating in the past and knowing valid points in an arguemnt etc, it was damned clear to me that you lost it clearly.
You may think I lost it. But I know I won it and Adrian continues to be thought of like Cavrin and Saidin7. Biased beyond belief. Youre not too far.
everyone else on the board? I am sure there are a few, they tend to be american like you and tend to believe that any criticism of america is anti american. You really don't see how far you have moved from when you were in Australia do you? And it isn't everyone on the board, stop exaggerating. Oh and stop stereotyping whilst you are at it.
You know I dont think criticism of America makes one Anti American. But youre an Anti American. You admitted it and without any caveats.
this is actually more than a bit insulting and you say that you are being polite. Now THAT is biased.
Oh please.
I fail to see why you do keep this up and why you are so insulting and dismissive, esp when that is hwat you accuse me of being.
I keep it up in order to knock some sense into you. Remember my words on logic and values. Try to recall them.