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Answers (pretty sure of most of these)... fionwe1987 Send a noteboard - 10/05/2010 05:44:10 PM

I have some questions that I can't seem to find the answers for. Any help would be appreciated.

1. Is there any evidence that Gandalf ever used Narya during the three books? Considering it was rumoured to cause courage in the hearts of men, could one assume that he used it at the great battles like the Pelenor fields to rouse some bravery in the soldiers?

Unfinished Tales has a quote, something like "it added to the warmth of the already great fire in his soul", or something to that effect.
Gandalf was a spirit of fire who stayed loyal to Iluvatar and did not defect to Morgoth. So his abilities with fire that he showed could be from just that. But I do remember reading somewhere (maybe History of Middle Earth, though it has been a long time) that his abilities with fireworks, especially, was increased by Narya.
But there are one or two specific examples of its use. Gandalf says that when Frodo nearly used the Ring in the Barrow Downs, he knew. I'm fairly certain this is tied to Narya. Again, when he makes Frodo take the Ring off at the Aragonath at the end of FotR, he could conceivably have been using the power of Narya.
2. The Ring bearers can see one another's rings. How did Frodo not see Gandalf's, yet he saw Galadriel's? Was he perhaps just not observant?

Galadriel used hers openly in front of Frodo and let him observe the ring upon her finger. Gandalf never did.
However, from the way the narrative states it in the end of the story when Frodo sees Gandalf at the docks is suggestive. It says, "now wearing Narya, the ring of fire, openly", which could imply that Frodo knew of it, but did not say anything due to Aragorn's warning that the location of the Rings is to be kept secret.
3. When Gandalf tells the Balrog that he is the 'servant of the secret fire, keeper of the flame of Anor', is he referring to the Ring?

The secret flame is the flame of Iluvatar that resides at the heart of Arda. The Flame of Anor is indeed Narya. Nor/Nar refers to the sun (Anar/Anar is the name of the sun, and Narsil meant sun-moon). Gandalf is essentially saying he wields the fire of the sun, which makes no sense unless that is the name of his ring.
4. Why did Gil-galad give the greatest of the Rings to Elrond? One would think that he'd give it to Galadriel who is far older and of the highest kin amongst the Noldor. Instead she kept the weaker ring while the most potent was given to a half-elf.

It wasn't Gil-galad's choice, nor was Nenya the weakest. All we know is that Vilya was the mightiest of the three.
UT says that when Celibrimbor learned of Sauron's treachery, he gave Nenya to Galadriel (whom he loved, in some versions), saying that he hoped it would abate her longing for he sea (which all the banished Elves suffer from). He gave both Vilya and Narya to Giul-galad. Before going off to fight Sauron, Gil-galad gave Vilya to Elrond (who was, essentially, his heir) and Narya to Cirdan.
5. Why were the Elves not dominated by the Rings like men were? There are several suggestions out there, namely that they took the rings off when they sensed him, or that their will could match his, and finally, that Sauron never tainted the three Elven rings made by Celebrimbor, though he had access to the others.

While all these reasons are true to an extent, the last is the most correct. It is also the reason why some Elves hoped that when the One was destroyed, maybe the power of the Three would endure.
6. Is there any evidence that the Rings of Power failed when the One Ring was destroyed? As far as I can tell, the Elves were merely paranoid about it and went to the West 'in case' their lands withered.

The Rings did indeed lose their power gradually. That's been stated multiple times.
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/Tolkein - Questions about the Elven Rings of Power - 09/05/2010 06:20:16 PM 1490 Views
Interesting - and rather appropriate, as I'm watching RotK. - 09/05/2010 06:31:43 PM 943 Views
Watching RotK is never appropriate - 09/05/2010 09:01:59 PM 846 Views
Does it help if watching it didn't improve my opinion of it? - 09/05/2010 10:13:05 PM 870 Views
Re: Does it help if watching it didn't improve my opinion of it? - 10/05/2010 09:45:23 AM 812 Views
Hey I love those movies - 10/05/2010 11:12:53 AM 970 Views
Re: /Tolkein - Questions about the Elven Rings of Power - 09/05/2010 08:22:09 PM 970 Views
Thank you kindly for the detailed answers *NM* - 10/05/2010 11:13:10 AM 497 Views
Re: /Tolkein - Questions about the Elven Rings of Power - 09/05/2010 11:25:48 PM 877 Views
Re: /Tolkein - Questions about the Elven Rings of Power - 10/05/2010 11:26:16 AM 1126 Views
Some Answers, I think. - 10/05/2010 04:17:59 PM 922 Views
A definitive answer for one of your questions - 10/05/2010 04:27:24 PM 846 Views
Answers (pretty sure of most of these)... - 10/05/2010 05:44:10 PM 836 Views
Wow, impressive answers.....thanks! *NM* - 16/05/2010 05:34:54 AM 450 Views
My work here is done. *NM* - 10/05/2010 06:02:51 PM 371 Views

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