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Re: "Goodbye friends of Hagrid..." Seriana Sedai Send a noteboard - 27/07/2010 09:08:24 PM
I'd have reacted rather like Ron, methinks. Or fainted and been eaten by huge spiders.

Hagrid's sweet, really. I am so glad that Film Hagrid hardly sticks in my head. He's one of the badly-done characters in the film. Book Hagrid is much, much better, and far less bombastic than Hollywood's version (surprise surprise).

I about lost it with that line. Can you imagine standing there with the huge spiders converging and then Aragog pronouncing judgement like that?

Indeed. Hagrid lost many, many points there.

Thank god for the return of the wild Ford Anglia!

Now, see, Hagrid didn't lose any points with me here, but it did speak to his character. He is so comfortable and trusting of all these creepy crawly animals that he doesn't think he's sending Harry and Ron into harm in any way. Just like when Aragog is sick in HBP and Hagrid is surprised that the other spiders want to eat him.
I hesitate to call Hagrid simple, I don't think it's the case, but he simply can't see the danger in some of these animals because of his fascination with them. He trusts these animals, so many of them reciprocate.
That's to me of course, I can see how he'd lose points in other peoples eyes.

Indeed, again. Do you think all Ford Anglias come with sentience, or did Mr Weasley's enchantments bring it about?
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The Great Harry Potter re-read: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - 19/07/2010 09:32:22 AM 2336 Views
Chapters 1-3 - 19/07/2010 09:32:52 AM 1565 Views
Dobby - 19/07/2010 02:39:06 PM 1542 Views
Re: Dobby - 20/07/2010 06:42:21 AM 1709 Views
I hate Dobby. - 20/07/2010 11:32:58 AM 1657 Views
I'm not a huge Dobby fan either. *spoilers from end of book* - 20/07/2010 03:18:27 PM 1543 Views
Me too. - 20/07/2010 05:56:27 PM 1477 Views
Boo! - 21/07/2010 12:44:33 AM 1595 Views
I hate "movie Dobby." Book Dobby I'm neutral on. *NM* - 21/07/2010 03:42:29 AM 973 Views
I don't like him either. - 21/07/2010 02:26:47 PM 1560 Views
It looks like all us cool kids hate Dobby - 23/07/2010 07:13:19 PM 1542 Views
Excellent. - 23/07/2010 10:17:16 PM 1541 Views
- 24/07/2010 12:35:44 AM 1528 Views
Stuff - 20/07/2010 05:54:26 PM 1573 Views
The Dursley's and the Twins - 21/07/2010 02:22:41 PM 1486 Views
The Dursleys. - 23/07/2010 11:35:31 PM 1623 Views
Re: The Dursleys. - 26/07/2010 06:02:14 AM 1448 Views
she reminds me a bit of snape - 26/07/2010 01:01:35 PM 1553 Views
Re: The Dursleys. - 26/07/2010 02:58:31 PM 1489 Views
Chapters 4-6 - 19/07/2010 09:33:18 AM 1522 Views
Another character we love to hate! Gilderoy Lockhart. Plus Weasley vs Malfoy. - 20/07/2010 03:29:39 PM 1573 Views
Yes! - 20/07/2010 09:41:09 PM 1630 Views
Re: Yes! - 21/07/2010 07:05:13 AM 1577 Views
I can't remember how much I hated him the first read - 21/07/2010 03:44:15 AM 1650 Views
I don't think I ever truly "hated" Lockheart - 26/07/2010 06:09:20 AM 1487 Views
My problems with Dobby are very different from my problems with Lockhart - 21/07/2010 07:02:55 AM 1562 Views
I can see that and I understand completely. - 21/07/2010 02:06:27 PM 1703 Views
Exactly. - 21/07/2010 07:20:33 PM 1624 Views
More stuff - 21/07/2010 07:00:04 AM 1499 Views
I really noticed this time around - 21/07/2010 03:10:43 PM 1431 Views
Yeah. - 23/07/2010 10:15:21 PM 1531 Views
This section really brought home to me how well Rowling writes about love and relationships. - 21/07/2010 07:22:43 PM 1585 Views
That last remark made me check out the names in the French translation... - 26/07/2010 05:18:36 PM 1609 Views
Don't get me started on the Norwegian translation. - 26/07/2010 09:52:09 PM 1542 Views
Ahahahahaha! - 26/07/2010 09:55:17 PM 1393 Views
That is indeed genuinely awesome. - 27/07/2010 12:24:07 AM 1552 Views
Re: That is indeed genuinely awesome. - 27/07/2010 09:07:35 AM 1494 Views
McSnurf? MCSNURF?? WTH? *NM* - 27/07/2010 08:47:55 PM 928 Views
Nono. McSnurp. - 27/07/2010 08:48:58 PM 1535 Views
Read it wrong. - 27/07/2010 09:15:07 PM 1367 Views
Chapters 7-9 - 19/07/2010 09:33:44 AM 1494 Views
Deathday Party - seemed like filler to me. Not a big fan. - 21/07/2010 02:33:53 PM 1549 Views
Yeah, I didn't like that either. - 22/07/2010 06:56:39 PM 1490 Views
It is a plot device - 23/07/2010 10:11:45 PM 1478 Views
Heh. - 23/07/2010 10:16:48 PM 1445 Views
Colin Creevey. - 22/07/2010 06:55:17 PM 1541 Views
I don't know. He's always annoyed me. - 22/07/2010 09:23:36 PM 1511 Views
Re: Colin Creevey. - 23/07/2010 10:13:33 PM 1498 Views
Suspect I'm more patient with young people than you are. - 23/07/2010 10:18:24 PM 1518 Views
Infinitely more so, I think - 23/07/2010 10:21:09 PM 1510 Views
Even more stuff - 23/07/2010 10:10:39 PM 1569 Views
Mrs Norris. - 23/07/2010 10:13:51 PM 1598 Views
Re: Mrs Norris. - 23/07/2010 10:15:18 PM 1517 Views
Re: Mrs Norris. - 23/07/2010 10:17:41 PM 1471 Views
Chapters 10-12 - 19/07/2010 09:34:13 AM 1412 Views
Three good chapters - 22/07/2010 02:28:20 PM 1471 Views
Re: Three good chapters - 23/07/2010 10:34:40 PM 1558 Views
Yup. - 23/07/2010 11:32:03 PM 1516 Views
Re: Yup. - 26/07/2010 03:01:15 PM 1503 Views
And then some... - 23/07/2010 10:31:56 PM 1366 Views
Hermione - 23/07/2010 11:29:22 PM 1551 Views
Another example - 24/07/2010 12:56:26 AM 1424 Views
Re: Hermione - 24/07/2010 04:58:14 AM 1308 Views
Something I don't like: - 23/07/2010 11:24:59 PM 1383 Views
I disagree. - 24/07/2010 01:01:17 AM 1336 Views
Re: Something I don't like: - 26/07/2010 03:01:54 PM 1349 Views
Those students are 12 years old, though. - 26/07/2010 05:35:13 PM 1377 Views
Chapters 13-15 - 19/07/2010 09:34:50 AM 1282 Views
Heh. I'd forgotten how near the end of the book the spiders are. - 23/07/2010 11:26:43 PM 1352 Views
"Goodbye friends of Hagrid..." - 26/07/2010 01:58:25 PM 1372 Views
Re: "Goodbye friends of Hagrid..." - 27/07/2010 08:50:34 PM 1646 Views
Re: "Goodbye friends of Hagrid..." - 27/07/2010 09:08:24 PM 1430 Views
And... - 26/07/2010 02:54:54 PM 1480 Views
Chapters 16-18 - 19/07/2010 09:35:20 AM 1450 Views
Lockhart & Dobby get what's coming to them. - 26/07/2010 02:26:42 PM 1488 Views
Finally... - 26/07/2010 02:55:39 PM 1483 Views
He is one indeed, sort of anyway. *NM* - 26/07/2010 05:39:12 PM 905 Views
Harry was a horcrux - 27/07/2010 02:57:42 AM 1287 Views
Yes - 27/07/2010 09:09:38 AM 1443 Views
Voldemort's (sometimes) hilarious names in translation. - 26/07/2010 06:14:58 PM 3667 Views
- 26/07/2010 06:45:55 PM 1557 Views
Overall thoughts - 19/07/2010 09:36:06 AM 1541 Views
Character development - 19/07/2010 09:37:01 AM 1367 Views
Re: Character development - 20/07/2010 06:45:43 AM 1394 Views
Similar to the first, but a nice step up in complexity. - 19/07/2010 07:56:45 PM 1898 Views
I found an error i the POA preview in the back of my book - 20/07/2010 10:51:42 AM 1366 Views
Yeah i have that edition too *NM* - 21/07/2010 12:43:12 AM 829 Views
Thoughts on the movie quality - 21/07/2010 04:15:20 AM 1287 Views
I wonder if Rowling ever looks back and wishes she could change some stuff - 21/07/2010 06:44:41 PM 1391 Views
I think this book isn't as deep or as thoughtful as the first. - 23/07/2010 11:36:17 PM 1448 Views
I feel the same way. - 24/07/2010 01:04:39 AM 1313 Views
Agreed. - 26/07/2010 03:22:48 PM 1396 Views
Suggestions for the re-read? - 19/07/2010 09:37:32 AM 1352 Views
Re: Suggestions for the re-read? - 23/07/2010 10:37:37 PM 1439 Views
OK. - 23/07/2010 10:43:00 PM 1446 Views
Re: OK. - 23/07/2010 10:43:56 PM 1462 Views
Do we want a wee break before the next book? - 24/07/2010 10:47:07 AM 1332 Views
I'm indifferent 'cause I can't find my copy of POA *NM* - 26/07/2010 01:27:05 AM 915 Views
Nonononono! - 26/07/2010 03:12:56 PM 1369 Views
Nooooooooo! - 27/07/2010 02:32:56 PM 1479 Views
we need an impatient smiley that taps its foot while looking grumpy. *NM* - 27/07/2010 08:51:30 PM 814 Views
More than anything! *NM* - 27/07/2010 09:01:33 PM 834 Views
It's not Wednesday yet! *NM* - 27/07/2010 09:26:21 PM 744 Views
But it was a question: - 27/07/2010 10:25:27 PM 1348 Views
Yes, but the two possibilities in Rebekah's post were either Wednesday or next Monday. - 27/07/2010 10:33:10 PM 1686 Views
Aaaah - 27/07/2010 10:34:51 PM 1413 Views

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