Active Users:179 Time:02/06/2024 06:21:53 AM
I never thought of the Forever War as Dystopian but I guess it could be called that random thoughts Send a noteboard - 14/09/2009 04:43:27 PM
1. What dystopian literature have you read?

Without thinking too much about it...

The Handmaid's Tale
Exiled from Earth
The Forever War
The Space Merchants
Voyage from Yesteryear

There are probably more, but that should suffice as a sample.

2. Which was your favorite, and why?

Tough choice as I like quite a few of them. I think I'll go with The Forever War, even if it's a wee bit dated now. Voyage is a close second but it's almost more utopian than dystopian. Actually, techically, it's sort of a utopian collides with dystopian story, really, where the 'dystopian' is very much our own society!

3. Which was your least favorite, and why?

Anthem. Exceedingly pretentious and made no bones about it.

4. Which did you find most disturbing, and why?

1984. While it is dated, and really not terribly believeable on some levels, the fact that some people would actually try things on that level is creepy. I've even seen people trying to do the whole 'newspeak' thing and it makes me want to punch them out, to be honest.

5. Do you find it hard to read some dystopian literature because it is so disturbing?

Not really. Most dystopian novels go too over the top for me to get really bugged. The base assumptions fail to completely engage my suspension of disbelief, so I don't find them overly disturbing. 1984 came the closest and that may have had to do with when I read it. I've re-read other books that I read during that time of my life and laughed really hard at how much effect they had on me as an atavistic teen and how little effect they have on me as an adult.

Good questions as always April!

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Dystopian literature - 05/09/2009 09:12:16 PM 1086 Views
Re: Dystopian literature - 05/09/2009 10:27:24 PM 801 Views
Re: Dystopian literature - 06/09/2009 04:26:22 AM 759 Views
More than I thought. - 05/09/2009 10:55:25 PM 756 Views
Again, The Road. - 06/09/2009 04:30:09 AM 793 Views
Oh, nice survey. - 05/09/2009 11:08:55 PM 752 Views
Thanks - 06/09/2009 04:35:03 AM 778 Views
Click the right-most box next to the Smiley Codes, between the Subject and Body. - 06/09/2009 12:14:35 PM 673 Views
Whoa. - 06/09/2009 06:55:55 PM 740 Views
Crikey... - 05/09/2009 11:11:59 PM 783 Views
Amen to that last. - 06/09/2009 04:40:26 AM 807 Views
Incidentally - 06/09/2009 08:02:12 AM 703 Views
Thanks. - 06/09/2009 07:00:06 PM 748 Views
Not a problem - 06/09/2009 08:04:29 PM 890 Views
I love the description, mentally impaired chimp! *NM* - 07/09/2009 03:16:22 AM 389 Views
Re: Dystopian literature - 05/09/2009 11:22:40 PM 757 Views
Glad I'm helping people find new reads. - 06/09/2009 04:42:28 AM 707 Views
good questions - 06/09/2009 12:46:18 AM 827 Views
Interesting. - 06/09/2009 04:44:27 AM 712 Views
Re: Dystopian literature - 06/09/2009 01:06:42 AM 789 Views
Hmm. - 06/09/2009 04:46:49 AM 745 Views
I really like utopian/dystopian works. - 06/09/2009 01:49:04 AM 837 Views
So, what did you think of We? - 06/09/2009 04:47:35 AM 768 Views
Re: Dystopian literature - 06/09/2009 08:10:21 AM 732 Views
LOL! Anecdotes about chicken. Nice. - 06/09/2009 07:03:32 PM 751 Views
Good topic - 06/09/2009 03:54:02 PM 754 Views
Thanks. - 06/09/2009 07:06:07 PM 724 Views
Additions! - 07/09/2009 04:07:24 PM 774 Views
I like dystopian and post-apocalyptic stories - 06/09/2009 07:50:08 PM 925 Views
I prefer dystopian, myself. - 07/09/2009 03:21:51 AM 813 Views
The problem with post-apocalyptic stories is that there are so many which are utter crap. - 07/09/2009 05:28:02 PM 726 Views
Yes, yes. - 07/09/2009 08:34:11 PM 699 Views
Oh dear. I went and mixed up I-330 and O-90. - 08/09/2009 03:19:21 AM 817 Views
- 08/09/2009 04:28:24 PM 732 Views
Re: Dystopian literature - 06/09/2009 08:48:48 PM 774 Views
Your left brain is blank? - 07/09/2009 03:25:44 AM 730 Views
an edit of an edit that young Nebhead made to my sig. - 07/09/2009 01:28:20 PM 838 Views
Why just your left? *NM* - 07/09/2009 08:35:10 PM 390 Views
Might as well answer myself. - 07/09/2009 03:37:28 AM 701 Views
Re: Dystopian literature - 08/09/2009 07:30:58 PM 1298 Views
Hey! Good to see you on this board! - 08/09/2009 08:03:04 PM 856 Views
Well I couldn't stay away forever now could I? - 08/09/2009 08:42:37 PM 972 Views
Re: Well I couldn't stay away forever now could I? - 09/09/2009 03:13:33 PM 950 Views
Re: Well I couldn't stay away forever now could I? - 09/09/2009 03:26:28 PM 687 Views
Yeah, that occurred to me right after I hit submit. *NM* - 09/09/2009 07:15:30 PM 430 Views
Re: Well I couldn't stay away forever now could I? - 09/09/2009 05:37:38 PM 758 Views
I never thought of the Forever War as Dystopian but I guess it could be called that - 14/09/2009 04:43:27 PM 761 Views
I'll join this party...rather late...but oh well - 09/09/2009 07:59:26 PM 721 Views
Jesus man, jump on the wagon! - 10/09/2009 03:54:26 AM 739 Views
Re: Jesus man, jump on the wagon! - 10/09/2009 07:16:05 AM 855 Views
I like it - 12/09/2009 07:11:52 PM 869 Views
I liked it. - 15/09/2009 03:22:53 PM 1397 Views

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