I was given, as a gift, the last 3 books in Stephen King's Dark Tower series. I'm not one for reading books out of order, so can anyone advise me on whether I should invest the time and effort in acquiring the first 6 (?) books of the series? Is it a good read? I have never read anything by Stephen King before. Thanks.
There are only 7 books in total. Others may disagree but for me, the 4th book in the series (Wizard and Glass) is in my top 10 fantasy books, probably top 5 and is easily my favourite of King's works. Eddie Dean is possibly my favourite character in any medium ever. Please read at least the first 2 books (maybe from a library), then make a decision on the others.
And the answer came to her instantly: pride. Oh, you hear them say it's a sin; you hear them say it goes before a fall. the shepherd prides himself on keeping the wolf out from the flock. We pride ourselves on making a good history of our lives, a good story to be told.