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Definitely my mom Sir Tybalt Send a noteboard - 16/11/2011 05:50:56 PM
She was always reading and encouraging me to read - boxcar children, hardy boys, Encylopedia Brown, Louis L'Amour, milk cartons, cereal boxes . . . anything I could get my hands on
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Who helped instill a love of reading in you? - 15/11/2011 05:33:16 AM 1153 Views
Basically my entire family. - 15/11/2011 09:59:02 AM 986 Views
Both Parents - 15/11/2011 03:02:03 PM 1051 Views
I honestly don't know - 15/11/2011 03:35:46 PM 1057 Views
My father and brother - 15/11/2011 04:57:24 PM 1069 Views
Both parents, but mostly my mother. - 15/11/2011 06:51:38 PM 919 Views
My mother and teachers, I guess. - 15/11/2011 10:03:22 PM 971 Views
My parents, my mom mostly - 15/11/2011 11:01:23 PM 941 Views
My dad - 16/11/2011 12:10:47 AM 1097 Views
The whole family and friends,I guess - 16/11/2011 12:30:26 AM 1050 Views
No one... But, if pushed, I would nominate my mom. - 16/11/2011 06:39:25 AM 1096 Views
Definitely my mom - 16/11/2011 05:50:56 PM 937 Views
My Dad - 16/11/2011 07:34:30 PM 1010 Views
Jules Verne. - 16/11/2011 09:32:59 PM 938 Views
Yes. And Jack London. *NM* - 12/12/2011 02:31:21 PM 427 Views
I.... am not sure. I guess I would figure my parents. - 17/11/2011 04:44:30 PM 1044 Views
Penthouse Letters - 18/11/2011 07:29:07 PM 1022 Views
My dad. - 01/12/2011 11:15:18 PM 915 Views
My mother. - 08/12/2011 07:59:17 AM 978 Views
I loved the idea of reading even before I could read. - 12/12/2011 02:31:02 PM 874 Views
Re: Bookshelves, I think. - 29/12/2011 02:02:05 AM 947 Views

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