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My dad. Jessie Send a noteboard - 01/12/2011 11:15:18 PM
Just a thought on my mind, as I've been in a reflective mood these past few days.

For me, it was my maternal grandmother. She got me to love fiction of all sorts, including science fiction and fantasy. I've been thinking of her a lot the past three days after her death Saturday and her getting me to want to read (well, she and my mother did) has shaped me as a reader and as a person greatly. Just curious to read who else has been an influence on you as readers.

He always, always had a giant book with him wherever we were when I grew up. We still trade books back and forth, mostly fantasy for him. :)

when you see only the darkness, know the light will soon return
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Who helped instill a love of reading in you? - 15/11/2011 05:33:16 AM 1154 Views
Basically my entire family. - 15/11/2011 09:59:02 AM 988 Views
Both Parents - 15/11/2011 03:02:03 PM 1052 Views
I honestly don't know - 15/11/2011 03:35:46 PM 1057 Views
My father and brother - 15/11/2011 04:57:24 PM 1070 Views
Both parents, but mostly my mother. - 15/11/2011 06:51:38 PM 919 Views
My mother and teachers, I guess. - 15/11/2011 10:03:22 PM 972 Views
My parents, my mom mostly - 15/11/2011 11:01:23 PM 941 Views
My dad - 16/11/2011 12:10:47 AM 1097 Views
The whole family and friends,I guess - 16/11/2011 12:30:26 AM 1051 Views
No one... But, if pushed, I would nominate my mom. - 16/11/2011 06:39:25 AM 1097 Views
Definitely my mom - 16/11/2011 05:50:56 PM 937 Views
My Dad - 16/11/2011 07:34:30 PM 1012 Views
Jules Verne. - 16/11/2011 09:32:59 PM 938 Views
Yes. And Jack London. *NM* - 12/12/2011 02:31:21 PM 427 Views
I.... am not sure. I guess I would figure my parents. - 17/11/2011 04:44:30 PM 1044 Views
Penthouse Letters - 18/11/2011 07:29:07 PM 1022 Views
My dad. - 01/12/2011 11:15:18 PM 917 Views
My mother. - 08/12/2011 07:59:17 AM 978 Views
I loved the idea of reading even before I could read. - 12/12/2011 02:31:02 PM 874 Views
Re: Bookshelves, I think. - 29/12/2011 02:02:05 AM 947 Views

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