Active Users:151 Time:02/06/2024 02:50:44 AM
I'm nominally Republican Tom Send a noteboard - 07/01/2012 03:30:26 AM
Let's just say that if Santorum were the candidate I'd have no choice but to sit out the election (or, if it got really bad, donate to Obama). If Romney is the candidate I'll probably give money to his campaign because I think Obama is a terrible President who has done little more than give endless speeches with empty platitudes and signed everything that Congressional Democrats have vomited out, sometimes with his help (I guess he held the feather).

Of course, I am liberal on social issues. Gay marriage? Of course. Abortion? Safe and legal. Porn? More, please. Drugs? One word: legalize. Consenting adults have the right to choose how to live their lives, and the only things that should be illegal are trespasses against the person or property of another (theft, arson, rape, murder, all the way down to simple things like noise pollution at unreasonable hours).

It's just that when people start to say, for example, "we need universal health care", I start to ask - "What do you mean to cover, how much is it going to cost and who's going to pay for it?" Am I against putting an additional tax of 3-5% on that portion of personal income in excess of $1 million? No. I think that's fine. Am I against putting that same 3-5% on everyone making in excess of $250,000? Yes. In lots of urban areas families can be simply middle class at that level and it would kill the economy.

Do I like unions? No. In theory, they could be good, and some local unions are, but in general they're unreasonable and belligerent, in some cases criminal.

Does that make me a Republican?

And I do like that link, thank you.
Political correctness is the pettiest form of casuistry.

ἡ δὲ κἀκ τριῶν τρυπημάτων ἐργαζομένη ἐνεκάλει τῇ φύσει, δυσφορουμένη, ὅτι δὴ μὴ καὶ τοὺς τιτθοὺς αὐτῇ εὐρύτερον ἢ νῦν εἰσι τρυπώη, ὅπως καὶ ἄλλην ἐνταῦθα μίξιν ἐπιτεχνᾶσθαι δυνατὴ εἴη. – Procopius

Ummaka qinnassa nīk!

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Favourite authors. - 06/01/2012 07:03:35 PM 1152 Views
Re: Favourite authors. - 06/01/2012 07:27:01 PM 837 Views
Re: Favourite authors. - 06/01/2012 07:45:27 PM 811 Views
Re: Stover and Lynch - 06/01/2012 08:15:31 PM 886 Views
Ian C Esslemont ... - 06/01/2012 08:36:16 PM 894 Views
Matthew Stover. - 07/01/2012 01:05:24 AM 752 Views
I think the second book is out of print... - 07/01/2012 01:14:16 AM 740 Views
Yeah. - 07/01/2012 01:20:12 AM 705 Views
Re: Matthew Stover. - 07/01/2012 01:16:45 AM 783 Views
Re: Matthew Stover. - 07/01/2012 01:19:44 AM 816 Views
this is hard and it will change if you ask me again in 6 months - 06/01/2012 08:43:09 PM 807 Views
This is trickxsy. - 06/01/2012 10:37:40 PM 783 Views
I forgot about Stephenson. - 06/01/2012 10:47:35 PM 690 Views
I suck at choosing absolute favourites, I like far too much stuff for that, but okay... - 06/01/2012 11:38:30 PM 790 Views
You should read more scfi - 07/01/2012 12:08:21 AM 702 Views
I know. I do read some - but somehow it's usually one book per author. - 07/01/2012 01:03:19 AM 751 Views
Try reading Hamilton - 07/01/2012 05:47:51 AM 695 Views
yes, Pandora's Star is my favorite of his. *NM* - 10/01/2012 03:55:43 PM 319 Views
SF suggestion... - 07/01/2012 01:08:22 AM 819 Views
The questions get easier as I go from top to bottom for me. - 07/01/2012 12:31:24 AM 765 Views
You and I actually agree on something?! - 07/01/2012 01:09:37 AM 766 Views
I think you mean to be surprised that we agree about something book-related. - 07/01/2012 01:20:25 AM 779 Views
Well, yes, but you are a Republican, aren't you? - 07/01/2012 01:40:31 AM 907 Views
I'm nominally Republican - 07/01/2012 03:30:26 AM 828 Views
Fair enough. - 07/01/2012 04:12:37 AM 1031 Views
No one will share my answers, I'm sure. - 07/01/2012 01:03:35 AM 866 Views
Authors suck. I like books. *NM* - 07/01/2012 04:30:34 AM 317 Views
At first, I thought this said "boobs." - 07/01/2012 07:48:07 AM 791 Views
now authors who both suck and have boobs are the best *NM* - 07/01/2012 03:15:25 PM 326 Views
Re: Favourite authors. - 07/01/2012 02:20:52 PM 792 Views
Mine - 07/01/2012 03:55:58 PM 894 Views
Sanderson, no doubt.....Also..... - 07/01/2012 05:28:01 PM 766 Views
Re: Favourite authors. - 11/01/2012 03:38:53 PM 733 Views
Ok. I've finally decided on my answers for this. - 12/01/2012 08:46:55 PM 849 Views

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