Active Users:190 Time:02/06/2024 05:47:10 AM
That's kind of a weak reason, though. Ghavrel Send a noteboard - 31/05/2010 11:11:49 PM
The frequent reason given that "humanities teaches you how to think" implies somehow that things other than humanities don't.

If you got it just for the education, fine. That's what I'm doing with my undergraduate degree, although I'm pretty much being forced into it. In the US, at least, having a BA in English Literature, while better than a high school diploma, is effectively worthless. Too many people have it and it doesn't give you enough to make you competitive in a job market. Mathematicians are as good at thinking as English majors, albeit perhaps not as good at communication.
"We feel safe when we read what we recognise, what does not challenge our way of thinking.... a steady acceptance of pre-arranged patterns leads to the inability to question what we are told."

Ghavrel is Ghavrel is Ghavrel


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One of the stupidest New York Times articles I've ever read - 30/05/2010 03:17:03 PM 1025 Views
Added to which she sounds like a spoiled brat - 30/05/2010 03:46:06 PM 732 Views
I think she's still slightly below the national average. - 30/05/2010 04:26:16 PM 513 Views
I am uncertain if she is working full time. - 31/05/2010 12:57:29 AM 588 Views
Have to agree here ... - 30/05/2010 05:54:54 PM 506 Views
It's a column, not a real article... and it's more critical than you suggest. - 30/05/2010 04:02:26 PM 518 Views
No it isn't. - 30/05/2010 04:24:20 PM 545 Views
Re: No it isn't. - 30/05/2010 04:56:42 PM 545 Views
Šertam aštakun - 31/05/2010 04:14:28 AM 432 Views
I'm going to guess that wasn't very nice. - 31/05/2010 12:11:43 PM 507 Views
Subject was Akkadian, body was Sumerian. - 31/05/2010 02:27:24 PM 444 Views
Here's the saddest part ... - 30/05/2010 06:10:48 PM 596 Views
Very bad life planning, and sadly, it's not an isolated case. - 31/05/2010 04:01:46 AM 462 Views
"the best laid plans of mice and men" etc etc - 31/05/2010 05:56:22 PM 461 Views
strange that you should be surprised - 04/06/2010 06:06:19 PM 506 Views
i don't think she's saying it's someone else's fault - 30/05/2010 09:08:29 PM 492 Views
Re: One of the stupidest New York Times articles I've ever read - 30/05/2010 11:36:40 PM 483 Views
Don't get me started on the "everyone should go to college" mantra - 31/05/2010 04:07:34 AM 486 Views
Re: Don't get me started on the "everyone should go to college" mantra - 31/05/2010 04:23:54 AM 448 Views
100% in your camp here. - 31/05/2010 04:35:45 AM 418 Views
I don't see the point in a humanities major if you aren't planning to get more than a bachelor's. - 31/05/2010 07:41:40 AM 620 Views
srsly. way to devalue a bachelor's degree, american society 9_9 - 31/05/2010 08:07:47 AM 427 Views
I have a BA in English Literature. - 31/05/2010 11:20:28 AM 552 Views
that's fair enough, since that's why you took it - 31/05/2010 10:20:36 PM 508 Views
Heh. - 01/06/2010 09:30:53 AM 461 Views
I think you mean "the government acts all brokenhearted about the amount of student debt." *NM* - 01/06/2010 09:38:38 AM 309 Views
Heh. True fact. *NM* - 01/06/2010 09:56:09 AM 186 Views
That's kind of a weak reason, though. - 31/05/2010 11:11:49 PM 451 Views
I'm pretty sure I didn't use that as my reason... - 31/05/2010 11:15:32 PM 469 Views
That's true, although I don't know how many jobs that's useful for. - 01/06/2010 01:20:29 AM 438 Views
That's fine. And I didn't go to Uni to get a job. I went for the education. - 01/06/2010 09:29:28 AM 643 Views
I want to make clear that I, as a humanities major, really do like the humanities. - 01/06/2010 09:37:39 AM 627 Views
I know. - 01/06/2010 09:55:41 AM 547 Views
If we're going down that path, though... - 31/05/2010 12:17:49 PM 585 Views
the bachelor requirement for professional programs... - 31/05/2010 10:22:27 PM 512 Views
Education is a form of signaling - 31/05/2010 11:02:36 PM 493 Views
I do. *NM* - 31/05/2010 11:08:27 PM 188 Views
Some of us had the best intentions and then sabotaged them - 02/06/2010 04:39:33 PM 517 Views
there is one more group that needs to take some of the blame - 31/05/2010 01:58:39 AM 467 Views
Re: there is one more group that needs to take some of the blame - 31/05/2010 02:39:14 AM 495 Views
Forget morale, the entire concept is immoral. - 31/05/2010 02:52:08 AM 466 Views
Nonsense. - 31/05/2010 03:01:32 AM 500 Views
that's not what you're talking about though. - 31/05/2010 04:40:45 AM 501 Views
No, that's called paying taxes. - 31/05/2010 07:00:21 PM 477 Views
That would be a less repulsive idea if it wasn't so very sexist. - 31/05/2010 12:19:54 PM 502 Views
Heh, had the same thought. - 31/05/2010 12:47:16 PM 400 Views
We can put a man on the moon but looking at job number is too complicated? - 31/05/2010 04:03:38 PM 572 Views
yeah, i probably would've rethought that physics degree if there were such a program in place - 31/05/2010 03:27:14 AM 426 Views
physics BS is useless even I know that. - 31/05/2010 04:43:36 AM 402 Views
We hire people with physics degrees all the time - 31/05/2010 03:41:12 PM 408 Views
believe me, i tried - 31/05/2010 05:59:09 PM 448 Views
Physics degrees have a variety of applications. - 31/05/2010 07:02:57 PM 442 Views
Re: Physics degrees have a variety of applications. - 31/05/2010 07:59:22 PM 671 Views
you are near Denver right? - 02/06/2010 09:33:06 PM 464 Views
at the time i was in wisconsin, never lived in denver before - 03/06/2010 02:01:23 AM 453 Views
lots of high tech jobs in Texas - 04/06/2010 06:29:39 PM 432 Views
i had a tech job in texas, still no physics jobs though - 04/06/2010 07:10:29 PM 461 Views
ugh. stupid twat. - 31/05/2010 02:21:27 AM 489 Views
See, you have a plan. - 31/05/2010 04:08:24 AM 421 Views
yah. she's a stupid twat. and as you've pointed out, not the only one. - 31/05/2010 04:42:20 AM 455 Views
so stupid *NM* - 31/05/2010 02:35:19 AM 165 Views
What a useless leech. - 31/05/2010 02:53:24 AM 461 Views
She works for a photographer. - 31/05/2010 03:03:44 AM 479 Views
Women's Studies empowered her to make a victim out of herself. - 31/05/2010 05:00:38 AM 481 Views
It's not just the women - 31/05/2010 02:29:34 PM 443 Views
There used to be this thing called responsibility... - 31/05/2010 04:58:21 PM 472 Views
Re: There used to be this thing called responsibility... - 31/05/2010 07:50:17 PM 620 Views

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