Active Users:183 Time:07/06/2024 03:57:34 AM
Now that I've calmed down a bit, I'm going to actually address your points. Tim Send a noteboard - 28/06/2010 12:16:10 PM
Legally you may have the same right to the road as cars, but anyone with common sense can tell otherwise. Pedaling down a road meant for vehicles that can travel up to 100 miles and hour is just silly and stupid. It'd be like flying a hang glider in front of an airplane and demanding the pilot to slow down. You know why cyclists are kicked off sidewalks? Because people are walking about as fast to cyclists as cyclists are to cars. It just so happens we have to let the cyclists pedal along somewhere. Cyclists shouldn't be allowed to pedal their bikes anywhere but lanes designated for cyclists, to say you have as much right to the road as cars is like saying a hang glider has as much right to a "sky" road as an airplane.

Essentially what you're saying is "Because I am encased a ton of metal that could kill you as easily as swatting a fly, and you are unprotected and vulnerable, I don't have to obey the laws that are put in place to protect you from me". If you think that's morally acceptable, then you are seriously lacking in human decency.

Your analogy with a plane and a hang-glider is utterly nonsensical. A plane can't brake like a car can. A plane is supposed to fly at the same (extremely fast) speed for several hours at a time without changing direction. A car has to speed up, slow down, turn corners and look out for other vehicles all the time even when there aren't any cyclists around – that kind of thing is normal and expected when driving a car. Also, hang gliders do not fly at 35,000 feet, and are not allowed anywhere near airports where planes will be climbing to or descending from that height.

Car and bikes, however, are both constrained to operate at 0 feet above ground level, and have to share the same road space. This is why rules exist for both bikes and cars to show each other mutual respect for each other's needs. Cyclists are meant to keep as far to the side of the road as they can, out of the way of faster drivers, and to signal when they do have to go into the middle (e.g. to overtake a parked car or to turn into a minor road). Drivers, in return, are supposed to be aware that cyclists exist, try not to kill them, and give them the space they need in case they wobble in the wind or have to avoid a pothole. You may feel that cyclists should be somewhere other than the road, but the law says otherwise, which makes you simply wrong. If you don't like it, lobby to get the law changed; don't blame the cyclists who have to obey it. Believe it or not, we'd rather not be on the road either.

You say we shouldn't be anywhere other than cycle lanes. Well, in an ideal world that would be true. If there were cycle lanes everywhere, we would be happy never to cycle on a road ever again. But unfortunately, most of us don't live in Amsterdam. If there is a cycle lane beside the road, by all means suggest to any inconsiderate cyclists you may come across that they ought to be using it. But if, as on the vast majority of roads, there isn't, have a bit of goddamn respect for the guy who's forced to share the road with idiots like the one who yelled at Deadsy without a big metal cage and an airbag to protect him when those idiots forget to keep their eyes on the road.

You were probably yelled at because it was dark (11pm by your description) the road was empty (meaning ok to speed a little) and a bicycle was plodding along at 15mph when the car was likely aiming for over twice that. Not only was it dangerous (because it was dark--im not sure if you were wearing proper reflective gear) but it was bothersome.

If she wasn't wearing lights after dark, she deserved to be shouted at for not wearing lights, which is illegal and dangerous. But it's rather shitty of you to simply assume that she was breaking the law when you don't know. In fact, as has already been pointed out to you, she must have been easily visible because the idiot driver honked at her from quite a way back. If he has to slow down a bit and wait for a chance to get past, tough luck. It's not going to kill him to wait a few seconds. His "right" to go as fast as he legally can is not more important than a cyclist's right to be on the road at all without getting killed.

All that said, your description of the driver does sound like an unintelligent, quick to anger, just-got-back-from-a-barbecue-with-lots-of-drinks kind of guy, so I'm sure this isn't entirely your fault. I just take issue with cyclists always getting so incensed when they almost get hit or they get yelled at by drivers. It seems pretty clear to me that they have it coming to them.

Maybe if the smallest accident could leave you paralysed for life instead of simply having to pay $100 for a panel beater, you'd be a bit more annoyed at inattentive drivers. A cyclist who did idiotic things like weave around in the middle of the road and deliberately slow drivers down just to piss them off obviously would have a yelling coming to him. But how often do you see that happening? I'll bet not very often at all.

Hope this wasn't offensive to any cyclists, I'm all for the sport if it's done in the right place, safe and out of the way of motor traffic.

This is very telling. You think cycling is a sport, by which logic it shouldn't be done in the road any more than football should. Well, this news might not have reached gas-guzzling America yet, but bicycles are a mode of transport. People use them to get to work in the morning. If everyone who lived close enough did this, the population of the world would be a lot fitter and healthier, have to spend less of their hard-earned money on fuel (a lot of which comes from countries which the West would rather not be so dependent on), and climate change would be less of a worry. I don't just cycle for fun; I cycle because a bus pass is expensive, I can't afford a car and would have nowhere to keep it if I did have one, and it's actually quicker than taking a bus or car because I don't have to wait in traffic jams. There's an incidental benefit that it helps me lose weight, but I'm not a sportsperson; I'm using the best means available to me to get around the city. If you don't like it, then buy me a motorbike.
Vigilantibus non dormientibus jura subveniunt.

—Nous disons en allemand : le guerre, le mort, le lune, alors que 'soleil' et 'amour' sont du sexe féminin : la soleil, la amour. La vie est neutre.

—La vie ? Neutre ? C'est très joli, et surtout très logique.
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I got screamed at by a motorist while riding my bicycle today - 28/06/2010 05:44:45 AM 1606 Views
Ummm - 28/06/2010 06:01:19 AM 1228 Views
Let me guess. You live in an American suburb. *NM* - 28/06/2010 06:12:24 AM 522 Views
Sorry, but no. - 28/06/2010 06:17:20 AM 1024 Views
I think you missed the part... - 28/06/2010 06:22:35 AM 984 Views
Now that I've calmed down a bit, I'm going to actually address your points. - 28/06/2010 12:16:10 PM 1352 Views
hey now! - 28/06/2010 01:18:16 PM 885 Views
See apology below. *NM* - 29/06/2010 08:34:17 AM 539 Views
it's okay dude i was just giving you a hard time *NM* - 29/06/2010 09:24:56 AM 527 Views
I understand that what he said offended you - 28/06/2010 04:11:57 PM 1117 Views
My social capital at this site is pretty low, so I don't mind admitting that I agree with MK. - 28/06/2010 04:12:42 PM 985 Views
This point: - 28/06/2010 06:37:32 PM 1088 Views
Not in the United States. - 28/06/2010 07:25:56 PM 1073 Views
Highways are, of course, a different matter. - 28/06/2010 07:32:50 PM 1040 Views
I know - 28/06/2010 07:34:04 PM 1148 Views
Re: I know - 28/06/2010 08:27:04 PM 1003 Views
Re: I know - 28/06/2010 08:38:14 PM 1125 Views
That makes me mad. - 28/06/2010 08:46:58 PM 1110 Views
Don't be mad - 28/06/2010 08:52:47 PM 950 Views
Re: I know - 28/06/2010 09:15:22 PM 1087 Views
To your last question: Arlington County, VA - 30/06/2010 03:29:55 AM 923 Views
It is illegal to drive on the shoulder. - 29/06/2010 09:43:40 AM 1117 Views
Maybe I should have said "modern roads." - 28/06/2010 08:20:55 PM 1088 Views
Perhaps. - 28/06/2010 08:36:15 PM 1138 Views
I think we just disagree on the necessity is all. - 28/06/2010 09:00:44 PM 913 Views
Matters of degree, I suppose. - 28/06/2010 09:07:40 PM 928 Views
Yes, because that cyclist is SUCH a hazard to you in your car. - 29/06/2010 01:03:05 AM 1072 Views
The central issue is people. - 29/06/2010 09:52:22 AM 1044 Views
you keep talking about cyclists on highways as if it applied to all roads. - 29/06/2010 02:37:31 PM 1097 Views
There are TWO equally important points there: - 30/06/2010 01:15:17 AM 1107 Views
Re: I think we just disagree on the necessity is all. - 02/07/2010 09:19:13 PM 1054 Views
Two words: Public Transportation - 30/06/2010 03:32:05 AM 1077 Views
three words: share the road - 30/06/2010 04:08:28 AM 1098 Views
Re: three words: share the road - 01/07/2010 08:03:54 AM 1148 Views
Re: Two words: Public Transportation - 30/06/2010 08:43:51 AM 1247 Views
Re: Two words: Public Transportation - 01/07/2010 08:05:37 AM 1078 Views
Re: Two words: Public Transportation - 01/07/2010 08:40:10 AM 1012 Views
How the hell is a 7,000 person town Urban? - 01/07/2010 08:52:45 AM 1090 Views
Re: How the hell is a 7,000 person town Urban? - 04/07/2010 12:30:43 AM 1030 Views
Re: How the hell is a 7,000 person town Urban? - 05/07/2010 09:03:03 AM 1106 Views
I'd say you have it exactly the wrong way round. - 01/07/2010 09:41:27 AM 1166 Views
You can't be serious. If you do think that's always (not just sometimes) a viable option, then... - 30/06/2010 09:20:03 AM 1024 Views
Really? - 01/07/2010 08:07:29 AM 839 Views
Have you heard of Britain? - 01/07/2010 08:38:11 AM 1065 Views
My city doesn't have ANY. not even shuttle buses. *NM* - 01/07/2010 06:00:22 AM 603 Views
My city doesn't have anything eather. *NM* - 04/07/2010 12:32:52 AM 691 Views
You do realize that... - 28/06/2010 08:38:39 PM 1056 Views
Bikers can be equally as rude, I agree. - 29/06/2010 03:00:18 AM 1069 Views
heh - 29/06/2010 04:45:46 AM 1038 Views
Despite your subject line, I'm glad to see that we agree with each other more than MK and I do. - 29/06/2010 10:13:29 AM 1129 Views
Get your head on straight, you silly cyclist - 01/07/2010 08:02:58 AM 925 Views
Now now, there's no need to be rude. - 02/07/2010 12:04:16 AM 1146 Views
Re: Now now, there's no need to be rude. - 04/07/2010 05:53:01 PM 932 Views
What part of "there are no alternatives" don't you understand? - 04/07/2010 09:10:23 PM 1008 Views
What part of my post did you not read...? - 05/07/2010 09:01:32 AM 1175 Views
I agree entirely. - 28/06/2010 05:27:36 PM 1183 Views
Really???? - 28/06/2010 04:59:12 PM 1064 Views
that's always really annoying - 28/06/2010 06:27:07 AM 1216 Views
Re: I got screamed at by a motorist while riding my bicycle today - 28/06/2010 03:25:22 PM 890 Views
Are they supposed to use sidewalks anywhere? *NM* - 28/06/2010 04:58:50 PM 503 Views
I doubt it. *NM* - 28/06/2010 05:32:17 PM 450 Views
my daughter rides her bike on the sidewalk all the time - 28/06/2010 06:07:01 PM 1042 Views
Not sure, but - 28/06/2010 06:53:14 PM 933 Views
That all depends on what kind of road, I guess. - 28/06/2010 07:09:52 PM 1065 Views
we actually have a lot of cyclists on one of our 50mph roads - 29/06/2010 01:08:31 AM 940 Views
I would - 28/06/2010 07:25:22 PM 947 Views
You've alluded to that a few times now. - 28/06/2010 07:42:05 PM 929 Views
a lot of the time they do in smaller cities - 29/06/2010 01:05:38 AM 846 Views
Of course. Most bikers not in the mid-size to larger cities do. - 29/06/2010 03:06:03 AM 908 Views
Re: Are they supposed to use sidewalks anywhere? - 02/07/2010 09:57:46 PM 946 Views
That sucks - 28/06/2010 04:34:35 PM 886 Views
You have every right to be on the road. The guy was an ass. - 28/06/2010 07:30:23 PM 1001 Views
I'm so glad I actually READ what you said before responding. - 29/06/2010 09:16:25 AM 1063 Views
?? I thought it was matter of COURSE that bikes weren't allowed on the highway - 29/06/2010 09:27:06 AM 1015 Views
Should be, but it's not. - 29/06/2010 09:59:35 AM 1007 Views
Question for you. - 29/06/2010 10:22:13 AM 861 Views
and i haven't said that anywhere. - 29/06/2010 02:39:06 PM 889 Views
That is what you get for living in Austin *NM* - 29/06/2010 02:38:20 PM 572 Views
about the driving on the shoulder thing - 29/06/2010 02:49:29 PM 1085 Views

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