Active Users:231 Time:19/05/2024 10:10:12 PM
Apart from the fact there's no record of it whatsoever, yes. Joel Send a noteboard - 21/10/2010 01:37:46 PM
Again, in places like NV, where "nobody" is always an official candidate, that's quite viable; if we did that nationally neither Bush NOR Kerry would've been elected in '04 (which might've made Dennis Hastert President; be careful what you wish... ). But in most of the US, not voting, or intentionally marring a ballot so it's unreadable, will be recorded as an over/undervote (if it's recorded at all) then ignored. Unless an election is decided by hundreds of votes and a single FL county has thousands of overvotes due to a confusing ballot, they aren't relevant (most weren't then, since determining which overvotes were actual errors and how many were "corrected" by voters who wanted Gore would be guesswork).
Hopefully, hopefully the democrats will be so worried about losing seats in general that they will coerce their most moderate members into running. And smartest. This election season looks like looming parade of psychotics, but it might actually be beneficial.</unexpected optimism>

My governor's race consists of dumb and dumber as does my representative's race. I can't in good faith cast a vote for any of them. What a sad state of affairs locally and nationally.

The lesser of two evils is still LESSER. Not voting at all means you don't even bother to comment, and liberals staying home 'cos their guy lost while conservatives do their civic duty, hold their nose and elect the least objectionable candidate. Because of that, they elect the least objectionable RIGHT candidate while liberal anarchist smugly deride the corrupt system they don't bother fixing.

When half the country doesn't bother showing up to say who they want running the whole NATION we don't inaugurate "none of the above" we elect whoever got a majority from the half that bothered to show. If you're not part of the solution you're still part of the problem. I understand and share your frustration with the current system and candidates, but the bottom line is the same as with the people condemnning sex and violence on TV: It continues solely because we tolerate it. Dissenters sitting on the sidelines aren't going to change anything. That simply allows those who created the problem to make it worse (and if you haven't looked around lately that's pretty much what's happened). If you've got time to argue it online, you've got a half hour to an hour (tops) to go vote, and if it's not at least that important to you, why go online and argue about it? I can't guarantee voting isn't as big a waste of time as discussing US politics on a site hosted in the UK, but it's no WORSE.

It's not rocket science, people. If you don't like negative ads, stop voting for people who run them and they'll try an EFFECTIVE strategy. If you don't like crooks and thieves in government, show up and vote someone else. Write in your own name if that's what it takes, but not voting at all isn't "registering your disapproval". It doesn't actually REGISTER anything; that's the problem. It is kinda bizarre though that those with the least faith in government tend to be the most likely to vote, even if it does explain why charges of "socialism" can doom a US candidate.

But don't openly concede you know the system is BADLY flawed, then claim some kind of moral high ground because you don't bother fixing it. Maybe the Little Dutch Boy is better off just saying, "look, I've only got 10 fingers; I can't plug the whole dike" but it wouldn't make him a national hero.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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"Where in the Constitution is separation of church and state?" - 20/10/2010 12:33:05 AM 802 Views
You don't want her? - 20/10/2010 01:21:20 AM 360 Views
I have decided for the first time in my life to not vote this year. - 20/10/2010 01:27:13 AM 244 Views
Now there's an answer - 20/10/2010 01:47:28 AM 342 Views
Voting isn't the only way to contribute *NM* - 20/10/2010 02:42:10 AM 104 Views
And most of those posts are a guess at best. - 20/10/2010 03:02:04 AM 221 Views
Maybe you shouldn't be guessing then? - 20/10/2010 06:00:02 AM 209 Views
Issac has a point. - 20/10/2010 02:14:28 AM 223 Views
Can you not spoil your ballot? - 20/10/2010 10:19:54 AM 203 Views
Depends where you live. - 20/10/2010 01:50:30 PM 250 Views
I don't think so but an intentional no vote is just as valid as voting IMHO. *NM* - 21/10/2010 02:45:35 AM 90 Views
The difference is when they look at statistics - 21/10/2010 10:49:48 AM 194 Views
Exactly. - 21/10/2010 02:02:46 PM 309 Views
When you don't vote the bad guys win. That simple. - 20/10/2010 01:53:23 PM 324 Views
An intentional NO vote is just as valid as voting. - 21/10/2010 02:46:58 AM 190 Views
Apart from the fact there's no record of it whatsoever, yes. - 21/10/2010 01:37:46 PM 206 Views
She is a buffoon of course. But what I am speechless about is... - 20/10/2010 01:25:43 AM 314 Views
Re: She is a buffoon of course. But what I am speechless about is... - 20/10/2010 01:35:48 AM 238 Views
Re: (meant to be under the main thread, but I can't move it) - 20/10/2010 02:42:23 AM 215 Views
It's a valid argument. - 21/10/2010 03:26:46 PM 192 Views
i feel kinda bad for her - 20/10/2010 03:31:03 AM 234 Views
What is odd about this is that everyone is used to the 'separation' idea that they don't bother to - 20/10/2010 06:44:48 AM 246 Views
Or, you know, the letters on the topic written by the people who drafted the Constitution *NM* - 20/10/2010 07:04:47 AM 131 Views
Those aren't the Constitution though. - 20/10/2010 12:39:41 PM 233 Views
which show they considered it but did not include it *NM* - 20/10/2010 06:14:37 PM 96 Views
Yep, this. *NM* - 20/10/2010 07:40:19 PM 117 Views
Personally, I think that's splitting hairs. *NM* - 20/10/2010 09:20:28 PM 95 Views
a direct reading is splitting hairs? - 20/10/2010 09:25:14 PM 195 Views
That's what lawyers like the Founding Fathers do. - 21/10/2010 02:56:36 PM 191 Views
I actually felt bad for her - 20/10/2010 10:46:57 AM 212 Views
She's right. - 20/10/2010 12:27:55 PM 341 Views
I'm less concerned about what she said than why she said it. *NM* - 20/10/2010 01:32:38 PM 188 Views
It is on youtube - 20/10/2010 02:40:12 PM 239 Views
Jesus Christ - 20/10/2010 03:03:30 PM 244 Views
Re: Jesus Christ - 20/10/2010 03:32:02 PM 217 Views
Re: Jesus Christ - 20/10/2010 03:36:48 PM 191 Views
Re: Jesus Christ - 20/10/2010 03:53:46 PM 195 Views
Re: Jesus Christ - 20/10/2010 04:01:49 PM 281 Views
Re: Jesus Christ - 20/10/2010 05:12:28 PM 192 Views
Because she knew her audience, she expected them to know better, not be deliberately obtuse. - 21/10/2010 02:31:19 PM 219 Views
See Dreaded Anomaly's reply below. - 21/10/2010 03:03:02 PM 251 Views
Done. - 21/10/2010 04:50:52 PM 193 Views
Yet another reason you aren't a lawyer. *NM* - 21/10/2010 05:09:16 PM 77 Views
Because I don't accept arguments I consider unproven? - 21/10/2010 05:23:52 PM 250 Views
I see we have replaced the PDS with ODS - 20/10/2010 03:05:58 PM 192 Views
It only depends on just how finely one wants to split hairs. - 20/10/2010 04:02:28 PM 193 Views
no it depends how far you want to stretch the Constitution to say things it doesn't say - 20/10/2010 04:19:04 PM 192 Views
No it does not show that. - 21/10/2010 02:58:32 AM 186 Views
It doesn't matter what some of them may have wanted - 21/10/2010 02:54:54 PM 169 Views
Treaty of Tripoli through the Establishment clause fairly explicitly affirms this. Sorry. *NM* - 21/10/2010 03:56:09 AM 81 Views
OK which clause allows for amending the Constitution by treaty? I can't seem to find it *NM* - 21/10/2010 02:59:01 PM 78 Views
Supremacy clause, not establishment clause. My mistake. - 21/10/2010 05:07:18 PM 184 Views
Sorry, but the Treaty of Tripolis relevant section still seems like commentary. - 21/10/2010 05:18:00 PM 172 Views
This is quickly becoming infuriating. - 22/10/2010 01:41:18 AM 174 Views
No, it's part of the treaty. - 22/10/2010 02:02:42 AM 196 Views
no your mistake was misreading the clause - 21/10/2010 05:48:52 PM 174 Views
Very difficult not to lose my temper here. - 22/10/2010 01:39:21 AM 189 Views
Then you should argue it violate a treaty with a country that no longer exist - 22/10/2010 02:03:32 PM 173 Views
Noticed that, too, did you? - 22/10/2010 08:40:09 PM 283 Views
She's so... bewildered! - 20/10/2010 06:40:04 PM 183 Views
that is what I think when I read a lot of the responses here - 20/10/2010 07:44:40 PM 186 Views
Because the logical conclusion is obvious. - 21/10/2010 03:08:39 AM 180 Views
I think it is logical that it means what is say not want some want it to say - 21/10/2010 03:02:08 PM 176 Views
Nonsense. The nature of the nation was already changing in the first generation. - 22/10/2010 12:35:26 AM 273 Views
but it is an impulse that should be limited - 22/10/2010 06:05:10 PM 174 Views
For those who think O'Donnell is correct, even on a technicality: - 20/10/2010 10:49:40 PM 223 Views
exactly - 21/10/2010 03:26:00 AM 214 Views
She started out alright - 21/10/2010 02:32:01 PM 176 Views
or she wasn't really paying attnetion to him and was still trying to argue her first point - 21/10/2010 03:24:06 PM 308 Views
Lol. Bush-League. - 21/10/2010 04:39:43 PM 166 Views
at leas thten the haters were hating someone who mattered *NM* - 21/10/2010 05:50:03 PM 83 Views

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