Active Users:174 Time:02/06/2024 09:34:15 AM
Re: Perhaps just as awesomely: Gaps Send a noteboard - 01/12/2010 02:21:35 AM

Ouroboros & zen & Afronsky's "the Fountain" & mtheory branes & no shit & I had this weird sense of deja vu & a Bare Naked Ladies song & I need a girl who understands me & gravity & etc.

But yeah, I'm pumped about the NASA announcement. I told the girl who doesn't understand me about it. Personally I hope it's not the arsenic bullshit, and actually involves a talking snake from deep space 9 or something.

Back to the void to read about the effects of income inequality and the coming ________ in America, not to mention the impacts of ______ on Europe and Asia, and how to stop ________ from becoming ________, which she surely will if _________ mounts a third party run.

Also, I wish the poster known as ________ would ______ me, or at least _______ here.
I cannot even copy his manner because the manner of his prose was the manner of his thinking and that was a dazzling succession of gaps; and you cannot ape a gap because you are bound to fill it in somehow or other -- and blot it out in the process. -- Nabokov
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Is NASA set to reveal on Thursday signs of possible extraterrestial life within the solar system? - 30/11/2010 03:49:40 AM 960 Views
Interesting. - 30/11/2010 04:43:15 AM 438 Views
crap! I will be watching this! - 30/11/2010 05:04:58 AM 581 Views
Goddammit Wikileaks get on this *NM* - 30/11/2010 05:05:19 AM 248 Views
There's no one to smear, why would wikileaks be interested? *NM* - 30/11/2010 01:45:58 PM 201 Views
If there is life in the solar system then it is likely a natural development in the universe. - 30/11/2010 05:12:38 AM 496 Views
Seems to put atheists in a bit of a catch-22 there. - 30/11/2010 05:54:25 AM 556 Views
Bwa? - 30/11/2010 06:45:33 AM 544 Views
Sorry, yeah. That is not my position. - 30/11/2010 07:03:17 AM 533 Views
The best will be when we find other intelligent life - 30/11/2010 02:32:35 PM 443 Views
Well, I don't actually agree with the first part of your Catch-22. At least, not entirely. - 30/11/2010 02:43:13 PM 568 Views
Using anthropomorphic terms to describe the universe only reflects on you, not on the universe. *NM* - 30/11/2010 07:31:04 PM 239 Views
What an arbitrary and meaningless statement. *NM* - 30/11/2010 07:52:13 PM 186 Views
Anthropomorphizing concepts is a cognitive bias. - 30/11/2010 11:19:23 PM 448 Views
Only given a certain metaphysical framework. - 01/12/2010 12:18:09 AM 482 Views
Mind dumbing that down a bit? - 01/12/2010 12:43:47 AM 422 Views
I think he is saying - 01/12/2010 01:26:34 AM 621 Views
That ain't not a lot simpler - 01/12/2010 01:35:38 AM 534 Views
Yes. - 01/12/2010 01:44:41 AM 482 Views
Those worldviews are unsupported by empirical evidence. - 01/12/2010 01:41:27 AM 581 Views
No worldviews are supported by empirical evidence. *NM* - 01/12/2010 01:57:23 AM 194 Views
Empiricism is unsupported by empirical evidence. *NM* - 01/12/2010 02:21:52 AM 193 Views
Empirical evidence is the only objective standard. - 01/12/2010 02:59:18 AM 508 Views
Empirical evidence cannot fully explain reality. - 01/12/2010 03:28:41 AM 547 Views
Re: Question (use google now!): what's the net energy of the universe? - 01/12/2010 03:35:57 AM 504 Views
Re: - 01/12/2010 03:45:22 AM 715 Views
Re: Re: - 01/12/2010 04:04:38 AM 483 Views
Yes. I know what empiricism is. - 01/12/2010 05:17:05 AM 787 Views
Re: You are a smart person. - 01/12/2010 03:09:13 AM 451 Views
Thanks. - 01/12/2010 03:30:46 AM 696 Views
Interesting. I agree with what you're saying, actually. - 30/11/2010 07:49:51 PM 428 Views
It won't change the argument in the least. - 01/12/2010 05:26:16 AM 612 Views
I have the feeling it's probably not going to be that. - 30/11/2010 06:02:48 AM 472 Views
Ohh, exciting! - 30/11/2010 08:37:32 AM 460 Views
noooo! - 30/11/2010 10:19:27 AM 415 Views
Boring primitive things would be cool. - 30/11/2010 02:54:10 PM 421 Views
Hey, there's a name I recognize, "Iron Lisa" - 30/11/2010 09:25:01 AM 563 Views
I, for one, welcome our new alien overlords. *NM* - 30/11/2010 02:35:04 PM 197 Views
"I, for one, welcome our new INSECT overlords"! - 01/12/2010 12:40:27 AM 490 Views
but we don't know if they're insects yet! - 01/12/2010 12:55:52 AM 427 Views
I'll not bow to any mere Bacterial Overlords, Eukaryote Overlords only!!! *NM* - 01/12/2010 01:02:20 AM 203 Views
So you're prejudiced against the nuclearly challenged? - 01/12/2010 01:09:57 AM 474 Views
Down right genocidal toward them - 01/12/2010 01:31:47 AM 412 Views
Genocide is a bit extreme - 01/12/2010 02:13:18 AM 458 Views
They had better have a green man *NM* - 30/11/2010 10:45:56 AM 161 Views
Because you need somebody to attack Aginor and Balthamel? *NM* - 01/12/2010 01:04:23 AM 168 Views
Oh no you didn't *NM* - 01/12/2010 01:14:55 AM 165 Views
Seriously. - 01/12/2010 01:26:54 AM 426 Views
Re: But then you got turned on just thinking about the phrase? - 01/12/2010 02:23:02 AM 512 Views
I'm actually a tiny bit giddy about this. *NM* - 01/12/2010 01:04:49 AM 185 Views
Re: Arsenic. *NM* - 01/12/2010 02:09:51 AM 194 Views
Re: Perhaps just as awesomely: - 01/12/2010 02:21:35 AM 538 Views

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