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Ooo, a Cannoli Post! ßelals Girl Send a noteboard - 24/12/2010 06:04:42 PM
Merry Christmas to me!

I challenge anyone to find a more holiday-festive tune than "Christmastime in Hell," while "Merry F***ing Christmas" pretty much perfectly sums up my attitude toward foreign cultures and ecumenism

Haha, I'd forgotten about "Christmastime in Hell." I remember my mom walked into the room while we were watching that episode once and thought we were watching the introduction to an actual Christmas special by that name. She remarked how much they seemed to be scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas for specials these days

Snoopy vs the Red Baron, Christmas version: While it seems to be full of good old Christmas civility, the history buff in me rebels at this one. In the first place, I totally root for Germany in World War One, and kind of admire Von Richtoffen, so f*** Snoopy. In the second, given that the actual Christmas truce of 1914 seems to have mostly been initiated by Germans, the Red Baron's conversion is not all that impressive. While his countrymen were braving the dangers of No Man's Land to offer holiday felicitations to their enemies (and at least one German soldier getting shot for his trouble), the song's Red Baron hopped into his plane to go looking for people to kill! Hesitating at the very last second because a bell happened to sound right then and remind him what the day was all about is not all THAT charitable, much less making him fly all the way to the Rhine (the pro-Allies song glosses over the fact that by Christmas of any year, the Germans had pushed pretty much the whole front well beyond the traditional geographic boundary of France & Germany) to offer him a Christmas greetiing & "holiday toast." I bet what really happened was he decided to take Snoopy prisoner rather than slaughter him in the sky, and also possibly have the Kaiser's engineers investigate the aerodynamics of a flying doghouse, so he got him to land back in Germany, only to have his superiors respond by saying "WTF, Manny?! It's Christmas and the rest of the Army is taking the damn war off for the day! Let the sociopathic little freak go."

You know, I've always liked this song, but while listening to it on the radio the other day, I actually thought about how you'd probably be able to pick it full of holes and ruin it for me

Also, f*** Snoopy sideways Although I wouldn't have actually minded Manfred forcing ME to land behind the enemy lines

Santa Claus is Coming to Town: Forget the trite insinuations of pedophiliac voyeurism. My main problem is the prevalance of the Springsteen version. Having the Boss perform the song does not make it cool. It just makes him a dork.

I remember my sister and I goofing around once and realizing how easy it was to turn this song into one about Santa being a serial killer. We didn't even need to change that many lyrics

Winter Wonderland: I could be wrong about this, but it seems to me like a metaphor for more illicit activities. Unless Protestant ministers actually go around randomly asking couples if they are married, it seems like an odd conversation for them to simulate with their snowman. I would think that the only reason a clergyman would ask such a question was if he caught them doing things generally only acceptable between married couples. Which raises the question, did they build the snowman so they could have someone to watch them have sex and then chastize them for it until they agree to a shotgun wedding? That's a...singular...fetish.

This song is so overplayed, I can't even stand it anymore. Same with "Sleigh Ride."

Chestnuts Roasting On an Open Fire

Santa Baby

These two and "The Christmas Shoes" are what I call the "Unholy Trinity." I hate it when they come on the radio at some place where I can't change the station.

Almost anything by Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Who the hell do they think they are to screw up Beethoven and Tchaikovsky and then present their electronicy-tehno versions of the work of the greatest composes in history as their music? Some of my brothers & I went to one of their concerts with our mother once. They postured and acted as if they were actual rock stars or something, without a trace of irony in their performance, as if they genuinely think themselves to be something more than a cover band with a fecal version of the midas touch.

I actually like some of their stuff, but I agree with you about the posturing. I bought one of their CDs once and it was the most pretentious thing I'd ever seen/heard.

Merry Christmas, and God bless us, every one!

Merry Christmas, Cannoli!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go buy some shoes for my mom who's been sick for a while
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What the heck were old-timey kids into?! - 22/12/2010 02:18:07 AM 861 Views
I honestly don't understand what's depressing about Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas..? *NM* - 22/12/2010 04:05:04 AM 142 Views
That one's the soporifc tune, rather than the lyrics. - 22/12/2010 05:17:52 AM 332 Views
Hm, okay. You're not the first person I've heard it from, though. - 22/12/2010 06:51:35 AM 307 Views
No, but I feel safe around old guys with shovels. - 22/12/2010 08:32:28 AM 279 Views
Find and listen to the James Taylor version. - 22/12/2010 02:10:21 PM 269 Views
Still nothin'. ~shrug~ *NM* - 23/12/2010 03:35:42 AM 161 Views
Santa Claus is Coming to Town sounds like every totalitarian regime in history. - 22/12/2010 05:42:15 AM 5398 Views
George Bush or George Dub-ya Bush doesn't fit. But Barack Obama, on the other hand... - 22/12/2010 08:30:53 AM 433 Views
Has five? *NM* - 23/12/2010 03:03:16 AM 151 Views
well you can expect a lump of coal in your stocking *NM* - 22/12/2010 05:23:29 PM 130 Views
Ooo, a Cannoli Post! - 24/12/2010 06:04:42 PM 532 Views

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