Active Users:170 Time:02/06/2024 01:38:04 PM
It was permissible to ignore until it became a rallying cry. Joel Send a noteboard - 20/01/2011 04:27:23 PM
I even referenced that article earlier in this thread, forgot we'd had it up here, 400 views and 64 replies and not one outraged remarked about the title.

or clever, rather, the way you suggest that somehow there are large amounts of "outraged remarks" in this thread when Palin says it, as contrasted to when the other guy did it - when of course that isn't the case at all. Joel himself is the only person you could conceivably count as having made such remarks, and you'll note his post title suggests that his irritation was caused by having heard the term used repeatedly, rather than by Palin alone.

I'm calling this one for exactly what it is... extreme hypocrisy and manufactured outrage, I'm not naming anyone to that other than Joel, though I do not consider him the sole offender, just the most blatant and shameless. Your accusation that I implied something is not something I could meaningfully mount a defense against, so I won't bother. I consider it clear that the whole blood libel thing is Palin-driven, perhaps from Joel's perspective it is right-wing driven, this is all of course impossible... as the author of the article in question is a Libertarian Transhumanist, not generally associated with 'dumb hatemonger fringe right'

Like me, he replied in the other thread not with comments specific to the article posted there, but about the topic as a whole - and at that time, the use of the "blood libel" term hadn't become a big issue in the media yet.

That's rather the point. It was in the title of the post, IIRC in the text it was bolded, if it was offensive enough for anyone to use it at the time then it should have been offensive enough to garner at least one negative comment. If no one was offended, then it's really pushing it to say that someone was being tactless in using a term most people didn't know was offensive until they were told it was by the media.

Now, I've got no problem with people not shouting about the term, I don't think they should in the first place, I do know the term, I know how its used, and I have a connection through a lot of recent Jewish ancestors from those parts of Europe worst afflicted, and I was not offended and as I have said, did not think its use inappropriate. But it seems evident that much of the outrage now is specifically of the 'because she said it and I hate her' variety, or as I said, manufactured outrage. Besides Joel I see no one who has clearly shown themselves to be suffering from this so I'll not throw accusations out. I say anyone who was outraged by 'Blood Libel' and commented in that prior thread and didn't mention the term then is treading close to extreme hypocrisy or admitting to a horrible lack of attention to detail. I display a garment, if people want to say it's cut to their fit, they are welcome to do so.

Also, for at least a week I consciously avoided digging into the details lest I find reason to believe Loughner more than a nut. Unfortunately it won't go away. We can't mourn the dead and address the ease with which one can legally get a gun despite a long and documented history of mental instability and criminal violence (the public suggestion that we SHOULDN'T do this is what prompted me to look deeper); instead we must focus on a former governors insistence that a comfy shoe doesn't fit. Rather than say, "Its absurd to suggest any connection" that suggestion is publicly called a malicious act. One op ed can be ignored; when a large political faction parrots it right down to the diction it must be addressed. If protesting libel charges means the shoe fits, protesting incitement charges does the same--which means it's not libel at all.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
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Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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OK, I'm Officially Sick of the "Blood Libel" BS. - 16/01/2011 12:18:22 PM 1936 Views
Why are they calling it "blood libel"? - 16/01/2011 12:23:47 PM 792 Views
Because if the facts were as they represent them those words would be applicable. - 16/01/2011 12:49:22 PM 968 Views
It's not entirely clear to me whether you're aware of this or not, but... - 16/01/2011 01:12:22 PM 1015 Views
That's why I said, "popularized". - 16/01/2011 01:46:52 PM 959 Views
I think Alan Dershowitz dealt with this nonsense already - 16/01/2011 02:34:10 PM 1297 Views
Interesting. I didn't realize it was so wide-spread. - 16/01/2011 03:10:28 PM 866 Views
She wasn't even the first to use the term that week either - 16/01/2011 10:10:35 PM 874 Views
I don't know that "expert" has anything to do with it. - 16/01/2011 10:18:54 PM 892 Views
Re: I don't know that "expert" has anything to do with it. - 16/01/2011 11:30:38 PM 793 Views
Oh please don't you start to - 17/01/2011 02:34:43 PM 757 Views
I for one hadn't noticed it before. - 17/01/2011 10:25:57 PM 920 Views
it was used here and nobody commented - 17/01/2011 10:37:07 PM 813 Views
LOL, I totally forgot that got posted here - 17/01/2011 10:54:26 PM 854 Views
It's funny you should say that... - 18/01/2011 10:32:59 PM 892 Views
Re: It's funny you should say that... - 19/01/2011 03:29:52 PM 870 Views
It was permissible to ignore until it became a rallying cry. - 20/01/2011 04:27:23 PM 903 Views
A rallying cry is hardly illegal - 20/01/2011 05:32:45 PM 952 Views
I never said it was. - 20/01/2011 06:59:39 PM 1084 Views
Oh, I noticed that one alright. - 18/01/2011 10:25:23 PM 733 Views
compared to the way similar terms are used? - 19/01/2011 06:58:02 PM 874 Views
I meant I hadn't seen it used in different contexts before. - 19/01/2011 07:35:00 PM 854 Views
Indeed, my response to Legolas references Wikipedias quotation of him. - 16/01/2011 10:24:09 PM 940 Views
Re: Indeed, my response to Legolas references Wikipedias quotation of him. - 16/01/2011 11:09:21 PM 972 Views
Again, Giffords specifically made the connection between Palins imagery and an attack on her. - 17/01/2011 12:53:08 AM 1115 Views
That means precisely nothing - 17/01/2011 03:59:07 PM 811 Views
It means everything. - 18/01/2011 08:34:55 PM 1082 Views
I'm trying to understand your logic - 19/01/2011 12:50:28 AM 685 Views
There are two points: - 19/01/2011 02:47:48 AM 874 Views
Re: It means everything. - 19/01/2011 05:55:02 PM 710 Views
That's simply illogical. - 20/01/2011 01:08:51 AM 1091 Views
the old step one steal underwear step three profit argument - 19/01/2011 06:01:14 PM 967 Views
that is some twisted and bizarre logic - 17/01/2011 02:38:41 PM 905 Views
So I am a little confused on something... - 16/01/2011 02:38:59 PM 971 Views
Palin putting Giffords district in the crosshairs and Giffords implying at the time she feared this - 16/01/2011 11:21:36 PM 1104 Views
If I understand what you are saying correctly... - 17/01/2011 07:07:56 AM 840 Views
I'm sorry you so badly misunderstand. - 17/01/2011 08:33:47 AM 849 Views
Re: I'm sorry you so badly misunderstand. - 17/01/2011 04:24:01 PM 904 Views
The Secret Service does guard Congressmen, just not all of them automatically. - 18/01/2011 09:13:39 PM 733 Views
No, they don't - 18/01/2011 10:19:34 PM 928 Views
Really? Cannoli says differently, and I believe he's right on that one. - 18/01/2011 10:50:51 PM 1000 Views
You seem to be reading what you want to from what I said - 19/01/2011 01:27:32 PM 857 Views
I read what you said & understood it as you restate here, hence I referenced local police (twice) - 20/01/2011 02:15:17 AM 899 Views
The problem here is your ignoring normal policing powers to concoct an absurdity - 20/01/2011 04:20:25 PM 942 Views
More absurd than the notion such incitement warrants no notice? - 20/01/2011 05:42:47 PM 1003 Views
Your shifting your original premise, *again* - 20/01/2011 08:24:18 PM 826 Views
No, you're simply missing the point of it. - 20/01/2011 11:09:57 PM 820 Views
There is no point - 21/01/2011 12:22:30 AM 877 Views
If I had no point I wouldn't bother, but fair enough. - 21/01/2011 01:20:32 AM 1120 Views
Uh...Last I checked conservatives didn't list the Communist Manifesto as a favourite book. - 16/01/2011 03:05:07 PM 1145 Views
You're awesome at missing points, aren't you? - 16/01/2011 07:26:30 PM 881 Views
where is the accountability for those committing slander? - 17/01/2011 02:52:40 PM 789 Views
Libs hate Mein Kampf and We the Living; conservatives hate the Communist Manifesto: He's neither. - 16/01/2011 10:06:02 PM 843 Views
conseartives hate Mein Kampf and liberals stil read the Communist Manifesto - 17/01/2011 02:57:22 PM 812 Views
That first line is says it all. - 18/01/2011 09:34:06 PM 905 Views
Nazis had more in common with communist then capitalist - 19/01/2011 04:10:09 PM 1008 Views
The founder of fascism called it "the merger of corporate and national power". - 20/01/2011 02:51:09 AM 890 Views
and that is supposed to mean something? - 20/01/2011 06:06:18 PM 931 Views
YOU are cherry picking. - 20/01/2011 07:50:21 PM 835 Views
It is to be expected that this site would be libtard central... - 16/01/2011 05:23:53 PM 1097 Views
See my reply to Dragonsoul above. - 16/01/2011 07:30:40 PM 944 Views
Yeah, your first was better - 16/01/2011 09:48:58 PM 763 Views
Palin didn't really have anything to do with this, but it makes sense she's blamed. - 16/01/2011 10:19:51 PM 826 Views
Pretty much. - 16/01/2011 11:44:35 PM 902 Views
Did they ever catch the person(s) that vandalized Gifford's office? *NM* - 17/01/2011 03:30:36 AM 422 Views
politcal offices are vandalized on a regular basis *NM* - 17/01/2011 02:41:29 PM 384 Views
She only asked if they caught the guy, she didn't accuse anyone, Sarah. - 18/01/2011 11:27:18 PM 780 Views
OK Olberman when did I imply otherwise? *NM* - 19/01/2011 02:48:41 PM 437 Views
"Political offices are vandalized on a regular basis". - 20/01/2011 03:16:39 AM 969 Views
Took you this long, huh? - 17/01/2011 01:53:31 PM 747 Views
I am sick of the desperate attempts of liberals to find a way to use a tragedy - 17/01/2011 02:31:18 PM 759 Views
I'm just curious. - 17/01/2011 03:23:47 PM 730 Views
Re: I'm just curious. - 17/01/2011 03:28:04 PM 868 Views
I always said I'd do that after Bush was re-elected. - 18/01/2011 11:52:45 PM 753 Views
like I said a matter of faith - 17/01/2011 04:27:51 PM 741 Views
I find it interesting... - 17/01/2011 05:31:54 PM 889 Views
I mention her looks solely because... - 20/01/2011 02:30:42 PM 761 Views
If slander, not mine, Giffords' (at least you don't err like Palin and say, "libel" ). - 18/01/2011 11:14:23 PM 948 Views
mark you calendar today is the day Joel offically went around the bend into insanity - 19/01/2011 05:28:06 PM 748 Views
A mirror will show me who's to blame? On whom have I put a crosshairs? - 20/01/2011 03:23:43 AM 804 Views
so it is all a matter of faith for you - 20/01/2011 05:48:44 AM 760 Views
No, it's fairly straight forward logic. - 20/01/2011 03:25:56 PM 857 Views
sorry Joel but you haven't - 20/01/2011 03:29:49 PM 669 Views
It's there; in this thread alone people from both sides of the aisle have acknowledged that. - 20/01/2011 05:51:21 PM 760 Views
only in your does the connection exisit - 20/01/2011 06:39:35 PM 792 Views
No. - 20/01/2011 07:35:09 PM 870 Views
dude wake up - 20/01/2011 08:54:33 PM 1010 Views
So in your opinion... - 17/01/2011 05:27:58 PM 743 Views
How 'bout simply color coding them? - 18/01/2011 11:21:03 PM 789 Views
Why not just blame Giffords? - 17/01/2011 06:07:14 PM 1093 Views
Indeed, why not; Sarah Palin does. - 18/01/2011 06:58:01 PM 913 Views
The irony of this thread is not lost on me. - 19/01/2011 04:09:01 PM 926 Views
Exactly. *NM* - 19/01/2011 04:51:40 PM 475 Views
Bizarre thread for that Soapbox - 19/01/2011 05:17:58 PM 683 Views
You missed the point, obviously. - 19/01/2011 06:04:23 PM 796 Views
so you are saying it is the same old RAFO - 19/01/2011 06:47:24 PM 847 Views
The thread has admittedly degenerated - 19/01/2011 07:02:12 PM 709 Views
Check your NB. Noted you a response. *NM* - 19/01/2011 07:04:58 PM 454 Views
That I knew it would go this way is why I avoided looking closely for so long. - 19/01/2011 11:20:44 PM 934 Views
Hey, now. I have to step in. - 20/01/2011 04:44:49 PM 960 Views
I'm just saying a significant link can be demonstrated. - 20/01/2011 07:07:27 PM 1016 Views
Re: OK, I'm Officially Sick of the "Blood Libel" BS. - 22/01/2011 05:49:44 PM 947 Views

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