Active Users:202 Time:02/06/2024 06:55:37 AM
Have you had any vivid dreams that came true? Tom Send a noteboard - 13/04/2011 01:16:59 AM
When I was in college I had a terrible vivid dream where I was in a car with my parents and some of my college friends and suddenly a car crossed the median of the highway and hit our car. I survived but most of the other people were dead. It made me uneasy for about six months and then I had another dream where the same thing happened, but the car missed us. I thought about how silly it was to dream about this, and two days later that same accident happened on the same highway where I dreamed it happening, killing about six people from the same family in a car. I had a similar one where I was in a terrible plane crash, then had the dream again where I wasn't on the plane and the next morning after the second dream was the Air France disaster in the Atlantic.

I seem to remember telling you about the dream where my business partner and I were in a conference room looking at glossy photos of Russian politicians and we had to choose one. I tried to choose Alexander Lebed but I was reminded that we picked him "last time" and couldn't pick him again, so I said, "I guess it has to be Yeltsin. But it's too bad. I liked him." We left the room and sat down in a big room in a funeral home. A man came by with a huge, tall carafe of vodka and poured us two shots. My business partner went to hit his glass against mine but I said, "No, you don't touch the glasses when someone has died." I then woke up, turned on the TV and saw that Yeltsin had just died. The timing was absolutely eerie.

Either way, if you haven't had dreams come true, don't worry. And if you have, things could change. Besides, why would you want to get into a minivan in the first place? They're so declassé.
Political correctness is the pettiest form of casuistry.

ἡ δὲ κἀκ τριῶν τρυπημάτων ἐργαζομένη ἐνεκάλει τῇ φύσει, δυσφορουμένη, ὅτι δὴ μὴ καὶ τοὺς τιτθοὺς αὐτῇ εὐρύτερον ἢ νῦν εἰσι τρυπώη, ὅπως καὶ ἄλλην ἐνταῦθα μίξιν ἐπιτεχνᾶσθαι δυνατὴ εἴη. – Procopius

Ummaka qinnassa nīk!

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Questions about souls... - 12/04/2011 03:06:54 AM 2027 Views
Re: Questions about souls... - 12/04/2011 03:23:00 AM 1067 Views
All right. - 12/04/2011 05:50:08 AM 1042 Views
Re: Questions about souls... - 12/04/2011 06:27:14 AM 1023 Views
It would really depend on the mechanism - 12/04/2011 06:28:24 AM 904 Views
You assume we all know, and agree on, what "soul" means. - 12/04/2011 08:42:47 AM 952 Views
It is what hope, which is a thing with feathers, perches on. - 12/04/2011 07:32:07 PM 997 Views
But seriously, what does it do? - 12/04/2011 11:01:58 PM 1001 Views
It makes poems pretty. - 13/04/2011 07:00:03 PM 1020 Views
Re: Yeah, exactly. - 15/04/2011 02:43:24 AM 994 Views
Just going off the 'reborn' thing.. - 12/04/2011 08:53:28 AM 929 Views
Hm. - 12/04/2011 03:22:01 PM 1041 Views
Agreed. - 12/04/2011 05:49:11 PM 899 Views
it wouldn't change much for me, but I'm pretty flexible in my spiritual beliefs - 12/04/2011 04:23:34 PM 1036 Views
This. *NM* - 13/04/2011 04:15:11 PM 570 Views
Re: Questions about souls... - 12/04/2011 05:44:53 PM 1082 Views
What a fantasy. - 12/04/2011 07:57:38 PM 950 Views
What happened to two? *NM* - 12/04/2011 08:20:41 PM 565 Views
Thanks, I fixed it. *NM* - 12/04/2011 08:29:20 PM 579 Views
Your comments, or mine? - 13/04/2011 01:24:53 AM 1423 Views
You get one guess. - 13/04/2011 07:09:01 PM 1152 Views
One dismissive answer deserves another. - 24/04/2011 12:54:44 AM 1045 Views
I'm a Christian who is partial to reincarnation, so I do not think much would change. - 12/04/2011 06:21:36 PM 994 Views
*is disappointed* *NM* - 12/04/2011 08:01:05 PM 509 Views
You'd be surprised how frequently I get that from both sides. - 12/04/2011 08:22:24 PM 976 Views
I bet you do! - 12/04/2011 08:47:59 PM 941 Views
Re: I bet you do! - 13/04/2011 04:02:07 AM 978 Views
Does it really? - 24/04/2011 01:09:34 AM 863 Views
OMG! - 14/04/2011 06:19:50 PM 974 Views
Go expand his worldview. *NM* - 14/04/2011 06:56:03 PM 530 Views
I think we are similar in some respects philosophically. - 13/04/2011 05:59:38 AM 927 Views
Who says.... - 13/04/2011 07:11:24 PM 885 Views
So then my question is.... - 13/04/2011 07:08:42 PM 891 Views
Because I believe that Jesus was an incarnation of the λόγος. - 14/04/2011 12:36:36 AM 926 Views
*heh* - 14/04/2011 04:12:32 PM 1032 Views
I think I answered it pretty clearly in my post title. *NM* - 14/04/2011 06:59:47 PM 584 Views
Actually, you didn't. - 15/04/2011 12:12:42 AM 978 Views
Re: Actually, you didn't. - 24/04/2011 09:04:04 AM 960 Views
I think that, like a lot of other people responding, I would want and need more information. - 12/04/2011 07:13:14 PM 920 Views
Speaking of the agnostic/atheist thing - 12/04/2011 07:40:04 PM 961 Views
99% that there is no God... - 12/04/2011 08:08:42 PM 1028 Views
Technically, no, atheists simply lack belief in a God. - 12/04/2011 08:19:15 PM 948 Views
Whoah there, - 12/04/2011 08:26:43 PM 939 Views
Okay, I have to admit I wasn't expecting to get called out on that. - 13/04/2011 04:03:08 AM 1026 Views
no I think that's just the literal definition... - 12/04/2011 11:19:18 PM 875 Views
Isn't that what "technically" would imply? - 13/04/2011 04:04:42 AM 1076 Views
It certainly doesn't mean you can't make conclusions. - 12/04/2011 08:09:41 PM 1035 Views
Re: Campbell: - 12/04/2011 08:42:09 PM 1033 Views
Self-identification is an interesting point here. - 12/04/2011 09:00:46 PM 933 Views
Re: Agree - 12/04/2011 09:22:22 PM 967 Views
Answers. - 12/04/2011 09:05:38 PM 932 Views
That's not a compelling counter-argument for me. - 12/04/2011 11:22:21 PM 1103 Views
Never mind. - 12/04/2011 11:34:46 PM 901 Views
be sure to post if it does happen *NM* - 12/04/2011 11:56:17 PM 525 Views
Have you had any vivid dreams that came true? - 13/04/2011 01:16:59 AM 866 Views
My mom used to have dreams like that, usually about relatives. - 13/04/2011 02:25:45 AM 1004 Views
I can easily believe that. - 13/04/2011 06:14:51 AM 873 Views
Minivans can fit lots of useful stuffs, like furniture. *NM* - 13/04/2011 03:47:04 PM 582 Views
So can gas-guzzling SUVs, and full trucks. *NM* - 13/04/2011 05:13:20 PM 536 Views
for that matter, you can fit a surprising amount even in a baby truck! *NM* - 13/04/2011 06:36:58 PM 518 Views
I'd find it quite comforting - 12/04/2011 07:40:09 PM 904 Views
Well, as I said in my census form on Sunday - 12/04/2011 08:36:05 PM 1070 Views
Pythagoras was a total nut. - 12/04/2011 10:05:42 PM 1017 Views
True - 12/04/2011 10:13:43 PM 923 Views
It would upset my belief in science - 12/04/2011 09:39:39 PM 1065 Views
There's so much wrong with that statement. - 12/04/2011 09:55:45 PM 1042 Views
If science proved there really was an Easter Bunny would it affect your believe in science? *NM* - 12/04/2011 10:30:09 PM 622 Views
*is both bored and annoyed* - 12/04/2011 11:03:10 PM 933 Views
right. - 12/04/2011 11:18:31 PM 1142 Views
and what if science proved that science was false? - 12/04/2011 11:48:32 PM 1004 Views
I think that's kind of the point; it can't. - 13/04/2011 01:33:44 AM 888 Views
Did you read my original post? - 13/04/2011 03:13:34 AM 844 Views
I did, yes. - 13/04/2011 03:32:18 AM 891 Views
What's a soul? - 12/04/2011 10:51:39 PM 910 Views
I can only give you my personal take. - 13/04/2011 01:47:39 AM 1045 Views
so did this guy took a railroad spike through the head - 13/04/2011 01:58:52 PM 1061 Views
Nah, he just got someone else's added to him. But now Ruin can influence him. *NM* - 13/04/2011 06:38:31 PM 584 Views
Thanks a lot - 13/04/2011 07:02:29 PM 932 Views
No. - 23/04/2011 09:15:16 PM 944 Views
but we know personality can be draticaly altered by physical means - 24/04/2011 03:28:36 AM 1259 Views
"We" don't know that; that's the problem. - 24/04/2011 07:02:49 AM 1067 Views
Can one have an identity without memory? *NM* - 13/04/2011 03:46:16 PM 552 Views
Sure. - 23/04/2011 08:53:51 PM 782 Views
Re: My question about souls: who will save your souuuuls? *NM* - 13/04/2011 04:04:21 AM 552 Views
I would becoming interested in tracing people's souls across time/space - 13/04/2011 04:00:51 PM 926 Views
Re: I would becoming interested in tracing people's souls across time/space - 14/04/2011 03:29:55 AM 933 Views
Sorry :-) - 14/04/2011 10:15:30 AM 1008 Views
Interesting concept.... - 13/04/2011 07:28:42 PM 905 Views
Heh. Loose faith. - 14/04/2011 02:32:27 AM 932 Views
It kinda still works though....doesn't it? - 14/04/2011 04:14:19 PM 924 Views
it does work. well in fact! *NM* - 24/04/2011 03:24:25 AM 528 Views
Oooh... - 14/04/2011 04:31:30 AM 987 Views
Who says..... - 14/04/2011 04:26:31 PM 1040 Views
Wow, thanks for all the responses!! - 14/04/2011 03:42:38 AM 989 Views

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