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Re: I don't know that I'm a "top religiologist", but here goes: Darth_Katie Send a noteboard - 08/09/2011 06:35:55 PM

Many times, if someone prays for something that is good, that is in keeping with God's will, God will grant it. He may have been waiting for the prayer, because praying and asking shows humility and gratitude, and a willingness to follow Him.

I also recently heard that God may grant blessings, but that doesn't mean we receive them. We have to do our part and be worthy and ready.

Does that make sense? (That's sincerity mode. I'm not sure if I explained it very well.)

Hm... that makes some sense. Though it gets a little odd when you drop into specifics (I pray for my uncle to be cured of cancer. He is cured. Even though he's a good man, if I hadn't prayed, would he not have been cured? Etc.)

That's the eternal question, isn't it?

Perhaps a good metaphor would be a boss who is willing to give someone a promotion, but not until they ask for it- if they aren't able to ask for it, then they're not ready to get it.

This is closer, I think. Grace and faith and understanding are gifts from God, but you have to be willing to receive them. Prayer is supposed to be less of a checklist of things you want from God and more of a chance to open to your heart to Him and discern His will. That's what I was taught, anyway, and I find it much more satisfying than eternal petitions.

Do you remember the parable of the old woman and the mean judge? It was once interpreted to me that WE are the judge and God is the woman. It's not that if you keep asking for something eventually God will give it to you, but that God is constantly trying to connect with us, but what we really need to do is shut up and listen.

Plus, as man is fallible and doesn't consider everything, it seems like the best prayer would be "Dear God, please do what you can to make life as good and happy as possible for my family, myself, and all of humanity."

This is very close. I usually go for "Help me to know what I should do to make life as good and happy as possible for my family, myself, and all of humanity."

In any case, thanks.
Insert theme music here.
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I figured I'd put RAFO's top religiologists on the case - 08/09/2011 02:03:55 PM 652 Views
The real answer is there is no effect because God is not real. - 08/09/2011 02:23:00 PM 298 Views
Right, I was working from that presumption - 08/09/2011 03:32:31 PM 294 Views
Re: Talking puppies! And kittens! I want! *NM* - 08/09/2011 03:34:49 PM 137 Views
well I am not religious but that seems a bit of a strawman argument - 08/09/2011 05:01:57 PM 318 Views
I don't know that I'm a "top religiologist", but here goes: - 08/09/2011 05:35:26 PM 410 Views
Re: I don't know that I'm a "top religiologist", but here goes: - 08/09/2011 05:53:36 PM 273 Views
Re: I don't know that I'm a "top religiologist", but here goes: - 08/09/2011 06:35:55 PM 343 Views
Oooh, can I be a top religiologist? - 08/09/2011 06:52:18 PM 414 Views
I can totally do this. - 08/09/2011 06:57:19 PM 313 Views
Believe it or not, this is a thought I had when I was little and christian. - 08/09/2011 07:39:24 PM 304 Views
Predestination is something only strict Calvinists believe. - 08/09/2011 08:53:59 PM 273 Views
Didn't mean to bring up predestination. - 08/09/2011 09:17:19 PM 300 Views
Sorry. That's how I read it... - 09/09/2011 12:48:07 AM 360 Views
It's not a risk you can refuse... - 09/09/2011 06:04:44 AM 287 Views
Many choices in life are risky. - 09/09/2011 03:15:49 PM 263 Views
It's a very silly argument that the T Rex is making. - 08/09/2011 07:22:23 PM 278 Views
I think that looking for an absolute answer re: religion is pretty silly. - 08/09/2011 08:22:16 PM 272 Views
wrong place *NM* - 09/09/2011 05:00:52 AM 112 Views
Prayer is not a request line. - 09/09/2011 05:03:10 AM 405 Views
That's a tough one... - 09/09/2011 01:27:25 PM 271 Views
That's part of the charm. - 09/09/2011 08:50:05 PM 257 Views
Re: That's part of the charm. - 13/09/2011 12:08:45 AM 350 Views

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