Active Users:153 Time:02/06/2024 10:44:13 AM
Personally, I'm rather annoyed by the Occupy Wallstreet movements. callandor1000 Send a noteboard - 29/10/2011 04:31:54 PM
At least where I am, many of the people talking about them or participating are young people, college age students or college grads. What's rather funny is that the people in that demographic who don't protest or join in claim they don't because they have a job and need to work otherwise they'd be all over that protest. Well, I call shenanigans. That's bullshit.

Also, I have a larger issue than that with this movement. They're protesting? Like standing around protesting? Really? The most creative we can get at this point is to protest? Out of work college students and grads can't come up with something better? It's the manifestation of what I believe is one of the true issues plaguing our country. Laziness. We're not creative and hardworking anymore. We have more technology and ways to spread our messages and the best that we can come up with is to stand around outside hoping we're looking like we're doing something without actually doing something. Isn't that one of the things we're mad at the government for?

It's just silly. Solutions need to be offered up from people. They need to band together and actually do something other than sit down. Find leaders (with no political or negligible political) experience to get into office and make what you want happen. But no, we'll take the easy way out.

Your mom. That's right. The cat is out of the bag. Your mom.

My mind isn't always in the gutter, it just has VIP access
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The three fatal errors of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement - 29/10/2011 04:12:10 PM 1046 Views
They're occupying St Andrews Square in Edinburgh - 29/10/2011 04:21:11 PM 517 Views
I had a run in with them this week - 29/10/2011 06:01:30 PM 539 Views
They're camping at a park in my town, too. - 30/10/2011 08:21:06 PM 492 Views
Personally, I'm rather annoyed by the Occupy Wallstreet movements. - 29/10/2011 04:31:54 PM 558 Views
The unwarranted sense of entitlement is disgusting. - 29/10/2011 06:40:42 PM 543 Views
The funniest report about the whole situation that I have watched. - 29/10/2011 06:57:44 PM 552 Views
Over here there are some rich kids in among the protestors. - 30/10/2011 04:58:55 PM 476 Views
Cell phones and Starbucks - 31/10/2011 01:21:49 PM 482 Views
Re: The three fatal errors of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement - 29/10/2011 07:23:35 PM 537 Views
Yes, they are really the 0.0625%, not the 99%. - 30/10/2011 04:57:39 PM 468 Views
Reason Number 4 - 30/10/2011 12:22:12 PM 623 Views
One good thing is coming out of the protests, though. - 30/10/2011 05:00:52 PM 530 Views
one thing i've noticed is that OWS brings out a lot of professional protesters - 30/10/2011 07:14:54 PM 581 Views
I couldn't agree more. - 30/10/2011 08:16:58 PM 580 Views
I think the movement is here to stay - 01/11/2011 07:47:29 AM 644 Views
Yes, so much of OWS seems like protesting for the sake of protesting. - 08/11/2011 11:02:01 PM 480 Views
Oh, and also.... - 08/11/2011 11:06:47 PM 517 Views

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