Active Users:158 Time:17/06/2024 08:32:29 PM
Absolutely. TyrReborn Send a noteboard - 12/10/2016 10:56:58 PM

Is this just over the emails scandal where the FBI decided it wasn't worth pushing charges, or is it dating back further?


It probably is safe to say that very few of said liberals actually do think that Clinton should be in prison, hence your conclusion is simply irrelevant to them...
The part about the Clintons seeming to play by different rules is, I dare say, a lot more widely accepted among liberals, which is probably why Clinton had such a hard time in the primaries when her only serious rival was espousing policies that would have seen him laughed out of the race even in most European countries, however socialist those may seem from the American position. Which brings me to my subject line.

Yes, I absolutely would have voted for Sanders over Clinton.

I vote according to my morals, and currently, morally, both Hillary and Trump are incredibly disgusting people, and I absolutely detest the idea that I have to vote for them.

However, given my moral stances(mainly my being pro-life), I am pretty much forced to vote for Trump.

True, Sanders or Biden would have been just as pro-choice as Hillary is, but they are halfway decent people, so I feel that I could justify voting for them over Trump because of how morally disgusting Trump is.

It is pretty amazing how the Republicans managed to nominate someone who looks increasingly like the only person capable of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory against Clinton, and setting the good ol' big tent on fire in the process.

Completely agreed. It's amazing how someone who has built his brand on 'winning' can be such a gigantic loser.

There's a reason (I mean, other than the timing coinciding with Trump's tape) why that revelation got so little traction: people aren't stupid. If the worst thing she told those bankers was just something that people already take for granted even for politicians they do like, never mind for Clinton, then one wonders why she ever tried to hide those transcripts at all. And while I won't quibble too much with 'she has no stances to stand upon', the same goes for Trump (no, 'I'm awesome and everybody else sucks' does not count as a political stance), so that's not much of an argument to decide the dilemma.

Again, agreed. Trump's main stance that rocketed him into the Republican candidacy was his hard-line stance on immigration... and as soon as he becomes the candidate, he says 'oh hey no, I totally want be that hard on immigration.' It's absolutely sickening, and, again, were he running against ANYONE other than Hillary, the other most corrupt, sleazy, stance-changingest person on the planet, I would gladly cross party lines simply to deny this disgusting, disgusting man the Presidency.

However, his opponent is Hillary, so my hands are tied.

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i don't know which is more remarkable... - 11/10/2016 07:48:22 PM 658 Views
I've hated Trump from the get-go, the problem is that Hillary is a criminal... - 11/10/2016 11:08:04 PM 399 Views
right-wingers have been trotting "Hillary is a criminal" for years - 12/10/2016 07:28:29 PM 404 Views
Re: right-wingers have been trotting "Hillary is a criminal" for years - 12/10/2016 10:49:14 PM 390 Views
Re: right-wingers have been trotting "Hillary is a criminal" for years - 13/10/2016 12:30:25 AM 354 Views
Look who's talking - 14/10/2016 02:58:58 AM 425 Views
Seriously? You'd have voted for Sanders over Clinton? - 12/10/2016 07:43:56 PM 354 Views
Absolutely. - 12/10/2016 10:56:58 PM 401 Views
I suppose if I try to imagine seeing Clinton the way I see Trump, I can kind of see it. - 13/10/2016 07:04:21 PM 360 Views
Re: I suppose if I try to imagine seeing Clinton the way I see Trump, I can kind of see it. - 14/10/2016 05:17:44 PM 386 Views
Can you elaborate - 14/10/2016 11:05:51 PM 501 Views
Here's another fascinating option for you. - 13/10/2016 10:33:51 PM 456 Views
I know I would have. - 12/10/2016 11:04:45 PM 373 Views
You really have no shame, do you? - 13/10/2016 06:03:51 AM 410 Views
I seer you are still just making it up as you go along. *NM* - 13/10/2016 11:59:21 AM 146 Views

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