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it wasn't a bone HyogaRott Send a noteboard - 10/03/2017 02:30:00 PM

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It is basically a hole in a bucket. As long as money is going in faster than it is leaking out it will work. The overall medical cost of people who could afford insurance but are not getting it then get something like cancer is a pretty small percentage of the over all medical cost in this country and it won't crash the system. The mandate was at bone they threw to the insurance companies to get them to sign on and was more about forcing young healthy people to subsidize older less healthy people than it was about pre-existing conditions.

With no pre-existing exclusions, a mandate to purchase is the only thing that stops everyone from waiting until they are in the back of an ambulance to get insurance. The provision is essentially there to keep the insurance companies from challenging the entire ACA in court (and winning) under restraint of trade and them not being subject to the interstate commerce clause as they have in the past. The most recent SCotUS precedent on the topic has insurance being State regulated.

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Obama care repeal and replace - 07/03/2017 12:33:18 AM 747 Views
The new House version looks fine..... - 07/03/2017 03:12:55 AM 499 Views
They do expand health saving accounts *NM* - 07/03/2017 11:27:50 AM 245 Views
The "accross state lines" buzz is a farce. Do YOU want a PCP that is 800 miles away? *NM* - 07/03/2017 09:18:57 PM 281 Views
That isn't what it means at all. - 08/03/2017 03:21:27 AM 496 Views
But physician networks are local - 09/03/2017 04:25:33 PM 492 Views
Of course they are. - 09/03/2017 04:52:31 PM 408 Views
And your insurance premium would be WAY higher than it currently is with a native MA company. - 10/03/2017 02:21:21 PM 437 Views
The risk can be spread across networks, as it is today. - 10/03/2017 02:33:38 PM 500 Views
It only looks that way from the outside. - 10/03/2017 04:24:25 PM 449 Views
One breakdown - 07/03/2017 10:25:12 AM 597 Views
My head is going to blow up from reading all this news - 07/03/2017 09:16:22 PM 632 Views
From the little I understand... - 07/03/2017 10:13:01 PM 515 Views
They can make it work and will just rasie rates - 08/03/2017 03:52:50 PM 457 Views
That's the point though, isn't it? - 08/03/2017 04:35:56 PM 474 Views
but it was the young that made it work and they are already opting out - 10/03/2017 02:56:50 PM 426 Views
it wasn't a bone - 10/03/2017 02:30:00 PM 531 Views
The problem withthat argument is it ignore human nature - 10/03/2017 03:18:06 PM 517 Views
I'm not ignoring it, I am illustrating it. - 10/03/2017 04:39:45 PM 450 Views
You know what I would propose? - 08/03/2017 03:06:27 PM 523 Views
decoupling health insurance from employment eliminates an existing subsidy - 08/03/2017 03:25:27 PM 457 Views
So what? - 08/03/2017 03:53:29 PM 470 Views
I wasn't raising it as a show-stopper, because obviously it isn't one. - 08/03/2017 04:17:47 PM 486 Views
As a self-employed individual, I have little sympathy for extending employer-based care - 09/03/2017 03:41:59 AM 456 Views
And it has caused the wage level to stagnate since then. - 10/03/2017 02:35:12 PM 482 Views
It is was of the many broken parts of our health care system - 10/03/2017 03:20:19 PM 469 Views
Looks good to me - 08/03/2017 03:58:48 PM 467 Views
This would solve a lot of the problems with cost and access. - 08/03/2017 04:11:15 PM 506 Views
Some serious problems - 09/03/2017 04:49:35 PM 513 Views
How do we elect you Tom? This is really good stuff. *NM* - 09/03/2017 05:25:56 PM 282 Views
As to healthcare itself, how are there no good options? - 14/03/2017 01:59:17 PM 469 Views
I'm glad you asked... - 14/03/2017 02:36:40 PM 475 Views

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