Active Users:438 Time:16/05/2024 05:26:57 PM
I'm not ignoring it, I am illustrating it. HyogaRott Send a noteboard - 10/03/2017 04:39:45 PM

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We already have people doing that and they decide it is cheaper to pay the tax penalty than it is to pay the insurance. The system is already absorbing that cost. The real hit will be losing expanded Medicaid.

Most people want insurance to take care of flues and when their kids poop looks weird not when accidentally OD on Tylenol and kill their liver.

Since the penalty is unenforceable (though the IRS is charged with collecting it they lack statutory authority to actually collect it except by withholding returns). Paying the "penalty" is actually optional which is why it was allowed to pass a Constitutional test.

Expanded Medicaid is already going away without any change to the law. The additional federal funding for the expansion was time limited (which is why many states rejected it). The states that expanded it are now looking at a serious budget problem. This is another major failure of the ACA as a concept because virtually the entire so-called 20 million (though that number is a lie as well) uninsured that are now covered is in Medicaid. By the way, the individual states essentially determine the eligibility for Medicaid so even without the ACA states don't have to retract coverage. All the ACA did was TEMPORARILY increase the matching federal funding beyond previous income levels. It was all smoke and mirrors.

One more salient point, the number of uninsured today is virtually unchanged from pre-ACA. The entire law was a complete and total failure by any real measurement.

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Obama care repeal and replace - 07/03/2017 12:33:18 AM 750 Views
The new House version looks fine..... - 07/03/2017 03:12:55 AM 503 Views
They do expand health saving accounts *NM* - 07/03/2017 11:27:50 AM 246 Views
The "accross state lines" buzz is a farce. Do YOU want a PCP that is 800 miles away? *NM* - 07/03/2017 09:18:57 PM 282 Views
That isn't what it means at all. - 08/03/2017 03:21:27 AM 501 Views
But physician networks are local - 09/03/2017 04:25:33 PM 496 Views
Of course they are. - 09/03/2017 04:52:31 PM 411 Views
And your insurance premium would be WAY higher than it currently is with a native MA company. - 10/03/2017 02:21:21 PM 441 Views
The risk can be spread across networks, as it is today. - 10/03/2017 02:33:38 PM 504 Views
It only looks that way from the outside. - 10/03/2017 04:24:25 PM 453 Views
One breakdown - 07/03/2017 10:25:12 AM 600 Views
My head is going to blow up from reading all this news - 07/03/2017 09:16:22 PM 637 Views
From the little I understand... - 07/03/2017 10:13:01 PM 518 Views
They can make it work and will just rasie rates - 08/03/2017 03:52:50 PM 461 Views
That's the point though, isn't it? - 08/03/2017 04:35:56 PM 479 Views
but it was the young that made it work and they are already opting out - 10/03/2017 02:56:50 PM 429 Views
it wasn't a bone - 10/03/2017 02:30:00 PM 535 Views
The problem withthat argument is it ignore human nature - 10/03/2017 03:18:06 PM 520 Views
I'm not ignoring it, I am illustrating it. - 10/03/2017 04:39:45 PM 455 Views
You know what I would propose? - 08/03/2017 03:06:27 PM 526 Views
decoupling health insurance from employment eliminates an existing subsidy - 08/03/2017 03:25:27 PM 460 Views
So what? - 08/03/2017 03:53:29 PM 473 Views
I wasn't raising it as a show-stopper, because obviously it isn't one. - 08/03/2017 04:17:47 PM 489 Views
As a self-employed individual, I have little sympathy for extending employer-based care - 09/03/2017 03:41:59 AM 461 Views
And it has caused the wage level to stagnate since then. - 10/03/2017 02:35:12 PM 486 Views
It is was of the many broken parts of our health care system - 10/03/2017 03:20:19 PM 474 Views
Looks good to me - 08/03/2017 03:58:48 PM 471 Views
This would solve a lot of the problems with cost and access. - 08/03/2017 04:11:15 PM 511 Views
Some serious problems - 09/03/2017 04:49:35 PM 516 Views
How do we elect you Tom? This is really good stuff. *NM* - 09/03/2017 05:25:56 PM 283 Views
As to healthcare itself, how are there no good options? - 14/03/2017 01:59:17 PM 472 Views
I'm glad you asked... - 14/03/2017 02:36:40 PM 480 Views

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