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Re: There's always organizations that have been doing good work for decades. Sidious Send a noteboard - 14/10/2009 07:23:54 AM

The other two candidates were Sarkozy and Tsvangirai. Sarkozy has seriously done nothing for peace, and Tsvangirai is a puppet for a still reigning tyrant.

There's no one who's contributed seriously to world peace in the past year, but of those three I'd also choose Obama.

I'd give out the Peace prize once every 5 or 10 years if I had a choice. From the trends, it seems that such exceptional human beings don't appear on an annual basis, and the award invariably cheapens due to poor availability of candidates.

So you can't tell me that there were no serious or deserving candidates - MSF, Red Cross, Amnesty International, Oxfam and many others are there even if nobody else is, and I'm sure there are many people who've been doing good work, even if it's in smaller countries that don't get much media attention. People have gotten the Nobel Prize in recent years for promoting the peace in Timor-Leste, in Guatemala, and other small countries; there's no reason why the committee has to pick someone famous or known worldwide.

I initially said they don't award groups, but I see they have in the past.

I have no problem with them awarding hardworking groups. The reaction, and the award, would remain as lukewarm as Obama's. No one's done anything groundbreaking. They're trying to find a great triumph of peace in a sea of mediocrity.
Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
This message last edited by Sidious on 14/10/2009 at 07:30:35 AM
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So, I was discussing Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize with a friend and... - 12/10/2009 05:01:38 PM 664 Views
I don't think so. He's trying to rationalise. *NM* - 12/10/2009 05:03:46 PM 141 Views
I think this was actually the Nobel Committee's rationale, wasn't it? - 12/10/2009 05:06:12 PM 381 Views
No. - 12/10/2009 06:26:47 PM 412 Views
Has some truth I think, yeah. *NM* - 12/10/2009 05:09:18 PM 146 Views
wait. Obama won the peace prize? *NM* - 12/10/2009 05:18:12 PM 143 Views
He got it for bombing the moon. *NM* - 12/10/2009 06:14:10 PM 158 Views
I heard it was hiding WMDs. *NM* - 12/10/2009 08:18:19 PM 152 Views
Well, it wouldn't allow the UN inspectors in so what would you think? *NM* - 12/10/2009 08:34:11 PM 162 Views
maybe? *NM* - 12/10/2009 05:20:38 PM 165 Views
I think your friend is right in part - 12/10/2009 05:32:19 PM 427 Views
From a CNN article: - 12/10/2009 05:57:22 PM 401 Views
Re: From a CNN article: - 12/10/2009 07:11:19 PM 385 Views
Mmmmnah - 12/10/2009 06:11:15 PM 435 Views
And that my second reaction *NM* - 12/10/2009 09:01:45 PM 153 Views
His was actually my first reaction too *NM* - 12/10/2009 08:15:20 PM 159 Views
No one currently fighting two wars should win. Ever. *NM* - 12/10/2009 08:17:47 PM 161 Views
I can't really agree - 12/10/2009 09:04:54 PM 386 Views
No, I don't buy it. *NM* - 13/10/2009 02:51:54 AM 130 Views
Obama was probably the best available choice - 13/10/2009 05:26:26 AM 411 Views
and you would give it to Obama for? *NM* - 13/10/2009 03:58:22 PM 138 Views
Do you have a source for that? - 13/10/2009 04:03:47 PM 360 Views
Re: Do you have a source for that? - 14/10/2009 07:25:14 AM 479 Views
Ah. I thought you had info on the short list. - 14/10/2009 02:53:53 PM 365 Views
There's always organizations that have been doing good work for decades. - 13/10/2009 04:21:55 PM 363 Views
Re: There's always organizations that have been doing good work for decades. - 14/10/2009 07:23:54 AM 380 Views
He promises change.... - 14/10/2009 05:51:07 AM 443 Views

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